Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

Get the fuck over the histrionics . You are being whinny and ridiculous. Most people have moved on. The beloved institution of marriage is alive and well and better off for being more inclusive. It was not a "radical change" ....?

You being dismissive and arrogant, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.

First you accuse me of being evasive and dishonest, Now you accuse me of being arrogant and dismissive to avoid defending your bigotry. What will you try net?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Got it.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.

My point stands.
That is exactly what happened with some of my extended family. I didn't shun them for supporting it....they shunned me for not supporting it. All over some deviant perverts...well, bye.

The behavior is one way. Liberals have convinced themselves, that anyone that disagrees with them, must be Evul. And more and more, they are being serious about this shit.

The rest of US normal Americans, do not do this.
The funny thing is they shunned me because of my bi-sexual uncle, who knows my views and didn't shun me. Still see him every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's more important to them than it is to him. He doesn't want to get married and according to what he has said to me; "Gays don't want to get married for the most part, that's not what the lifestyle is about". He also says no gays actually believe they were born gay.
First you accuse me of being evasive and dishonest, Now you accuse me of being arrogant and dismissive to avoid defending your bigotry. What will you try net?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its not "bigotry" to have political disagreement about an issue of great public import, like Gay Marriage.
It is bigotry to advocate the denial of rights and full participation in society for no rational reason
Anything the government has to give you a license to do is not a "right" by definition.
The issue is not whether marriage in and of itself is a right. The issue is the discriminatory treatment of one group in relation to another with respect to marriage. Think you can get your head around that fella?
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
The homosexual movement messed up when they linked themselves with the other letters in the everyone knows who is responsible for all the rest of this sick shit and they will be punished for it at some point.
If the homosexual movement wasn't forever linked to the T's and the Q's and the pedos..... They might not be seeing the push back they are.
You being dismissive and arrogant, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.
That is about what I expected of you . Pretty pathetic . It 's apparent that you really can't deal with this issue and are in way over your head. You are clearly on the ropes here. Now answer my fucking questions

Explain to me your belief system where you don't serious or honestly address my points, but expect me to seriously and honestly address yours.
That is a bullshit cop-out!! I have addressed every single thing that you have said. You're clearly avoiding points and questions. Now go away.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.
You posted that same ridiculous crap before and I responded to it. Only in your dark and troubled world are large numbers of people still ruminating over this. Marriage is till marriage and better now for being more inclusive. You really will do anything that you can to take attention away from those questions that you don't have the nerve or integrity to answer!

You started this thread, to attack people based on this issue. So, you are a perfect example that this issue is still tearing this nation apart.

Hell, you insult people in your thread title.

So, my point not only stands, but you yourself are evidence that it is still quite pointy.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?

Not around here they don't. Homosexuals in these parts like to hang out at Interstate rest stops, gay bars and other events. It isn't a coincidence that aids is so fantastically popular with the Gay Community even to this very day.
You being dismissive and arrogant, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.

First you accuse me of being evasive and dishonest, Now you accuse me of being arrogant and dismissive to avoid defending your bigotry. What will you try net?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Got it.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.

My point stands.
That is exactly what happened with some of my extended family. I didn't shun them for supporting it....they shunned me for not supporting it. All over some deviant perverts...well, bye.

The behavior is one way. Liberals have convinced themselves, that anyone that disagrees with them, must be Evul. And more and more, they are being serious about this shit.

The rest of US normal Americans, do not do this.
The funny thing is they shunned me because of my bi-sexual uncle, who knows my views and didn't shun me. Still see him every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's more important to them than it is to him. He doesn't want to get married and according to what he has said to me; "Gays don't want to get married for the most part, that's not what the lifestyle is about". He also says no gays actually believe they were born gay.

I've heard similar shit from actual gay people, about the gay community.

NOt the tale the libs want to present.
Its not "bigotry" to have political disagreement about an issue of great public import, like Gay Marriage.
It is bigotry to advocate the denial of rights and full participation in society for no rational reason
Anything the government has to give you a license to do is not a "right" by definition.
The issue is not whether marriage in and of itself is a right. The issue is the discriminatory treatment of one group in relation to another with respect to marriage. Think you can get your head around that fella?
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If you can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
Of what "great public import" is same-sex marriage? Better to get busy on the amount of domestic-abuse charges and protection orders. Get busy on the misogyny that abounds in heterosexual relationships. As I have said before, I saw some guy from the southern baptist cult bragging on public television that he wins all arguments with his wife because he has a penis. Get busy with the problems among heterosexuals.

Gay Marriage is of significantly great public import that it was argued about in the highest court of the land. Even hardcore libs like William Clinton and Robert Byrd argued against it.

But why is it of public importance? You have your's, I have mine, they have their's. Go home, kiss your spouse, make love, file joint tax returns.
First you accuse me of being evasive and dishonest, Now you accuse me of being arrogant and dismissive to avoid defending your bigotry. What will you try net?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah, blah, blah, bigot. Got it.

My point stands.

You took an beloved institution, and managed to convince half the population, that anyone that did not support immediate and radical change to the institution, was a hateful bigot.

That turned large percentages of Americans against their family and friends, tearing apart this country, for your ideological and/or partisan gain.

My point stands.
That is exactly what happened with some of my extended family. I didn't shun them for supporting it....they shunned me for not supporting it. All over some deviant perverts...well, bye.

The behavior is one way. Liberals have convinced themselves, that anyone that disagrees with them, must be Evul. And more and more, they are being serious about this shit.

The rest of US normal Americans, do not do this.
The funny thing is they shunned me because of my bi-sexual uncle, who knows my views and didn't shun me. Still see him every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's more important to them than it is to him. He doesn't want to get married and according to what he has said to me; "Gays don't want to get married for the most part, that's not what the lifestyle is about". He also says no gays actually believe they were born gay.

