religious freedom or a way to turn back time for women


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
But opponents say otherwise. While Bolger insists the bill is meant to protect, say, the Muslim butcher who wants to prepare food in line with halal practices, or the Jewish mother who doesn’t want an autopsy performed on her son, civil liberties advocates warn it could be used as a defense for the landlord who wants to evict a gay tenant, or the pharmacist who doesn’t want to provide birth control, all because of sincerely held religious beliefs.

In some of the ugliest scenarios, critics say the measure could allow Catholic-owned hospitals to refuse admittance to people who need a procedure that violates the institution’s religious directives, such as a pre-viability pregnancy termination in the case of a miscarriage. In another instance, opponents foresee the bill being cited as a legal defense in domestic violence cases.

“In many religions, it’s OK for a man to beat his wife,” Brooke Tucker, staff attorney at the ACLU of Michigan, told msnbc. “Based on language in this bill, all he has to say is my religion allows me to do this.”

full article:

Religious freedom measure moves forward in Michigan MSNBC
“Michigan’s Republican-controlled House of Representatives has passed a controversial religious freedom bill, teeing up what civil liberties advocates fear will be another wave of GOP-backed legislation that could cripple LGBT rights.”

That republicans would seek to jeopardize the rights of any class of Americans is further confirmation of the reactionary right's unwarranted fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Such laws are ridiculous and unnecessary, as no one is being 'denied' religious freedom.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?

Certainly anyone who sends his free time running fantasies like that through his mind is a sick, cowardly degenerate.

btw. Do you understand the difference between the words 'gay' and 'paedophile'? From your posts it seems that you don't.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
Certainly anyone who sends his free time running fantasies like that through his mind is a sick, cowardly degenerate.
btw. Do you understand the difference between the words 'gay' and 'paedophile'? From your posts it seems that you don't.

They're synonyms.
But opponents say otherwise. While Bolger insists the bill is meant to protect, say, the Muslim butcher who wants to prepare food in line with halal practices, or the Jewish mother who doesn’t want an autopsy performed on her son, civil liberties advocates warn it could be used as a defense for the landlord who wants to evict a gay tenant, or the pharmacist who doesn’t want to provide birth control, all because of sincerely held religious beliefs.

In some of the ugliest scenarios, critics say the measure could allow Catholic-owned hospitals to refuse admittance to people who need a procedure that violates the institution’s religious directives, such as a pre-viability pregnancy termination in the case of a miscarriage. In another instance, opponents foresee the bill being cited as a legal defense in domestic violence cases.

“In many religions, it’s OK for a man to beat his wife,” Brooke Tucker, staff attorney at the ACLU of Michigan, told msnbc. “Based on language in this bill, all he has to say is my religion allows me to do this.”

full article:

Religious freedom measure moves forward in Michigan MSNBC
I haven’t the energy to think this whole thing through at the present.

However, if a result of the left’s concerns is it could some day allow a kind of Sharia law to creep into our society then I would be on board with their concerns. But as far as Hobby Lobby’s contentions being extreme (as the article said as much), well that may be because we have a difference in beliefs.

Some of us (catholic in my case) are more concerned with what God has told us than what our government is trying to do. For example: if we see abortion as an egregious sin against our souls and this nation as well, sorry if that takes precedence over your way of measuring rights and wrongs involved. So we vehemently use the freedoms we are all granted to rail against it.
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But opponents say otherwise. While Bolger insists the bill is meant to protect, say, the Muslim butcher who wants to prepare food in line with halal practices, or the Jewish mother who doesn’t want an autopsy performed on her son, civil liberties advocates warn it could be used as a defense for the landlord who wants to evict a gay tenant, or the pharmacist who doesn’t want to provide birth control, all because of sincerely held religious beliefs.

In some of the ugliest scenarios, critics say the measure could allow Catholic-owned hospitals to refuse admittance to people who need a procedure that violates the institution’s religious directives, such as a pre-viability pregnancy termination in the case of a miscarriage. In another instance, opponents foresee the bill being cited as a legal defense in domestic violence cases.

“In many religions, it’s OK for a man to beat his wife,” Brooke Tucker, staff attorney at the ACLU of Michigan, told msnbc. “Based on language in this bill, all he has to say is my religion allows me to do this.”

full article:

Religious freedom measure moves forward in Michigan MSNBC
Just the Good Christians at work as usual, keeping the women barefoot and pregnant while pissing on the faggots on making their lives as difficult as possible. That's life in America, a nation of bigoted fools living under rocks, with big screen TVs of course.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
The sick one here is very clearly you.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
The sick one here is very clearly you.

Really? I think several posters here have saved your smarmy screeds regarding homosexual pedophilia...asshole.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
The sick one here is very clearly you.

Really? I think several posters here have saved your smarmy screeds regarding homosexual pedophilia...asshole.
You mean the ones where you guys try to call a nearly full grown gay prostitute, drug addict, and street hustler a "little boy"? Bring it.

And don't forget the ones where a gay guy fucking said person is worthy of death but Elvis bedding a 14-year-old is no problem because he wasn't a faggot.

After that you can fill us all in on why it was okay for your hero Ted pants-shitting Nugent to get sucked off by a 12-year-old. Can't wait.
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And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
Certainly anyone who sends his free time running fantasies like that through his mind is a sick, cowardly degenerate.
btw. Do you understand the difference between the words 'gay' and 'paedophile'? From your posts it seems that you don't.

