Religious removal of body parts

If you're unsure about the reasons for circumcision ... don't have one.
I'm unsure why it's okay to take a knife to the genitals of a male but not a female? They both still make babies after that so it can't be about function. Just religion at work.

Female genital mutilation has nothing to do with religion, any religion. Where did you get the idea that FGM was religious? It is cultural to remove the possibility of any female pleasure and prevent females from straying from their husbands. Male circumcision does not reduce male pleasure. They can certainly achieve satisfactory orgasm where as a circumcized female will never achieve orgasm.

Katie are you 10, 15? Do you not have any reasonable education other than nonsense platitudes.
Both are done purely for religious reasons, by tradition. Tell me how is one different than the other? Oh, right, one you accept and one you do not.
No. You are just wrong.
So, tell us how they are different? Male, okay to cut genitals. Female, not okay? Do tell.

so what's your problem with the people who circumcize their boys, nutter butter?
There's no fallacy there. Cutting part boy = good. Cutting part girl = bad. That is the fallacy.

Again, you are simply stupid. There is zero equivalency. One is about the same as cutting toenails, the other is like cutting your tongue out.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?
I'm unsure why it's okay to take a knife to the genitals of a male but not a female? They both still make babies after that so it can't be about function. Just religion at work.

Female genital mutilation has nothing to do with religion, any religion. Where did you get the idea that FGM was religious? It is cultural to remove the possibility of any female pleasure and prevent females from straying from their husbands. Male circumcision does not reduce male pleasure. They can certainly achieve satisfactory orgasm where as a circumcized female will never achieve orgasm.

Katie are you 10, 15? Do you not have any reasonable education other than nonsense platitudes.
Both are done purely for religious reasons, by tradition. Tell me how is one different than the other? Oh, right, one you accept and one you do not.
No. You are just wrong.
So, tell us how they are different? Male, okay to cut genitals. Female, not okay? Do tell.

so what's your problem with the people who circumcize their boys, nutter butter?
What's your problem with people who cut the genitals of a girl? Same difference.

My position, God didn't make a mistake. No cutting.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

If you're unsure about the reasons for circumcision ... don't have one.

Second that! :biggrin:
There's no fallacy there. Cutting part boy = good. Cutting part girl = bad. That is the fallacy.

Again, you are simply stupid. There is zero equivalency. One is about the same as cutting toenails, the other is like cutting your tongue out.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting not cutting off. Learn to read.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

If you're unsure about the reasons for circumcision ... don't have one.

Second that! :biggrin:
And extra stupid bitch is here. Yeah!
penile cancer is unheard of in cut men
Guess God made a mistake then? The Muslims seem to think so.

Which "god?"

Don't you Stalinists actually worship Gaia? Don't you teach that the planet is sentient?

Here is what the idiot priests of your moronic party did;

Cray recently delivered the final 26 cabinets of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Gaea climate research supercomputer, which is housed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The newly arrived cabinets are loaded with the new AMD 16-core Interlagos processors. According to Jeff Nichols, an associate lab director at ORNL who heads the computational science directorate, the Gaea system is still in two pieces. The first piece is the original 14-cabinet system with a peak capability of 260 teraflops, Nichols said. The second piece is the new 26-cabinet system with a capability of 720 teraflops, he said.

After the first piece is upgraded in the spring and the two pieces are integrated into one system, Gaea will become a 1.1 petaflops supercomputer, ORNL’s computing chief (who returned from a visit to China last week, where he spoke at a conference) said.}

Friday Funny – New NOAA supercomputer “Gaea” revealed
Jews and Muslims have one God. Most Christians, but not all, have three.

Of course they do Sparky, which is why Muzzie Beasts are so fond of cutting the heads off of Jews and Christians... :eusa_whistle:

The illiterate prophet Muhammad (may he burn in hell) use enslave Jews to write his Koran. It is of little surprise that some Jewish concepts made it in. But the "god" of Islam is modeled on the Mesopotamian Illallah, as acknowledged in the Koran.

The muslims don't practice circumcision because of Mohammed. Circumcision in islam is from Abraham. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all Abrahamic religions. Circumcision was Abraham's covenant with God. Although Christians don't all circumcize. The ones who follow modern medical practice and cleanliness procedures do.

No religion requires female circumcision.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.

If you're unsure about the reasons for circumcision ... don't have one.

Second that! :biggrin:

And extra stupid bitch is here. Yeah!

