Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage
I don't know how people can do the whole polyamory thing without a bunch of drama. When I was a libertarian, there was a big push for polyamory and polygamy to be a front and center issue for the party. I don't know enough about polyamory and the like to discuss it very intelligently, but it doesn't sound appealing to me. If that's what floats you and your wife's boat and keeps you two together, more power to you, I guess.

The problem with homosexuals is many have sex with total strangers, so they do not know if they're infected or not...and the level of STDs and HIV are way higher in their community.

For religious reasons I disagree with gay marriage, my day to day life does not include walking up to gay couples and telling them what I think. I just SMH and keep walking. That's what they want, right? Tolerance? I think that is exactly what I have been doing and I will continue to conduct myself like that.

It’s really messed up to me. A guy at work had an open marriage. She got pregnant by another guy, decided to keep the child. The sperm donor disappeared, the couple, who had other kids are no divorced.

Sad for the kids.
Indeed. Sad story.
Well....why would the government have any interest in gay marriage? You guys just spread diseases, your union cannot produce children....what exactly is there not to discriminate against? Your union does nothing positive for just makes you happy. Real marriage produces children and marriages promote well adjusted citizens.

The discrimination would be perfectly logical and reasonable.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
That is so fucking hateful and ignorant in so many ways! Gay people form families and raise children. Often they are biological children of one of the adults. They are not sterile!! They are parents! And there are many reasons -other than having children- to get married.

I have asked this question many times before and have never gotten an answer that was reasonable. You don't think that gay folks should marry because they cant produce a child one on one, do you also think that heterosexuals who for what ever reason need third party intervention or help to have a child also be barred from marriage?

As far as disease goes, are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand that married people are less likely to spread STDs?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.
How is polyamory supposed to help evolution along?
Homosexual marriages are majority non-monogamous. So you're trying to piggy back off of a fact that actually only applies to a minority of homosexual married couples and the majority of heterosexuals married couples. If homosexual marriages were treated as hetero ones, then maybe you'd have a point.

Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt anyone besides their own biological children from before they came out and magically were able to be aroused enough by a woman to get her pregnant. There should be no surrogates for them either. You choose to be homosexual, You choose not to have children. Period. You have no right to confuse a child and deprive them of a chance of a mother and father just so you can play house.

I don't see why governments should treat homosexual couples the same as heterosexuals is my position. I don't care if they decide to get married or civil unioned. That's not my concern. Personally I think government shouldn't be involved in marriage...but I understand why they got involved in the first place...and a homosexual marriage does not meet any of the reasoning for it to get involved in their "marriages". If y with factsou can find someone to perform the ceremony, go on right ahead and get hitched.

I'm no more hateful than your average LGBT movement activist.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.
How is polyamory supposed to help evolution along?
I am speaking of the evolution of marriage, not the species
That's quite a boatload of bigoted bovine excrement that I doubt you can back up.
The Dirty Little Secret: Most Gay Couples Aren't Monogamous

Google hides this article, FYI.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
The fact that I was being sardonic was apparently lost on you.
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
The fact that I was being sardonic was apparently lost on you.
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
We don't need a thread about why people are against gay marriage. I have heard every irrational, selfish, stupid and religiously motivated horseshit to know why.

Most people are like you and don't think much about it. Gay people don't think much about it until they are targeted by religious bigots, traditionalists and homophobes. They would like it all to be behind them and it could be if they would just be left alone. No body is stupid enough to think that they can force anyone to accept them Just leave them alone and it won't be an issue
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
We don't need a thread about why people are against gay marriage. I have heard every irrational, selfish, stupid and religiously motivated horseshit to know why.

