Religious Leaders Are Finally Recognizing Trump As A False Idol

I suppose the religious leaders who finally see Trump for what he is have been inducted into the Deep State now and they are all liberals.

President Trump is the single biggest reason Roe v Wade was overturned. If you are a real pro-lifer you’d be thanking him.

But oddly enough, all you do is attack him.
"Since when have liberals believed in religion?"

Hooo, man! That's priceless.


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

One of the most baffling things about the Trump phenomenon to me has been the blindness of evangelicals to Trump's unrepentant evil. Adultery. False witness. Theft. Pussy grabbing. A man who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness at his gambling houses and contests of the flesh.

Some of them are finally starting to wake up.

One of Trump biggest boosters was James Robison. In 2016, Robison called Trump "a supernatural answer to prayer". James Robison: 'Trump is a Supernatural Answer to Prayer'

Trump and Robison spoke frequently. Sometimes two or three times a day.

“Everything you wanted him to hear — every single thing you ever prayed for him to hear — came through these lips right straight into his face,” Robison told the crowd Wednesday, his voice growing lower and louder. “And with the same force you’ve heard me talking to you, I spoke it to him.”

By now, Robison was shouting, practically spitting his words out as he recalled what he said he told Trump.
“ ‘Sir, you act like a little elementary schoolchild and you shoot yourself in the foot every morning you get up and open your mouth! The more you keep your mouth closed, the more successful you’re gonna be!’ ” Robison said.

The crowd remained still. Some lawmakers in the ballroom exchanged glances, appearing unsure of how to respond. Robison joked that those in the audience must be thinking that approach didn’t work very well. A few people chuckled awkwardly.

Robison continued: “It’s time for us to get together and pray and stop trying to destroy each other, and I make that loud and clearly heard to Mr. Trump! We’ve got to quit amputating each other, slicing each other, and come together in supernatural unity that Jesus Christ prayed for!”

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says

Most of our Presidents have had moral faults and have “sinned.” They may claim to be religious but to me their actions often make that claim questionable. Note I am not trying to judge but merely to observe.

In my opinion it is hard for a truly religious person to be a politician, let alone a President.

Jimmy Carter seemed to me to be the most religious President in my lifetime but he was terrible at the job. I hold a lot of admiration for him today and consider him a good man.
From the OP link:

“All of us knew that Trump had character flaws, but we considered our relationship with him transactional,” wrote Evans, a Texas author and Christian Zionist who raises money for outreach and support in Israel. “We wanted Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. We wanted his support of our biblical values. We all wanted his support for the State of Israel. Donald Trump indeed kept and exceeded his promises to us.”

However, Evans said Trump had done damage by turning “the pulpit that we preach from” into a political platform.
Except no other Republican would had beaten Hillary.
Which confirms the point I have been making for years. The Republican Party has thrown every last principle out the window in exchange for power.

They became as craven as the Clintons.

The party is dead. Dead, dead, dead.

Mike Pence and the evangelicals exemplify this. They hitched their evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse, forgetting the Bible's warning, "For what shall it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

What the GOP does not realize is that by allowing themselves to be held hostage to the bigots, retards, psychopaths, hypocrites and liars like you, they have driven away actual conservatives with actual values like me.

I have no hope whatsoever they learned their lesson from the midterms. In fact, I have every confidence they will double down on the sadism and cruelty.
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However, Evans said Trump had done damage by turning “the pulpit that we preach from” into a political platform.


This is something I have also been trying to get through the heads of the Trumptards for many years.

The reason we have separation of church and state is not that we are trying to avoid poisoning the state with religion. it is intended to prevent religion from being infected by politics.

As Alexis de Tocqueville warned us almost 200 years ago:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.
This all falls on ignorant ears and willfully blind eyes.

I am very grateful some religious leaders are finally waking up.
His hair.
Actually, Trump's hair is real.

When the top of his pate went bald, he had scalp surgery which pulled all the hair from around the edges up to the top of his skull. He then grows that little patch of hair really long and then swirls it around his head.

This is why he conned all his true bleevers into wearing the red hats. Trump is terrified to go anywhere that his hair might get blown around or mussed, so he has always worn a red hat. If you look at old photos of him golfing, he's always in a hat.

So in order to not make himself look weird at public events, he convinced the rubes to wear one, too.

The man is a modern day P.T. Barnum.
What really cracks me up is some liberal trying to claim that Trump has the mark of the beast.
Since when have liberals believed in religion?

Ah yes, the old lie that liberals aren't Christians. That's been debunked hundreds of times too.

You need new material. Your current lies and half truths have been proven false so many times, you lk like a complete idiot repeating them yet again.
Actually, Trump's hair is real.

When the top of his pate went bald, he had scalp surgery which pulled all the hair from around the edges up to the top of his skull. He then grows that little patch of hair really long and then swirls it around his head.

This is why he conned all his true bleevers into wearing the red hats. Trump is terrified to go anywhere that his hair might get blown around or mussed, so he has always worn a red hat. If you look at old photos of him golfing, he's always in a hat.

So in order to not make himself look weird at public events, he convinced the rubes to wear one, too.

The man is a modern day P.T. Barnum.
So doesn’t like this.


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