:laugh::laugh: :biggrin:

why are you concerning yourself with something you're clueless about?
Clueless? Not in the slightest. Can you tell us why cutting parts from a boy is different than cutting parts from a girl, both done for purely religious reasons?

I am not going to educate you on the differences. or do you know anyone circumcized who can't have sex because of excruciating pain? women are not "circumcized" they are mutilated.

but thanks for comparing the two.

as I said, you're clueless.
Okay, I take perfectly normal boy parts and I cut them off. Now I take perfectly normal girl parts, and I cut them off. Explain the difference?

you need to stop mischaracterizing the foreskin as a "body part". and your repetition of that phrase does not make you sound any less ignorant.
It has a name, would you prefer we said you cut off part of the penis? That's not likely to strengthen your argument. Same as cutting off part of the labia.

Female circumcision cuts off the labia AND clitoris. If the clitoris isn't removed, there's not much point to female circumcision.
penile cancer is unheard of in cut men
Guess God made a mistake then? The Muslims seem to think so.

Which "god?"

Don't you Stalinists actually worship Gaia? Don't you teach that the planet is sentient?

Here is what the idiot priests of your moronic party did;

Cray recently delivered the final 26 cabinets of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Gaea climate research supercomputer, which is housed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The newly arrived cabinets are loaded with the new AMD 16-core Interlagos processors. According to Jeff Nichols, an associate lab director at ORNL who heads the computational science directorate, the Gaea system is still in two pieces. The first piece is the original 14-cabinet system with a peak capability of 260 teraflops, Nichols said. The second piece is the new 26-cabinet system with a capability of 720 teraflops, he said.

After the first piece is upgraded in the spring and the two pieces are integrated into one system, Gaea will become a 1.1 petaflops supercomputer, ORNL’s computing chief (who returned from a visit to China last week, where he spoke at a conference) said.}

Friday Funny – New NOAA supercomputer “Gaea” revealed
Jews and Muslims have one God. Most Christians, but not all, have three.

Of course they do Sparky, which is why Muzzie Beasts are so fond of cutting the heads off of Jews and Christians... :eusa_whistle:

The illiterate prophet Muhammad (may he burn in hell) use enslave Jews to write his Koran. It is of little surprise that some Jewish concepts made it in. But the "god" of Islam is modeled on the Mesopotamian Illallah, as acknowledged in the Koran.

The muslims don't practice circumcision because of Mohammed. Circumcision in islam is from Abraham. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all Abrahamic religions. Circumcision was Abraham's covenant with God. Although Christians don't all circumcize. The ones who follow modern medical practice and cleanliness procedures do.

No religion requires female circumcision.
None should require male either. Ban it all unless you believe that God made a mistake giving males a foreskin?
Clueless? Not in the slightest. Can you tell us why cutting parts from a boy is different than cutting parts from a girl, both done for purely religious reasons?

I am not going to educate you on the differences. or do you know anyone circumcized who can't have sex because of excruciating pain? women are not "circumcized" they are mutilated.

but thanks for comparing the two.

as I said, you're clueless.
Okay, I take perfectly normal boy parts and I cut them off. Now I take perfectly normal girl parts, and I cut them off. Explain the difference?

you need to stop mischaracterizing the foreskin as a "body part". and your repetition of that phrase does not make you sound any less ignorant.
It has a name, would you prefer we said you cut off part of the penis? That's not likely to strengthen your argument. Same as cutting off part of the labia.

Female circumcision cuts off the labia AND clitoris. If the clitoris isn't removed, there's not much point to female circumcision.
They still make babies just fine. You say that's what matters in males, right? What makes the clitoris and labia more valuable than the foreskin? Is the foreskin just an extra part?
Again, you are simply stupid. There is zero equivalency. One is about the same as cutting toenails, the other is like cutting your tongue out.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?

Okay. You don't know where babies come from. How did you get this way, in the 21st Century. Of course women can have babies if their clitoris and labia are removed. The ovaries and uterus isn't removed.

Here is a comprehensive description of FGM. Notice that it does not remove ovaries or uterus.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) - NHS Choices

Again FGM has nothing to do with religion and you are being deliberately obtuse in insisting that it does.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?

Okay. You don't know where babies come from. How did you get this way, in the 21st Century. Of course women can have babies if their clitoris and labia are removed. The ovaries and uterus isn't removed.

