Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

You are drinking early, ding. You don't care about black mothers or black babies, you racist piece of uber conservative crap. You would have been a perfect fit for the Democratic Party of fifty years now. Now we have to put up with your crap in our GOP.
Of course I do, Jake. You are the one who won't say it with me, brother. C'mon, Jake, say it with me, brother.




Especially the lives of black babies.
As long as you and people like you continue to dehumanize babies in the womb, abortion will continue.

'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty
Impossible to dehumanize fetuses in the womb, because they are not "babies" until the second trimester if that. No one can prove that "babyhood" begins at inceptions, no one. One can believe that, but that gives no one the right to impose his beliefs on her choice. That rests with her and her doctor.
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.

Islam is a glorified cult, far larger and more insidious than the lesser ones like the "Peoples Temple". Islam is like that, but 10x worse. Please. Kill die kill die. stone burn destroy....a constant for religion, that's a tell, a major indicator. I urge anyone that takes Islam seriously, get help. It's out there. Reality is just a shout out.
Impossible to dehumanize fetuses in the womb, because they are not "babies" until the second trimester if that. No one can prove that "babyhood" begins at inceptions, no one. One can believe that, but that gives no one the right to impose his beliefs on her choice. That rests with her and her doctor.
Thank you for proving my point.
I am a fan of Geo. Carlin. His take downs of religion in particular. What would Carlin say about Islam? Yeah, You like innocent virgins and strap on's? And you love a invisible imaginary sky being that much? Add to that, if you dare. What would Carlin DO?
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An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.

Islam is a glorified cult, far larger and more insidious than the lesser ones like the "Peoples Temple". Islam is like that, but 10x worse. Please. Kill die kill die. stone burn destroy....a constant for religion, that's a tell, a major indicator. I urge anyone that takes Islam seriously, get help. It's out there. Reality is just a shout out.
I see the spirit of Jesus in all things. The 'spirit of the destroyer' has been allowed to roam the earth for a season and a time but even that does not last as people turn to seek truth and peace. I came across an article that was just released in Arabic. I'll put it here when I finish putting other historical information that should be listed with it.
An Islamic apologist justifying Mashal's murder posted a few hours ago.

Islam is a glorified cult, far larger and more insidious than the lesser ones like the "Peoples Temple". Islam is like that, but 10x worse. Please. Kill die kill die. stone burn destroy....a constant for religion, that's a tell, a major indicator. I urge anyone that takes Islam seriously, get help. It's out there. Reality is just a shout out.
I see the spirit of Jesus in all things. The 'spirit of the destroyer' has been allowed to roam the earth for a season and a time but even that does not last as people turn to seek truth and peace. I came across an article that was just released in Arabic. I'll put it here when I finish putting other historical information that should be listed with it.
I want everyone to be nice to each other. Thanks for sharing that. Muslims want that too, they just want to kill anyone that dosen't follow THEIR particular little tiny insignificant religion, it seems like a major issue to me. But hey, that's just me.
Impossible to dehumanize fetuses in the womb, because they are not "babies" until the second trimester if that. No one can prove that "babyhood" begins at inceptions, no one. One can believe that, but that gives no one the right to impose his beliefs on her choice. That rests with her and her doctor.
Thank you for proving my point.
Your point is that you have no point, except you oppose all abortion.
Impossible to dehumanize fetuses in the womb, because they are not "babies" until the second trimester if that. No one can prove that "babyhood" begins at inceptions, no one. One can believe that, but that gives no one the right to impose his beliefs on her choice. That rests with her and her doctor.
Thank you for proving my point.
Your point is that you have no point, except you oppose all abortion.
You are skipping steps. Before we can get to that discussion, first we must determine that abortion does indeed end the life of a specific, genetically distinct, new human being.
I think you mean Democrats did that.
Glad I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.
Many Democrats and Whigs (the latter were pre-cursors of Republicans) did that. Almost all conservatives approved of that.
I see that you are a fan of historical revisionism, Jake. The Republican Party was formed to end slavery.
You are incorrect as usual. My comments above on NYC stand firmly in the center of CW history, so your first comment is nonsense. Your second comment is more appropriately cast as the Republican Party is the party of white laboring man, which means of course that the GOP opposed to slavery in order to serve its primary interest.
Given that you still believe that some human life is property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, your argument rings hollow. Your party has always seen some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner while the Republican Party has always viewed that all men are endowed with inalienable rights. One of which is the right to live.

Do you really need for me to post the historical evidence?
Never said that I thought abortion was a great thing.
Sounds like parts of Mississippi in the old days, and some of the killers used the Bible to defend their actions.