I've heard similar shit from actual gay people, about the gay community.

NOt the tale the libs want to present.
Older gays are more honest about stuff like that than the millenials and gen x ones. The rhetoric of being "born gay" wasn't around like it is today, so they never thought to tell that lie.
Of what "great public import" is same-sex marriage? Better to get busy on the amount of domestic-abuse charges and protection orders. Get busy on the misogyny that abounds in heterosexual relationships. As I have said before, I saw some guy from the southern baptist cult bragging on public television that he wins all arguments with his wife because he has a penis. Get busy with the problems among heterosexuals.

Gay Marriage is of significantly great public import that it was argued about in the highest court of the land. Even hardcore libs like William Clinton and Robert Byrd argued against it.

But why is it of public importance? You have your's, I have mine, they have their's. Go home, kiss your spouse, make love, file joint tax returns.
Because they made it a political issue. They are the aggressors in this....They are the ones wanting to overthrow traditional morality.
It is bigotry to advocate the denial of rights and full participation in society for no rational reason
Anything the government has to give you a license to do is not a "right" by definition.
The issue is not whether marriage in and of itself is a right. The issue is the discriminatory treatment of one group in relation to another with respect to marriage. Think you can get your head around that fella?
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
Anything the government has to give you a license to do is not a "right" by definition.
The issue is not whether marriage in and of itself is a right. The issue is the discriminatory treatment of one group in relation to another with respect to marriage. Think you can get your head around that fella?
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
Of what "great public import" is same-sex marriage? Better to get busy on the amount of domestic-abuse charges and protection orders. Get busy on the misogyny that abounds in heterosexual relationships. As I have said before, I saw some guy from the southern baptist cult bragging on public television that he wins all arguments with his wife because he has a penis. Get busy with the problems among heterosexuals.

Gay Marriage is of significantly great public import that it was argued about in the highest court of the land. Even hardcore libs like William Clinton and Robert Byrd argued against it.

But why is it of public importance? You have your's, I have mine, they have their's. Go home, kiss your spouse, make love, file joint tax returns.
Because they made it a political issue. They are the aggressors in this....They are the ones wanting to overthrow traditional morality.

Who made it a political issue? People just went to the court houses and houses of worship to be married. These are not aggressive acts. You are free to pursue your life as a heterosexual with a freely consenting partner, without violence or dominance, of course.
Of what "great public import" is same-sex marriage? Better to get busy on the amount of domestic-abuse charges and protection orders. Get busy on the misogyny that abounds in heterosexual relationships. As I have said before, I saw some guy from the southern baptist cult bragging on public television that he wins all arguments with his wife because he has a penis. Get busy with the problems among heterosexuals.

Gay Marriage is of significantly great public import that it was argued about in the highest court of the land. Even hardcore libs like William Clinton and Robert Byrd argued against it.

But why is it of public importance? You have your's, I have mine, they have their's. Go home, kiss your spouse, make love, file joint tax returns.
Because they made it a political issue. They are the aggressors in this....They are the ones wanting to overthrow traditional morality.

Who made it a political issue? People just went to the court houses and houses of worship to be married. These are not aggressive acts. You are free to pursue your life as a heterosexual with a freely consenting partner, without violence or dominance, of course.
The homosexuals did. Deal with it.
Let's put the lives of heterosexuals under the same micro-examination. How many heterosexual males were virgins when they went to bed with their new wives after the ceremony? They have been committed thereafter? Husbands who gave up their virginity to their wives on their wedding night step forward. It's a Christian thing.
Let's put the lives of heterosexuals under the same micro-examination. How many heterosexual males were virgins when they went to bed with their new wives after the ceremony? They have been committed thereafter? Husbands who gave up their virginity to their wives on their wedding night step forward. It's a Christian thing.
Christian doctrine does not promote promiscuity...faggot ideology does.
Secular idiot ideology preaches promiscuity.

So try again.
The issue is not whether marriage in and of itself is a right. The issue is the discriminatory treatment of one group in relation to another with respect to marriage. Think you can get your head around that fella?
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage
I don't know how people can do the whole polyamory thing without a bunch of drama. When I was a libertarian, there was a big push for polyamory and polygamy to be a front and center issue for the party. I don't know enough about polyamory and the like to discuss it very intelligently, but it doesn't sound appealing to me. If that's what floats you and your wife's boat and keeps you two together, more power to you, I guess.

The problem with homosexuals is many have sex with total strangers, so they do not know if they're infected or not...and the level of STDs and HIV are way higher in their community.

For religious reasons I disagree with gay marriage, my day to day life does not include walking up to gay couples and telling them what I think. I just SMH and keep walking. That's what they want, right? Tolerance? I think that is exactly what I have been doing and I will continue to conduct myself like that.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage
I don't know how people can do the whole polyamory thing without a bunch of drama. When I was a libertarian, there was a big push for polyamory and polygamy to be a front and center issue for the party. I don't know enough about polyamory and the like to discuss it very intelligently, but it doesn't sound appealing to me. If that's what floats you and your wife's boat and keeps you two together, more power to you, I guess.

The problem with homosexuals is many have sex with total strangers, so they do not know if they're infected or not...and the level of STDs and HIV are way higher in their community.

For religious reasons I disagree with gay marriage, my day to day life does not include walking up to gay couples and telling them what I think. I just SMH and keep walking. That's what they want, right? Tolerance? I think that is exactly what I have been doing and I will continue to conduct myself like that.

It’s really messed up to me. A guy at work had an open marriage. She got pregnant by another guy, decided to keep the child. The sperm donor disappeared, the couple, who had other kids are no divorced.

Sad for the kids.

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