Religious war in East Africa. Who sponsored Al-Shabbab?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Firstly,please, read this article.
BBC News - Kenya bus attack: Al-Shabab 'wants religious war'
Secondly, what do we know about Movement of Striving Youth or Al-Shabaab?
1)Al-Shabaab is dependent on fundraising among the global Somali diaspora, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Somalis abroad utilize the hawala system, which legally transfers money across borders using a network of individuals on an honor code instead of banks with traceable records, to provide the terrorist group with money and resources.
Over the past 25 years, the United States has admitted about 84,000 Somali refugees. Close to 40 percent live in Minnesota.
Minneapolis has become recruiting ground for Islamic extremists - CBS News
Udupi: Shirva sunni Masjid Commercial complex inaugurated by Haji Ahmed Hassan. | Udupi News, Manipal News, Mangalore News
Opinion: Al-Shabaab's American allies -

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