They're synonyms.

Only in the porno you've been watching.

In the real world there is no connection between being gay and being a paedophile.
And then the same people bitching and carping about religious freedom (the very tenet on which the United States was founded), advocate in full the placing of defenseless children in the hands of predatory queers who want them for no other reason that to rape them. You're really a bunch of sick, cowardly degenerates, you know that?
Certainly anyone who sends his free time running fantasies like that through his mind is a sick, cowardly degenerate.
btw. Do you understand the difference between the words 'gay' and 'paedophile'? From your posts it seems that you don't.

They're synonyms.

Only to the stupid, the mentally ill, and the dishonest.

So, which one are you?
In the real world there is no connection between being gay and being a paedophile.

The Catholic Church would seen to contradict your babble, mamasan.

Firstly - you might want to check the meaing of the word 'babble'.

Secondly, the presence of a large number of paedophiles in the Catholic Church has nothing to do with being gay, or with gay people.

You might as well claim that being straight and being athiest are directly related. They aren't - some people are neither, some are one of the two, and some are both. That is not a causative relationship.
In the real world there is no connection between being gay and being a paedophile.

The Catholic Church would seen to contradict your babble, mamasan.

Firstly - you might want to check the meaing of the word 'babble'.

Secondly, the presence of a large number of paedophiles in the Catholic Church has nothing to do with being gay, or with gay people.

You might as well claim that being straight and being athiest are directly related. They aren't - some people are neither, some are one of the two, and some are both. That is not a causative relationship.

So this would explain absolute silence from the queer front when the Pope issued his edict kicking all queers from the ranks of the priesthood, further banning them forever from seminaries? He did that because there was no overwhelming connection between homosexuals and pedophilia? Tell that to the 6000 kids who were raped by these fucking degenerates in the US & Canada. Tell it to their parents. And what of the American Psychological Association, a body largely peopled by queers, who tried to change the definition of homosexual pedophilia to an "orientation?" What do you suppose was behind that?
But opponents say otherwise. While Bolger insists the bill is meant to protect, say, the Muslim butcher who wants to prepare food in line with halal practices, or the Jewish mother who doesn’t want an autopsy performed on her son, civil liberties advocates warn it could be used as a defense for the landlord who wants to evict a gay tenant, or the pharmacist who doesn’t want to provide birth control, all because of sincerely held religious beliefs.

In some of the ugliest scenarios, critics say the measure could allow Catholic-owned hospitals to refuse admittance to people who need a procedure that violates the institution’s religious directives, such as a pre-viability pregnancy termination in the case of a miscarriage. In another instance, opponents foresee the bill being cited as a legal defense in domestic violence cases.

“In many religions, it’s OK for a man to beat his wife,” Brooke Tucker, staff attorney at the ACLU of Michigan, told msnbc. “Based on language in this bill, all he has to say is my religion allows me to do this.”

full article:

Religious freedom measure moves forward in Michigan MSNBC

*sigh* I wish more Christians would understand how complex the issue is of the "right to refuse service". And I wish desperately that those of no faith whatsoever could wrap their brains around the complexity of the issue as well.

Great examples cited. This will become the high wire tight rope act for the judicial system.

To attempt to decide whose religious freedom imposes religious persecution on another will not be an easy task.
So this would explain absolute silence from the queer front when the Pope issued his edict kicking all queers from the ranks of the priesthood, further banning them forever from seminaries? He did that because there was no overwhelming connection between homosexuals and pedophilia? Tell that to the 6000 kids who were raped by these fucking degenerates in the US & Canada. Tell it to their parents. And what of the American Psychological Association, a body largely peopled by queers, who tried to change the definition of homosexual pedophilia to an "orientation?" What do you suppose was behind that?

Would you mind backing up the claim about the Pope 'kicking all the queers from the ranks of the priesthood'?

I don't remember a time when gays were accepted as priests, myself.

And no - still no connection between being gay and paedophilia. Paedophiles can be straight, gay or anything else, I imagine.
So this would explain absolute silence from the queer front when the Pope issued his edict kicking all queers from the ranks of the priesthood, further banning them forever from seminaries? He did that because there was no overwhelming connection between homosexuals and pedophilia? Tell that to the 6000 kids who were raped by these fucking degenerates in the US & Canada. Tell it to their parents. And what of the American Psychological Association, a body largely peopled by queers, who tried to change the definition of homosexual pedophilia to an "orientation?" What do you suppose was behind that?

Would you mind backing up the claim about the Pope 'kicking all the queers from the ranks of the priesthood'?

I don't remember a time when gays were accepted as priests, myself.

And no - still no connection between being gay and paedophilia. Paedophiles can be straight, gay or anything else, I imagine.

You really are a dumb little sap, aren't you?
A lot of lies being told about the Catholic Church, but that's what Leftists do. The Catholic Church doesn't oppose terminating a pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother as the demonic Left is claiming on this thread. And homosexuals are no longer allowed to apply for priesthood in the wake of the sex abuse scandals and the finding that most of the abusing priests were in fact homosexual, contrary to the Left's hilarious claim that heterosexuals can abuse children, but homosexuals cannot. Why do Leftists lie? Because as Jesus said, they are of their father the devil, who is the father of all lies.

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