Here is a comprehensive description of FGM. Notice that it does not remove ovaries or uterus.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) - NHS Choices

Again FGM has nothing to do with religion and you are being deliberately obtuse in insisting that it does.
Religion or not, what's the difference between cutting a boy's fully functional genitals and cutting those of a girl?

The answer, cut neither as God made them that way and no cutting is required. They also need a vagina and several other things BTW, and all of those stay. Just the extra parts get tossed, right? The foreskin is extra?
Again, you are simply stupid. There is zero equivalency. One is about the same as cutting toenails, the other is like cutting your tongue out.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?
Removing foreskin.
Barbaric, isn't it.
No wonder every religion that doesn't do it winds up committing global mass murder.
it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?

Okay. You don't know where babies come from. How did you get this way, in the 21st Century. Of course women can have babies if their clitoris and labia are removed. The ovaries and uterus isn't removed.

Here is a comprehensive description of FGM. Notice that it does not remove ovaries or uterus.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) - NHS Choices

Again FGM has nothing to do with religion and you are being deliberately obtuse in insisting that it does.
Religion or not, what's the difference between cutting a boy's fully functional genitals and cutting those of a girl?

The answer, cut neither as God made them that way and no cutting is required. They also need a vagina and several other things BTW, and all of those stay. Just the extra parts get tossed, right? The foreskin is extra?
The foreskin provides an essential function?
Pray tell.
Both cut the genitals of children. Explain the difference? Afterwards they both still function and can make babies, right?

it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?
Removing foreskin.
Barbaric, isn't it.
No wonder every religion that doesn't do it winds up committing global mass murder.
Never heard of such a thing but considering the number of Jews in the world today their "mass" suicide would go almost completely unnoticed by the rest of us. Not even a drop in a bucket.
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?

Okay. You don't know where babies come from. How did you get this way, in the 21st Century. Of course women can have babies if their clitoris and labia are removed. The ovaries and uterus isn't removed.

Here is a comprehensive description of FGM. Notice that it does not remove ovaries or uterus.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) - NHS Choices

Again FGM has nothing to do with religion and you are being deliberately obtuse in insisting that it does.
Religion or not, what's the difference between cutting a boy's fully functional genitals and cutting those of a girl?

The answer, cut neither as God made them that way and no cutting is required. They also need a vagina and several other things BTW, and all of those stay. Just the extra parts get tossed, right? The foreskin is extra?
The foreskin provides an essential function?
Pray tell.
Did God put it there just so we could cut it off? What's the vital function of a girl's parts? Thought those were there to make babies? Seems like they have lots of extra bits that can be removed?
A perfect thread for the advice when you're stuck in a hole, stop digging. There is no justification for cutting the genitals of children. Only tradition makes that acceptable and that very much depends upon what tradition is yours. Same same, and just as bad, unnecessary, and wrong.
it has been explained.

what is wrong with you? is English not your first language?
If it had been explained you could explain why cutting the genitals of boy is okay for religious reasons but not that of a girl?

who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?
Removing foreskin.
Barbaric, isn't it.
No wonder every religion that doesn't do it winds up committing global mass murder.
Never heard of such a thing but considering the number of Jews in the world today their "mass" suicide would go almost completely unnoticed by the rest of us. Not even a drop in a bucket.
Ad hominem...not unexpected.
who is cutting off boys' genitals? :cuckoo:

Cutting the genitals, not the genitals off. The genitals of girls also are not cut off. If they were they couldn't have babies eh?

Okay. You don't know where babies come from. How did you get this way, in the 21st Century. Of course women can have babies if their clitoris and labia are removed. The ovaries and uterus isn't removed.

Here is a comprehensive description of FGM. Notice that it does not remove ovaries or uterus.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) - NHS Choices

Again FGM has nothing to do with religion and you are being deliberately obtuse in insisting that it does.
Religion or not, what's the difference between cutting a boy's fully functional genitals and cutting those of a girl?

The answer, cut neither as God made them that way and no cutting is required. They also need a vagina and several other things BTW, and all of those stay. Just the extra parts get tossed, right? The foreskin is extra?
The foreskin provides an essential function?
Pray tell.
Did God put it there just so we could cut it off? What's the vital function of a girl's parts? Thought those were there to make babies? Seems like they have lots of extra bits that can be removed?
The Torah does not mention female circucision, that's the retarded Muslims.
The foreskin is not a genital.

Feel stupid yet. Arab girl?

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