Religious freedom bill filed in Georgia!

Not so sure Jesus would condone 2 percent controlling over 98 percent of the wealth either.
Lawmaker introduces bill that will renew religious liberty debate in Georgia

I have been waiting for this to happen! We actually have a governor with a spine who will sign this as well,2 years ago that POS Deal wouldn't sign it.
Religious freedom for which religions?
Only an intolerant Socialist Democrats would have to ask that...

Too pussy to answer, huh? That’s fine. Everybody knows the answer.
Keep it up, snowflake. You're just proving my point with every ignorant, hate-filled intolerant insult and attack.

Oh dear...are you being persecuted?

The fact that Christians in this country whine about being persecuted is one of the more pathetic things happening.

Even Jesus is laughing His ass off that they think this is being persecuted
Meant to counter the Leftist religious 'purge' going on....
Yeah like a ban on Muslims...:auiqs.jpg:
Why do liberals have to lie?

There was never a ban called for against Muslims. There was a call for a delay of people / Muslims coming from terrorist hotspots known for hating America, delaying ling enough for a thorough background check to be done.

Barry was kind enough to demonstrate why one was needed - the terrorist he allowed into the US without a thorough background check killed 7 Americans in California.
Meant to counter the Leftist religious 'purge' going on....
Yeah like a ban on Muslims...:auiqs.jpg:
Why do liberals have to lie?

There was never a ban called for against Muslims. There was a call for a delay of people / Muslims coming from terrorist hotspots known for hating America, delaying ling enough for a thorough background check to be done.

Barry was kind enough to demonstrate why one was needed - the terrorist he allowed into the US without a thorough background check killed 7 Americans in California.
Yes there was and it was during the last three presidents.
Religious freedom for which religions?
Only an intolerant Socialist Democrats would have to ask that...

Too pussy to answer, huh? That’s fine. Everybody knows the answer.
Keep it up, snowflake. You're just proving my point with every ignorant, hate-filled intolerant insult and attack.

Oh dear...are you being persecuted?

The fact that Christians in this country whine about being persecuted is one of the more pathetic things happening.

Even Jesus is laughing His ass off that they think this is being persecuted

You don't know a thing about Christianity kid.
Don't believe that was my point but now that you mention it. Is it legal to fire someone for being gay in Georgia?

This is what I never understood. Why do people want to work for or do business with someone who hates them because of circumstances of birth?

I had a boss who hated me simply because I wouldn't fix all his friends' mistakes. I quit because I couldn't stand the tension.
As a lifelong Christian...not buying it. Too many Christian's have adjusted the Bible to fit their narrative.
Lawmaker introduces bill that will renew religious liberty debate in Georgia

I have been waiting for this to happen! We actually have a governor with a spine who will sign this as well,2 years ago that POS Deal wouldn't sign it.

They can start by paying taxes.

Yep, let them deduct charitable contributions from their taxes like the rest of us.

NO Church should be a 501C3. That gives the Gov power over what they can say.
Only an intolerant Socialist Democrats would have to ask that...

Too pussy to answer, huh? That’s fine. Everybody knows the answer.
Keep it up, snowflake. You're just proving my point with every ignorant, hate-filled intolerant insult and attack.

Oh dear...are you being persecuted?

The fact that Christians in this country whine about being persecuted is one of the more pathetic things happening.

Even Jesus is laughing His ass off that they think this is being persecuted

You don't know a thing about Christianity kid.

hey sweet cheeks, how have you been?
and you should know that the bible tells you to rejoice that it is happening to you...or did you skip that part?

Was that your way of telling Christians they should be happy about the Left's religious persecution?

Really? :p

No, it was my way of highlighting you have never actually read the bible.
well you failed. You just exposed your own hypocrisy and lies, snowflake. You sought to justify the Left-s religious intolerance.
Don't believe that was my point but now that you mention it. Is it legal to fire someone for being gay in Georgia?

This is what I never understood. Why do people want to work for or do business with someone who hates them because of circumstances of birth?

I had a boss who hated me simply because I wouldn't fix all his friends' mistakes. I quit because I couldn't stand the tension.

Equal protection under the law doesn't mean "you can just work somewhere else, reduce your opportunities". Sounds like freedumb to me.
Too pussy to answer, huh? That’s fine. Everybody knows the answer.
Keep it up, snowflake. You're just proving my point with every ignorant, hate-filled intolerant insult and attack.

Oh dear...are you being persecuted?

The fact that Christians in this country whine about being persecuted is one of the more pathetic things happening.

Even Jesus is laughing His ass off that they think this is being persecuted

You don't know a thing about Christianity kid.

hey sweet cheeks, how have you been?

I'm good kid, you? Do I still need to be rescued from you?
You don't know anything about Christianity ;) Keep typing, I'll prove it.
and you should know that the bible tells you to rejoice that it is happening to you...or did you skip that part?

Was that your way of telling Christians they should be happy about the Left's religious persecution?

Really? :p

No, it was my way of highlighting you have never actually read the bible.
well you failed. You just exposed your own hypocrisy and lies, snowflake. You sought to justify the Left-s religious intolerance.

You still do not know that is from the bible! Do you own a bible? Have you ever even seen a bible let alone read one?

Holy fuck you are stupid.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

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