Religious Right Wing Bigots Still Obsessing About Marriage-Get a Life!

:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Dude!! You skipped past all of the points that I devastated you with and now you're bleating about my refusing to see what you are trying to say and being dismissive .That is all nothing but a smokescreen to obscure the fact that you have been thoroughly beaten down.....y

I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
You are loosing it Dude! Anyone following this can see it. Read my posts! If you want me to post my summary of my case against your crap yet aging I'll be happy to.

You are pathetic and your accusations against me are just desperate attempt to cover that up. You can't deal with the facts and logic that I present and all that you can do is whine and pretend that I am not engaging in serious discussion. The fact is that you have nothing of value to offer and have failed miserably in trying to make a case against same sex marriage. You might want to consider shutting the fuck and quitting while your behind.

I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
You are loosing it Dude! Anyone following this can see it. Read my posts! If you want me to post my summary of my case against your crap yet aging I'll be happy to.

You are pathetic and your accusations against me are just desperate attempt to cover that up. You can't deal with the facts and logic that I present and all that you can do is whine and pretend that I am not engaging in serious discussion. The fact is that you have nothing of value to offer and have failed miserably in trying to make a case against same sex marriage. You might want to consider shutting the fuck and quitting while your behind.

I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
You are loosing it Dude! Anyone following this can see it. Read my posts! If you want me to post my summary of my case against your crap yet aging I'll be happy to.

You are pathetic and your accusations against me are just desperate attempt to cover that up. You can't deal with the facts and logic that I present and all that you can do is whine and pretend that I am not engaging in serious discussion. The fact is that you have nothing of value to offer and have failed miserably in trying to make a case against same sex marriage. You might want to consider shutting the fuck and quitting while your behind.

I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
You are loosing it Dude! Anyone following this can see it. Read my posts! If you want me to post my summary of my case against your crap yet aging I'll be happy to.

You are pathetic and your accusations against me are just desperate attempt to cover that up. You can't deal with the facts and logic that I present and all that you can do is whine and pretend that I am not engaging in serious discussion. The fact is that you have nothing of value to offer and have failed miserably in trying to make a case against same sex marriage. You might want to consider shutting the fuck and quitting while your behind.

I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
I find it interesting and telling how you blithely skip past all of the main points that I made- procreation, the importance of gender roles, the ability of same sex couples to nurture children- which you were decisively slapped down on, and zero in on one issue where you think that still have some life . But you don't...…...

All that you have accomplished here is to underscore your pathetic ignorance of our legal system and the role of the courts. Tell us dear boy, how long should gay people have waited for the legislature to act in states like Mississippi or Alabama. Yes I am reasserting my position because it is a valid one for which you have no counter argument except to claim that you are right-with no evidence or logic to back up that claim. Judicial oversight is a well established function of the courts and the 14th Amendment extended that function to intervene in state laws that violate the constitution, and deprive people of due process and equal protection under the law which is precisely how Obergefell was decided. Read the fucking constitution. Read some case law and maybe you won't be so ignorant. Maybe.

1. I skipped past all the points we have gone over already.

2. Hint: When I point something out to you, and you just refuse to see it, and spend page after page refusing to even address what I actually said, and if you do, you just dismiss it and reassert your original position, that is not me getting slapped down, that is you being an ideologically blind and dishonest person.

3. My point stands. I made a point, and you calling it "mindless" is not an argument. That was you realizing that you could not hope to challenge my point, and so you just ran away like a little girl.

4. And, you extensive recap of the whole discussion, was just an attempt to distract from the fact that you just tried running a line of jive past me. Hint: it failed.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Dude!! You skipped past all of the points that I devastated you with and now you're bleating about my refusing to see what you are trying to say and being dismissive .That is all nothing but a smokescreen to obscure the fact that you have been thoroughly beaten down.....y

I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
Really? Read post 855 and tell the class how many of those points you actually responded to. Never mind, I will tell them ZERO
You are loosing it Dude! Anyone following this can see it. Read my posts! If you want me to post my summary of my case against your crap yet aging I'll be happy to.

You are pathetic and your accusations against me are just desperate attempt to cover that up. You can't deal with the facts and logic that I present and all that you can do is whine and pretend that I am not engaging in serious discussion. The fact is that you have nothing of value to offer and have failed miserably in trying to make a case against same sex marriage. You might want to consider shutting the fuck and quitting while your behind.

I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
Oh right. Your "very good point" was that when traditions change - there should be legislation if laws are to be changed to correspond to evolving traditions -as opposed to court ruling

I countered by citing the long established principle of judicial review, that the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights including due process and equal protection under the law to the states, requiring them to abide by the constitution , and the fact that some state legislatures would never act to protect certain constitutional rights.

