Religous Freedom is so dead

Is anyone stopping you from practicing your religion?
My concerns reach beyond myself.
How about my grandkids not being allowed to say "under God" while reciting the Pledge? Or not being able to lead a group of friends in prayer over their Michelle-Obama-approved school lunch?
In a couple years from now my granddaughter won't be able to thank God or pray during her valedictorian speech

Can your grandchildren say "under God" now? Can they not pray before eating lunch?

How do you know this prediction of yours is going to come true? Do you have any evidence?
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.
Where have I advocated schools to cater to any particular religion?
Freedom to exercise one's religion applies to every religion and should not dictate when or where someone should be allowed to pray.
Your suggestions that kids should only pray before or after school or go to private schools is exactly the unfair restrictions placed on our freedom to exercise religion.
What part of NO LAW is so difficult to grasp?

So, in these "public" schools, do you want to pull out the "prayer rugs" and pray to Muhammad?


Pull out the Buddhist statues?


Celebrate Hanukkah?


Let the atheists read poetry?

Or is it just your God you want everyone praying to?

You and your family should practice your religion on your own time. School is a place for children to get an education.

If you don't like it, send your child to a religious school of your choice.
My concerns reach beyond myself.
How about my grandkids not being allowed to say "under God" while reciting the Pledge? Or not being able to lead a group of friends in prayer over their Michelle-Obama-approved school lunch?
In a couple years from now my granddaughter won't be able to thank God or pray during her valedictorian speech

Can your grandchildren say "under God" now? Can they not pray before eating lunch?

How do you know this prediction of yours is going to come true? Do you have any evidence?
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.
Where have I advocated schools to cater to any particular religion?
Freedom to exercise one's religion applies to every religion and should not dictate when or where someone should be allowed to pray.
Your suggestions that kids should only pray before or after school or go to private schools is exactly the unfair restrictions placed on our freedom to exercise religion.
What part of NO LAW is so difficult to grasp?

So, in these "public" schools, do you want to pull out the "prayer rugs" and pray to Muhammad?


Pull out the Buddhist statues?


Celebrate Hanukkah?


Let the atheists read poetry?

Or is it just your God you want everyone praying to?

You and your family should practice your religion on your own time. School is a place for children to get an education.

If you don't like it, send your child to a religious school of your choice.
Failed Reading Comp 101,huh?
ALL religions. Yes.
Thank you for defaulting to the implied "Christians only care about Christianity" lame-ass rebuttal
It's never okay for govt or public institutions to have any prayer or religious show of faith.
Not a cross, a Bible, a reference to God or Heaven. Not on any day of the year.

Only if you happen to agree with the beliefs, such as believing in gay marriage,
then it's justified to use govt to defend THOSE beliefs from discrimination.

But for things like Christmas trees, no, you can't have public money
spent on public schools and have things like that, because that's religious imposition.

So, should children who wear a cross at school, or pray, be burned at the stake?
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.
You know what? I did Google atheist charies last night.
Number one result was a site that has a list. They listed a staggering THREE organizations.... lol
Can your grandchildren say "under God" now? Can they not pray before eating lunch?

How do you know this prediction of yours is going to come true? Do you have any evidence?
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.
Where have I advocated schools to cater to any particular religion?
Freedom to exercise one's religion applies to every religion and should not dictate when or where someone should be allowed to pray.
Your suggestions that kids should only pray before or after school or go to private schools is exactly the unfair restrictions placed on our freedom to exercise religion.
What part of NO LAW is so difficult to grasp?

So, in these "public" schools, do you want to pull out the "prayer rugs" and pray to Muhammad?


Pull out the Buddhist statues?


Celebrate Hanukkah?


Let the atheists read poetry?

Or is it just your God you want everyone praying to?

You and your family should practice your religion on your own time. School is a place for children to get an education.