Most people are like you and don't think much about it. Gay people don't think much about it until they are targeted by religious bigots, traditionalists and homophobes. They would like it all to be behind them and it could be if they would just be left alone. No body is stupid enough to think that they can force anyone to accept them Just leave them alone and it won't be an issue

I don't know of people targeting them, of course not my cup of tea. Like I said, today it is mostly people wanting others to accept their lifestyle, which I disagree with.
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
We don't need a thread about why people are against gay marriage. I have heard every irrational, selfish, stupid and religiously motivated horseshit to know why.

Most people are like you and don't think much about it. Gay people don't think much about it until they are targeted by religious bigots, traditionalists and homophobes. They would like it all to be behind them and it could be if they would just be left alone. No body is stupid enough to think that they can force anyone to accept them Just leave them alone and it won't be an issue

I don't know of people targeting them, of course not my cup of tea. Like I said, today it is mostly people wanting others to accept their lifestyle, which I disagree with.
Really? Did you read to op?
Why is the OP obsessed with what others think of marriage? Just bizarre, millions don’t believe in marriage at all, why doesn’t that bother the OP?

I myself don’t care what others think of my opinions, they are mine and mine alone, if a person doesn’t like my opinion then too bad so sad.

Just a bizarre to obsess over such a matter where others opinions don’t matter.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
We don't need a thread about why people are against gay marriage. I have heard every irrational, selfish, stupid and religiously motivated horseshit to know why.

Most people are like you and don't think much about it. Gay people don't think much about it until they are targeted by religious bigots, traditionalists and homophobes. They would like it all to be behind them and it could be if they would just be left alone. No body is stupid enough to think that they can force anyone to accept them Just leave them alone and it won't be an issue

I don't know of people targeting them, of course not my cup of tea. Like I said, today it is mostly people wanting others to accept their lifestyle, which I disagree with.
Really? Did you read to op?

Yep, gay politician. Hardly a movement.
How did you ascertain that I am obsessed with what others think of marriage ? People should only concern themselves with their own marriage and what it means to them, and respect the right of others to do the same. If they did, we would not have all of this horseshit flying about same sex marriage.

Let's see you start a thread wanting to know why people are against gay marriage. I don't think about gay marriage until some nut on this board brings it up. I thought gay marriage is legal, so I am not sure why this is an issue. I know people that are against marriage, that is good for them, no one gets upset with that. The only conclusion I can come to is that people want to force others to accept gay marriage and agree with it. Which I don't agree with one group forcing beliefs on another group. Nothing changes the law if a people don't accept gay marriage, it doesn't change, why force a non-issue.
We don't need a thread about why people are against gay marriage. I have heard every irrational, selfish, stupid and religiously motivated horseshit to know why.

Most people are like you and don't think much about it. Gay people don't think much about it until they are targeted by religious bigots, traditionalists and homophobes. They would like it all to be behind them and it could be if they would just be left alone. No body is stupid enough to think that they can force anyone to accept them Just leave them alone and it won't be an issue

You said that you didn't know that there were people targeting gays. Now you do know and there are many more like him

I don't know of people targeting them, of course not my cup of tea. Like I said, today it is mostly people wanting others to accept their lifestyle, which I disagree with.
Really? Did you read to op?

Yep, gay politician. Hardly a movement.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
The fact that I was being sardonic was apparently lost on you.

You libs have such bizarre and delusional positions and beliefs, that such humor, rarely works for you.

My point stands.

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
OK That's interesting. I'm always willing to learn something. But there are a hell of a lot of heterosexual couples who are not monogamous either. Polyamory Society

My wife and I have been non-monagouse for the 30 years of our marriage. It doesn't mean that you spread disease. We never had an STD. It is certainly not a reason to shit all over someone's marriage

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
The fact that I was being sardonic was apparently lost on you.

You libs have such bizarre and delusional positions and beliefs, that such humor, rarely works for you.

My point stands.

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
We are bizarre.?? Nothing is more bizarre that someone who clings to tradition as an excuse for perpetuating discrimination As for a sense of humor, you are a stale joke without a punch line.

