Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

Marriage is nothing but a property contract as far as the state is concerned

Marriage isn't defined by the state. It's defined by God, and no mortal government has the authority to override Him.
We don't live in a theocracy.
If you want to live in a theocracy then move to Iran.

Marriage is a legal contract there is nothing holy about it
We are supposed to live in a Democracy but every time the people vote against homosexual marriage, the men in black robes overturn the Democratic process. Is that really the Democratic way? Of course not, but it is the Marxist way.

We do not live in a democracy we live in a republic but have you ever noticed that other individual rights are not voted on?

What if the people decided to vote against the right to free speech, or the right protections from searches and seizures?

Hell we could vote slavery back into existence or we could vote religion out of existence.

We have protections in place so that our rights are not subject to mob rule
We have a civil-law system in which people procure a marriage license from the count clerk and then have a choice to be married at the courthouse or have a religious ceremony according to their faith.Once a licence is procured, the couple may go upstairs and undergo a ceremony that unites the in marriage for civil purposes. A religious marriage is an add-on in which the couple unite pursuant to their specific religious beliefs and with the specific rituals of their religious community.
In all honesty we should not allow churches to perform legally sanctioned marriages at all.
The civil ceremony should be the only legally recognized form of marriage people can still have their religious ceremony but they should have to have a civil one as well. We say we have a separation of church and state but we allow churches to be vested with legal powers of marriage
The problem with glorifying Gay Marriage is what would happen if it became universal?

Normative children really are losing their role models and can be a lot more easily recruited into the gay lifestyle.
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
Marriage is a property contract
The evolution of traditional role models have absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. But I get where your coming from. Your so stupid that you think that there is a husband and a wife in same sex relationships where each fulfills the role of one gender or the others.

A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
Marriage is a property contract

So people without property should not get married in your view?

I disagree. Marriage is an institution established by Almighty God to unite one man and one broad.
True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
No, you got your head twisted when it was up its own ass and failed to realize that keeping them from civil marriage was based solely on being an irrational cocksucker...and most good folks don't act that way, and its especially less and less as time goes.

I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

My point stands.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
So, men and women are different.

So, if an institution, such as MARRIAGE, is designed with those differences in mind, with a role for a man, and a role for a woman,

it is not "arbitrary" to restrict the man role to men, and the woman role to women.

That makes this whole debate, NOT about rights.

Just like I thought, garbo clean-up.....aisle 5!

Newsflash, odd ass...institutions are free to change in an open and evolving society...and as a society does evolve, so should the equal treatment of the good citizens encompassing said society.

Your only argument is you're being a fuckin' ninny. Nose stuck in the air at those icky others. Well adjusted adults dont go around giving 2 shits who grown folks marry.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
No, you got your head twisted when it was up its own ass and failed to realize that keeping them from civil marriage was based solely on being an irrational cocksucker...and most good folks don't act that way, and its especially less and less as time goes.

I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

My point stands.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
Horseshit! It is very much a civil rights issue, You just don't want it to be because you then .have no defense or valid argument

Yeah. YOu said that. And I pointed out why it was not. Repeating yourself is not challenging my point.

It is how you won the "debate" though. Constant repetition of a lie, over and over again, and viciously attacking anyone that called you on it, until the illusion was strong enough for your allies in the courts to dictate the change.

Not only are you failing to challenge what I said, your actions are demonstrating the behavior I accused you of.
Here is the extensive list of things you can do about my marriage:

1. Jack
2. Shit
3. Whine on Social Media
MeN & wOmEn R dIfFeReNt, sO fAgs ShOuLd KnOt BeE AlLoWeD tO mArRy!
A fair number of homos become Trannies you do know. Not everyone starts off at the deep end , they move gradually more and more into it.

Sonny and Cher's daughter, if you'll remember, started off as a Lesbian, before she became , more of less, a "dude".

Bradley Manning was a homo for years, before he decided that he was actually a broad trapped into a dude's body.

Ditto with Herbert Garrison, who first became gay, and then had a sex change.

For a growing number of homosexuals, its just and intermediate step to eventually having a sex change
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
Marriage is a property contract

So people without property should not get married in your view?

I disagree. Marriage is an institution established by Almighty God to unite one man and one broad.

Everyone owns something.

Marriage is a legal contract as far as the government is concerned. There is nothing holy about it.

In case you didn't realize this, the US in not a theocracy therefore what the the church says is completely irrelevant. If you want to live in a theocracy then I suggest you move to Iran
Give me a fucking break!! A "fair Where do you get that shit from. A few anecdotes certainly does not prove anything. You're understanding of human sexuality is on the level of an intellectually challenged 10 year old
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
Marriage is a property contract

So people without property should not get married in your view?

I disagree. Marriage is an institution established by Almighty God to unite one man and one broad.

Everyone owns something.

Marriage is a legal contract as far as the government is concerned. There is nothing holy about it.

In case you didn't realize this, the US in not a theocracy therefore what the the church says is completely irrelevant. If you want to live in a theocracy then I suggest you move to Iran

I didn't say anything about what any church says about it.