YOU responded to NONE of that, So, don't tell me how you are trying to have a serious debate while I'm not. That is just a lie.
1. I skipped past all the points we have gone over already.

2. Hint: When I point something out to you, and you just refuse to see it, and spend page after page refusing to even address what I actually said, and if you do, you just dismiss it and reassert your original position, that is not me getting slapped down, that is you being an ideologically blind and dishonest person.

3. My point stands. I made a point, and you calling it "mindless" is not an argument. That was you realizing that you could not hope to challenge my point, and so you just ran away like a little girl.

4. And, you extensive recap of the whole discussion, was just an attempt to distract from the fact that you just tried running a line of jive past me. Hint: it failed.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Dude!! You skipped past all of the points that I devastated you with and now you're bleating about my refusing to see what you are trying to say and being dismissive .That is all nothing but a smokescreen to obscure the fact that you have been thoroughly beaten down.....y

I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
Really? Read post 855 and tell the class how many of those points you actually responded to. Never mind, I will tell them ZERO

POST EIGHT HUNDRED?! You really pretending to have missed the first couple of dozen times I addressed every single point you made?


I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
I'm pathetic?

Tell me again, how I spent 80 pages and over a week, discussing the issue with you, but now I am supposedly "afraid" to discuss the issue with you?


Dude. Seriously. Do you really believe the shit you are posting?

I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
Oh right. Your "very good point" was that when traditions change - there should be legislation if laws are to be changed to correspond to evolving traditions -as opposed to court ruling

I countered by citing the long established principle of judicial review, that the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights including due process and equal protection under the law to the states, requiring them to abide by the constitution , and the fact that some state legislatures would never act to protect certain constitutional rights.

YOU responded to NONE of that, So, don't tell me how you are trying to have a serious debate while I'm not. That is just a lie.

You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.

Your support for that, was a collection of assertions supported primarily by your willful obtuseness when presented with the massive, millennium long development of Marriage, with tons of well supported reasons.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:Dude!! You skipped past all of the points that I devastated you with and now you're bleating about my refusing to see what you are trying to say and being dismissive .That is all nothing but a smokescreen to obscure the fact that you have been thoroughly beaten down.....y

I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
Really? Read post 855 and tell the class how many of those points you actually responded to. Never mind, I will tell them ZERO

POST EIGHT HUNDRED?! You really pretending to have missed the first couple of dozen times I addressed every single point you made?


I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
No you have not discussed the issue honestly at all .You are delusional if you think that you have! You have still not addressed my points regarding the proper role of the courts and the principal of judiciary review.

All that you do is whine and complain about how I won't debate honestly while you never have anything meaningful to contribute. Ok, we'll move on from the legal aspects of same sex marriage and the proper way to change the law since that discussion is apparently beyond your intellectual capacity

Here is another example of your unwillingness and inability to engage in honest debate. At one point you stated something to the effect that you doubt that same sex couples can provide a nurturing environment for children equal to that of opposite sex couples.

I responded wit factual dated that refuted that claim. You failed to respond at all.!! You had no rebuttal or defense for your baseless assertion so just walked away hoping that it would be forgotten. DO YOU CALL THAT DEBATING!

I am not pretending that you are afraid to debate. I am DOCUMENTING the fact that you are afraid to debate and that you have no valid argument against same sex marriage.
Last edited:
I absolutely believe it and I also believe that you are either delusional or a pathological liar. I will not continue to engage in this idiotic pissing match. The record speaks for itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
Oh right. Your "very good point" was that when traditions change - there should be legislation if laws are to be changed to correspond to evolving traditions -as opposed to court ruling

I countered by citing the long established principle of judicial review, that the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights including due process and equal protection under the law to the states, requiring them to abide by the constitution , and the fact that some state legislatures would never act to protect certain constitutional rights.

YOU responded to NONE of that, So, don't tell me how you are trying to have a serious debate while I'm not. That is just a lie.

You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.

Your support for that, was a collection of assertions supported primarily by your willful obtuseness when presented with the massive, millennium long development of Marriage, with tons of well supported reasons.
What the fuck are you talking about? That is just word salad ! It is not hardly a legal argument and yet another appeal to tradition which does not trump the constitution. What are those "tons of well supported reasons" again? You continue to display your pathetic inability to engage in a rational debate using facts and logic.
Last edited:
I spent 86 pages discussing those points with you, I think it is safe to say, I am not afraid to discuss them with you.

But you now made a new point. And I addressed it. Crushed it really, and you are all butthurt and desperately trying to change the subject.
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
Really? Read post 855 and tell the class how many of those points you actually responded to. Never mind, I will tell them ZERO

POST EIGHT HUNDRED?! You really pretending to have missed the first couple of dozen times I addressed every single point you made?