My point stands. You do not have the guts or integrity to answer the questions that I put to you numerous times. You really can't justify or defend you position on same sex marriage using facts and logic so you fall back on tradition and delude yourself into thinking that you somehow won. Answer the fucking questions

1. Can same sex couple function as a family-full fill all necessary roles - and do all of the same things that opposite sex couples do? If no please explain.

2.What negative or unintended consequences has there been for society or for individuals as a result of same sex marriage.

3. You brought up procreation at one point-it was mentioned in that Heritage Foundation rag. Is your opposition to same sex marriage based in part on the fact that two people of the same sex can't produce a child entirely on their own? If so, do you oppose the marriages of opposite sex couples who for whatever reason cannot have a child without some help?

4. Your hung up on traditional gender specific roles and base your opposition to same sex marriage on "men and women being different" because people need to bring complimentary roles to a relationship. Do you also oppose the marriage of opposite sex coupes where -shall we say the woman- does not adhere to traditional female roles.?

5. The institution of marriage has changed many ways over the years from how women are view and their status, to interracial marriage and many other aspects of it. Do you disagree with those changes and think that the institution should remain the same and not evolve, or is it only same sex marriage that you have a problem with? If so why exactly?
That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
Yes the structure and purpose of marriage. One man and one subservient woman of the same race having lots of babies never to change or evolve for all eternity. . Sorry. Too late.

SO, you don't disagree that the fact that people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage?

I just ask, you know, because you hit the reply button, but nothing in your post addressed my actual point.
The fact that I was being sardonic was apparently lost on you.

You libs have such bizarre and delusional positions and beliefs, that such humor, rarely works for you.

My point stands.

That many people fail to live up to the ideal of Marriage, does not invalidate the structure or purpose or legitimacy of Marriage.
We are bizarre.?? Nothing is more bizarre that someone who clings to tradition as an excuse for perpetuating discrimination As for a sense of humor, you are a stale joke without a punch line.

My point stands. You do not have the guts or integrity to answer the questions that I put to you numerous times. You really can't justify or defend you position on same sex marriage using facts and logic so you fall back on tradition and delude yourself into thinking that you somehow won. Answer the fucking questions

1. Can same sex couple function as a family-full fill all necessary roles - and do all of the same things that opposite sex couples do? If no please explain.

2.What negative or unintended consequences has there been for society or for individuals as a result of same sex marriage.

3. You brought up procreation at one point-it was mentioned in that Heritage Foundation rag. Is your opposition to same sex marriage based in part on the fact that two people of the same sex can't produce a child entirely on their own? If so, do you oppose the marriages of opposite sex couples who for whatever reason cannot have a child without some help?

4. Your hung up on traditional gender specific roles and base your opposition to same sex marriage on "men and women being different" because people need to bring complimentary roles to a relationship. Do you also oppose the marriage of opposite sex coupes where -shall we say the woman- does not adhere to traditional female roles.?

5. The institution of marriage has changed many ways over the years from how women are view and their status, to interracial marriage and many other aspects of it. Do you disagree with those changes and think that the institution should remain the same and not evolve, or is it only same sex marriage that you have a problem with? If so why exactly?

Yes, you are very fucking bizarre.

1. Doubtful. Men are not women, and Women are not men. And the family structure same sex people build will not be the same. It is unlikely that the environment created will be nearly as nurturing as the standard.

2. By itself? Too early to tell. As part of the general war on marriage? General decay of culture, and society, and massive rises in all types of social and individual dysfunction.

3. Your bizarre refusal to honest accept my point is your issue, not mine. My point stands. The primary purpose of Marriage is to have the man stick around and provide for the offspring. That some couples fail to have children for whatever reason, does not undermine that point.

4. Save your spin for your lib buddies that want to hear it. You have a question, ask a real question, don't launch a gotcha in the form of a question.

5. I used to support it. With the decline of our civilization, I now question it. Ask me again, in 2030.

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