BTW, in Iran, the ruling mullahs don't believe in Almighty God at all, they believe in "allah"
Our understanding of human sexuality is above the college level as we know that having children require 1 female XX and 1 male XY. Now if you have 2 XX they cannot produce, same goes with 2 XY, but you ass packers, sure do "think" like animals do, by humping shit that doesnt produce anything but excrement(that means shit in elaborate terms). I laugh at your attempt to put the rest US down, who "know" the real science on human evolution, not devolution and debauchery.
Marriage is about love
Marriage is a property contract

So people without property should not get married in your view?

I disagree. Marriage is an institution established by Almighty God to unite one man and one broad.

Everyone owns something.

Marriage is a legal contract as far as the government is concerned. There is nothing holy about it.

In case you didn't realize this, the US in not a theocracy therefore what the the church says is completely irrelevant. If you want to live in a theocracy then I suggest you move to Iran

I didn't say anything about what any church says about it.

BTW, in Iran, the ruling mullahs don't believe in Almighty God at all, they believe in "allah"

Allah and god are the same thing.

And god doesn't have a say in our government. If you don't like that then leave
No, you got your head twisted when it was up its own ass and failed to realize that keeping them from civil marriage was based solely on being an irrational cocksucker...and most good folks don't act that way, and its especially less and less as time goes.

I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

My point stands.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.
I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

My point stands.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.

You already admitted that men and women are different. Thus having an institution based on gender roles is not arbitrary.

Yet you keep repeating your assertion, without any attempt to actually support it, with any type of logical argument.

Because you can't.

And you know it.

That is why you are getting angry.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.

You already admitted that men and women are different. Thus having an institution based on gender roles is not arbitrary.

Yet you keep repeating your assertion, without any attempt to actually support it, with any type of logical argument.

Because you can't.

And you know it.

That is why you are getting angry.
That theyre different isnt what makes it arbitrary dope
And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.

You already admitted that men and women are different. Thus having an institution based on gender roles is not arbitrary.

Yet you keep repeating your assertion, without any attempt to actually support it, with any type of logical argument.

Because you can't.

And you know it.

That is why you are getting angry.
That theyre different isnt what makes it arbitrary dope

Correct. That they are different is what makes it NOT arbitrary.

If you have an institution based on traditional gender roles, that is a reason, a system, it is not arbitrary. Indeed, it is the opposite of arbitrary.

The entire argument that it was a civil rights question, was based on a lie.

An insanely obvious lie.
Is it anyones fault but your own that you dont understand what arbitrary means?

It was determined that basing it on "gender roles," and gender roles themselves, are arbitrary.

Theyre abstract.

Theyre not concrete things that literally exist.

The Courts determined that since its arbitrary to base something on a thing so abstract, the only other reason to deny two consenting adults from the same state institution would be bigotry, which converted it to a civil rights issue and Correll is an idiot. A bigotted one.
I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

My point stands.

True, institutions are free to change, especially in an open and evolving society.

All you have to do, is make the argument that such a change is called for.

But that is not what you lefties did.

You mis-characterized the debate as a civil rights movement.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.

Actually there are no "arbitrary" restrictions making homosexuality taboo at all. The traditional problems are based upon evidence in theological science, and the desire of lawmakers in the current day to avoid the fate of past Gayborhoods like Sodom as well as Gomorrah.
According to the courts and the majority opinion of the Country, the argument was made and you dont possess the freedom to classify what my politics are, either, thank ya very much ya homophobe.

A spade is a spade.

And that is the Logical Fallacies of Appeal to Authority, and Appeal to Popularity.

Ironically, when I pointed out that you lefties failed to even try to make an argument for change,

your response was to fail to even try to make the case, that you tried to make that case.

YOur failure demonstrated the very type of failure that I attributed to you.

You just demonstrated my point.

Thank you.

I wonder if Progressive will do the same for me? Mmm,

The really funny thing, is that I've found that openly discussing the failures of liberals, do not stop them from immediately making the same failures, over and over again.

With rare exceptions.
Youre a busy body, lost and it wont be taken back. Hope the anxiety doesnt kill you

Hey, I'm not the one that brought it up. I'm just the one pointing out your complete inability to support your argument, with anything other than Logical Fallacies.

Yes, you won. But you did not win by making a strong argument for change, but by lying and bullying and abuse of power by corrupt judges.
No, the lying and bullying is using some arbitrary restriction on marriage to try and socially engineer gay as being taboo and pretending its based in logic.

It's based purely on emotional busy body bullshit from a segment of society called control freaks. The Country became better when your argument lost.

Actually there are no "arbitrary" restrictions making homosexuality taboo at all. The traditional problems are based upon evidence in theological science, and the desire of lawmakers in the current day to avoid the fate of past Gayborhoods like Sodom as well as Gomorrah.
Go derp somewhere else, nosey busy body
Only people that follow proper and traditional gender roles should be allowed to marry. If a wife wishes to work instead of being a stay-at-home mom then her marriage should be made null and void. Any deviation from traditional gender roles should result in a marriage ban.
Only people that follow proper and traditional gender roles should be allowed to marry. If a wife wishes to work instead of being a stay-at-home mom then her marriage should be made null and void. Any deviation from traditional gender roles should result in a marriage ban.
Bigots always lose.

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