Correct. The South used Jesus' acceptance of slavery in the Bible (and in 2000 years Jesus has never spoken out against slavery, despite many many pro-slavery statements being in the texts, so he accepts slavery) to justify slavery - taking the US to it's bloodiest war (in terms of actual American deaths) in US history.
I think you mean Democrats did that.
Glad I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.
Many Democrats and Whigs (the latter were pre-cursors of Republicans) did that. Almost all conservatives approved of that.
I see that you are a fan of historical revisionism, Jake. The Republican Party was formed to end slavery.
If Jesus was a Scientific Humanist then that wouldn't have been needed, as Jesus would have found the moral courage to simply say "end slavery w/in the next 30 years". I love people so much that I myself would have said that - would you have said that ding? I believe you are a good enough person, a caring enough person, to have taken 15 seconds out of your entire life (if you were in Jesus' shoes), to say that. I believe in you. Would you have said that? If so, you are on your way to being a Scientific Humanist.

Have a great weekend.
Glad I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.
Many Democrats and Whigs (the latter were pre-cursors of Republicans) did that. Almost all conservatives approved of that.
I see that you are a fan of historical revisionism, Jake. The Republican Party was formed to end slavery.
You are incorrect as usual. My comments above on NYC stand firmly in the center of CW history, so your first comment is nonsense. Your second comment is more appropriately cast as the Republican Party is the party of white laboring man, which means of course that the GOP opposed to slavery in order to serve its primary interest.
Given that you still believe that some human life is property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, your argument rings hollow. Your party has always seen some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner while the Republican Party has always viewed that all men are endowed with inalienable rights. One of which is the right to live.Do you really need for me to post the historical evidence?
Never said that I thought abortion was a great thing.
The GOP does not believe in absolutely no abortion.
Correct. The South used Jesus' acceptance of slavery in the Bible (and in 2000 years Jesus has never spoken out against slavery, despite many many pro-slavery statements being in the texts, so he accepts slavery) to justify slavery - taking the US to it's bloodiest war (in terms of actual American deaths) in US history.
I think you mean Democrats did that.
Glad I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.
Many Democrats and Whigs (the latter were pre-cursors of Republicans) did that. Almost all conservatives approved of that.
I see that you are a fan of historical revisionism, Jake. The Republican Party was formed to end slavery.
You are incorrect as usual. My comments above on NYC stand firmly in the center of CW history, so your first comment is nonsense. Your second comment is more appropriately cast as the Republican Party is the party of white laboring man, which means of course that the GOP opposed to slavery in order to serve its primary interest.
Those who oppose slavery are incredible people - I really love them. They've found love like Scientific Humanists! We believe that "in the end, love always wins!"

They've moved beyond someone even as great as Jesus/Mohammad/Moses, as Jesus/Mohammad/Moses never said to end slavery, and accepted slavery. In the following parable, Jesus clearly approves of beating slaves even if they didn’t know they were doing anything wrong:
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

The time has come to move to an even higher ethical level.

This day is getting better and better.
Many Democrats and Whigs (the latter were pre-cursors of Republicans) did that. Almost all conservatives approved of that.
I see that you are a fan of historical revisionism, Jake. The Republican Party was formed to end slavery.
You are incorrect as usual. My comments above on NYC stand firmly in the center of CW history, so your first comment is nonsense. Your second comment is more appropriately cast as the Republican Party is the party of white laboring man, which means of course that the GOP opposed to slavery in order to serve its primary interest.
Given that you still believe that some human life is property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, your argument rings hollow. Your party has always seen some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner while the Republican Party has always viewed that all men are endowed with inalienable rights. One of which is the right to live.Do you really need for me to post the historical evidence?
Never said that I thought abortion was a great thing.
The GOP does not believe in absolutely no abortion.
Anti-abortion people can't prove that the "soul" exists - so an 8-cell zygote is not the same as an 8.5 month old fetus that could survive on it's own. The "soul" was just invented so that religions would have something of your to TORTURE after you die, to get you to convert, since obviously your dead body is just going to sit there (going nowhere) they had to invent a magic part of you that magically "survives" your death. Scientific Humanists will believe in this magic "soul" when a court-room level of scientific evidence is produced - if their particular unique god cared about humanity then he'd of course snap his all-powerful fingers and produce said evidence.
And theists smile at scientific humanist, pat them on the head, and wish them well.
And theists smile at scientific humanist, pat them on the head, and wish them well.
Please show specifically how you think that theists are better for the world than Scientific Humanists are, my friend. We believe that SH is what's best for the world, and also the most ethical, and most scientifically-correct overall belief system.

And theists smile at scientific humanist, pat them on the head, and wish them well.
Is that because they can't engage Scientific Humanists in logical, reasoned, scientifically-correct debate?
Inquiring minds want to know. :eusa_drool:
Be specific? You are not a person who can call another to produce what you can't, The proof systems of faith and science are different. Joy4Uall. I wish you well.
And theists smile at scientific humanist, pat them on the head, and wish them well.
If you were in Jesus' shoes, would you, like Scientific Humanists, have found the moral courage to simply take 15 seconds out of your life to say "write this down: end slavery w/in the next 30 years"? Scientific Humanists would, Jake, because we believe in doing what's best for the world. What about you?
Watch and decide for yourself
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!


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