I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
No you have not discussed the issue honestly at all .You are delusional if you think that you have! You have still not addressed my points regarding the proper role of the courts and the principal of judiciary review.

All that you do is whine and complain about how I won't debate honestly while you never have anything meaningful to contribute. Ok, we'll move on from the legal aspects of same sex marriage and the proper way to change the law since that discussion is apparently beyond your intellectual capacity

Here is another example of your unwillingness and inability to engage in honest debate. At one point you stated something to the effect that you doubt that same sex couples can provide a nurturing environment for children equal to that of opposite sex couples.

I responded wit factual dated that refuted that claim. You failed to respond at all.!! You had no rebuttal or defense for your baseless assertion so just walked away hoping that it would be forgotten. DO YOU CALL THAT DEBATING!

I am not pretending that you are afraid to debate. I am DOCUMENTING the fact that you are afraid to debate and that you have no valid argument against same sex marriage.

Liberalism has infected science to the point that we can't trust more recent "science".
The record does speak for itself.

I debated these points with your for over a week. For you to conclude that I am suddenly afraid to do so, shows that you are the dishonest one here, not me.

You made a new point, that would actually move the discussion forward. I want(ed) to focus on that.

YOu refused.

Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
Oh right. Your "very good point" was that when traditions change - there should be legislation if laws are to be changed to correspond to evolving traditions -as opposed to court ruling

I countered by citing the long established principle of judicial review, that the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights including due process and equal protection under the law to the states, requiring them to abide by the constitution , and the fact that some state legislatures would never act to protect certain constitutional rights.

YOU responded to NONE of that, So, don't tell me how you are trying to have a serious debate while I'm not. That is just a lie.

You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.

Your support for that, was a collection of assertions supported primarily by your willful obtuseness when presented with the massive, millennium long development of Marriage, with tons of well supported reasons.
What the fuck are you talking about? That is just word salad ! It is not hardly a legal argument and yet another appeal to tradition which does not trump the constitution. What are those "tons of well supported reasons" again? You continue to display your pathetic inability to engage in a rational debate using facts and logic.

They are the reasons we went over, again and again.

There is no reason to rehash them. I presented documentation of the evolution of marriage, and you just sort of dismissed it, and reasserted your original claim(s).

You want to do that again, go ahead, you don't really need me for it. Just reread my old posts and write up "replies".
You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.
I stated that the judicial review DETERMIND that the bans on same sex marriage were arbitrary. Got that?

THat is also your personal position, that dodge is dismissed.

Also, I demonstrated that the "restrictions" were not arbitrary, and indeed, does not even seem to have been considerations in the development of Marriage.

So, that is bullshit, whether it is you saying, it, or the courts, or both.
This is where someone should remind the nutcases "It is legal. If you don't like it you can leave".
Oh good fucking God! Are you serious. You most certainly are afraid the points that I made as evidenced by this pathetic post where you DO NOT discuss any of my points what so ever,. And do tell, what new point did I make that you are deluding yourself into believing that you crushed? My god man, get a grip! You're embarrassing yourself, sounding so desperate.

I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
Really? Read post 855 and tell the class how many of those points you actually responded to. Never mind, I will tell them ZERO

POST EIGHT HUNDRED?! You really pretending to have missed the first couple of dozen times I addressed every single point you made?


I discussed them over and over again for over 80 pages.

The fact that now you are pretending I am afraid to discuss them after that, is the type of rank dishonesty, I was referring to, when I said you were dishonest.

You are the one afraid to discuss the issues honestly and seriously, not me.
No you have not discussed the issue honestly at all .You are delusional if you think that you have! You have still not addressed my points regarding the proper role of the courts and the principal of judiciary review.

All that you do is whine and complain about how I won't debate honestly while you never have anything meaningful to contribute. Ok, we'll move on from the legal aspects of same sex marriage and the proper way to change the law since that discussion is apparently beyond your intellectual capacity

Here is another example of your unwillingness and inability to engage in honest debate. At one point you stated something to the effect that you doubt that same sex couples can provide a nurturing environment for children equal to that of opposite sex couples.

I responded wit factual dated that refuted that claim. You failed to respond at all.!! You had no rebuttal or defense for your baseless assertion so just walked away hoping that it would be forgotten. DO YOU CALL THAT DEBATING!

I am not pretending that you are afraid to debate. I am DOCUMENTING the fact that you are afraid to debate and that you have no valid argument against same sex marriage.

Liberalism has infected science to the point that we can't trust more recent "science".
Brilliant fucking retort! Just brilliant! Is that supposed to refute the study that I posted showing that children of same sex couples do as well as other kids?

Is that the entirety of your effort to defend your expressed doubt- based on nothing- that same sex couples can nurture children as well as others?

You're just continually embarrassing yourself with this crap but lack the self awareness to know it.
Horseshit What point was that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your point about traditions evolving.

It was a very good point. I had a good response.

Instead of addressing my response, you decided to muddy the waters.

So much that now you are presenting as forgetting what we were talking about.

We spent over a week on your previous claims. No honest person would claim I was afraid of discussing those.
Oh right. Your "very good point" was that when traditions change - there should be legislation if laws are to be changed to correspond to evolving traditions -as opposed to court ruling

I countered by citing the long established principle of judicial review, that the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights including due process and equal protection under the law to the states, requiring them to abide by the constitution , and the fact that some state legislatures would never act to protect certain constitutional rights.

YOU responded to NONE of that, So, don't tell me how you are trying to have a serious debate while I'm not. That is just a lie.

You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.

Your support for that, was a collection of assertions supported primarily by your willful obtuseness when presented with the massive, millennium long development of Marriage, with tons of well supported reasons.
What the fuck are you talking about? That is just word salad ! It is not hardly a legal argument and yet another appeal to tradition which does not trump the constitution. What are those "tons of well supported reasons" again? You continue to display your pathetic inability to engage in a rational debate using facts and logic.

They are the reasons we went over, again and again.

There is no reason to rehash them. I presented documentation of the evolution of marriage, and you just sort of dismissed it, and reasserted your original claim(s).

You want to do that again, go ahead, you don't really need me for it. Just reread my old posts and write up "replies".
What??! You presented documentation of the evolution of marriage? You presented your opinion that marriage came about as a means of getting the male to provide for the family and be a father to the children that they will have. You also expressed your view that it should still be that way and that gay couples should not be able to marry because they don't "reproduce" However, your hypocrisy was exposed when you slipped up and stated that it's ok for opposite sex couples who cannot have children to marry because reproducing is not a requirement for marriage! Remember?

Now, getting back to the history of marriage, the nature of which you seem to think has always been the same. This is what a documented history looks like.

History of Marriage: 13 Surprising Facts

It clearly has been evolving almost constantly and same sex marriage can be seen as a logical next step. family plots of land gave way to market economies and Kings ceded power to democracies, the notion of marriage transformed. Now, most Americans see marriage as a bond between equals that's all about love and companionship. [I Don't: 5 Myths About Marriage]

That changing definition has paved the way for same-sex marriage and Wednesday's (June 26) Supreme Court rulings, which struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and dismissed a case concerning Proposition 8.

From polygamy to same-sex marriage, here are 13 milestones in the history of marriage.

12. Partnership of equals

By about 50 years ago, the notion that men and women had identical obligations within marriage began to take root. Instead of being about unique, gender-based roles, most partners conceived of their unions in terms of flexible divisions of labor, companionship, and mutual sexual attraction.

13. Gay marriage gains ground

Changes in straight marriage paved the way for gay marriage. Once marriage was not legally based on complementary, gender-based roles, gay marriage seemed like a logical next step.

Continue reading History of Marriage: 13 Surprising Facts
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The biggest thing about same sex marriage is why are people so adamantly against it?

If a gay couple lives together, I don't see anyone getting mad. But if they have a ceremony and get the same gov't benefits, people lose their minds. Why does it matter? It has absolutely no effect on anyone, especially on anyone elses marriage.
You claim that the judicial review was justified because the "restrictions" were arbitrary.
I stated that the judicial review DETERMIND that the bans on same sex marriage were arbitrary. Got that?

THat is also your personal position, that dodge is dismissed.

Also, I demonstrated that the "restrictions" were not arbitrary, and indeed, does not even seem to have been considerations in the development of Marriage.

So, that is bullshit, whether it is you saying, it, or the courts, or both.
It is not MY opinion and your saying so is rather bizarre. Is it possible that your understanding of the legal system and what transpired in Obergefell is that abysmal.? It was the majority opinion of SCOTUS!!

And you absolutely did not demonstrate that the restrictions on same sex marriage were not arbitrary! It was your inane opinion based on "the history of marriage" and "traditional gender roles" ….a ridiculous idea that I have demolished time and again here.

You keep claiming that you have documented this or that, or proven something when you have documented and proven nothing except in the dark recesses of your own mind. You are either delusional or the worlds biggest ever bullshit artist-although not a very good one.
The biggest thing about same sex marriage is why are people so adamantly against it?

If a gay couple lives together, I don't see anyone getting mad. But if they have a ceremony and get the same gov't benefits, people lose their minds. Why does it matter? It has absolutely no effect on anyone, especially on anyone elses marriage.
I have asked that question many times in may ways and the number of bullshit answers that I've good could fill a large book- and none of them hold water.

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