If you don't like it, send your child to a religious school of your choice.
Failed Reading Comp 101,huh?
ALL religions. Yes.
Thank you for defaulting to the implied "Christians only care about Christianity" lame-ass rebuttal

When are the children going to have time for Reading Comp 101 is the better question.
Can your grandchildren say "under God" now? Can they not pray before eating lunch?

How do you know this prediction of yours is going to come true? Do you have any evidence?
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.

Yes, so why can't we all fund the schools of our choice.

You wouldn't want to be forced to fund religious schools teaching things you don't believe in.

Why should other people be forced to fund public schools teaching things they don't believe in.

Why can't we have free choice instead of forcing people to fund things, and then FIGHTING
when we don't agree what to fund or not to fund in the public schools. How do we keep the schools neutral
if they are going to be publicly funded. the minute this "agenda" creeps in that people say is no longer
universal and neutral, why can't we accept and work WITH that. why exclude them and them blame them.

Can you see the bias here?

If you don't want your child going to a public school, then you need to pay the funds and send them to a private school, a school of your choice. No one is stopping you.

So why is it wrong to practice your faith in a school? And when was it your place to tell other parents how to school their children?

Do you know who funds public schools?
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.

Yes, so why can't we all fund the schools of our choice.

You wouldn't want to be forced to fund religious schools teaching things you don't believe in.

Why should other people be forced to fund public schools teaching things they don't believe in.

Why can't we have free choice instead of forcing people to fund things, and then FIGHTING
when we don't agree what to fund or not to fund in the public schools. How do we keep the schools neutral
if they are going to be publicly funded. the minute this "agenda" creeps in that people say is no longer
universal and neutral, why can't we accept and work WITH that. why exclude them and them blame them.

Can you see the bias here?

If you don't want your child going to a public school, then you need to pay the funds and send them to a private school, a school of your choice. No one is stopping you.

So why is it wrong to practice your faith in a school? And when was it your place to tell other parents how to school their children?

Do you know who funds public schools?

Taxpayers, who else? The very same person you are commanding to put his children in private school is the same person having his tax dollars put toward public education.
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.

Why would I? I'm Unitarian, we do plenty to help the community.

You missed the entire point...

No, you didn't have a point, you just thought you did.

"I know what you are but what am I?"

That's basically what you sounded like right there.
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.

Why would I? I'm Unitarian, we do plenty to help the community.
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.
You know what? I did Google atheist charies last night.
Number one result was a site that has a list. They listed a staggering THREE organizations.... lol
Google, I think, is what you suggested.
This country is littered with cases of schools censoring any mention of God

If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.
Where have I advocated schools to cater to any particular religion?
Freedom to exercise one's religion applies to every religion and should not dictate when or where someone should be allowed to pray.
Your suggestions that kids should only pray before or after school or go to private schools is exactly the unfair restrictions placed on our freedom to exercise religion.
What part of NO LAW is so difficult to grasp?

So, in these "public" schools, do you want to pull out the "prayer rugs" and pray to Muhammad?


Pull out the Buddhist statues?


Celebrate Hanukkah?


Let the atheists read poetry?

Or is it just your God you want everyone praying to?

You and your family should practice your religion on your own time. School is a place for children to get an education.

If you don't like it, send your child to a religious school of your choice.
Failed Reading Comp 101,huh?
ALL religions. Yes.
Thank you for defaulting to the implied "Christians only care about Christianity" lame-ass rebuttal

When are the children going to have time for Reading Comp 101 is the better question.
You're the one suggesting unfettered accommodations.
I haven't suggested allowing any and all activity to the point of distracting from lessons. But it isn't necessary to stifle all activity, either.
You really should contact our President. He's the one encouraging kids to exercise their religious freedoms at school.
If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.

Yes, so why can't we all fund the schools of our choice.

You wouldn't want to be forced to fund religious schools teaching things you don't believe in.

Why should other people be forced to fund public schools teaching things they don't believe in.

Why can't we have free choice instead of forcing people to fund things, and then FIGHTING
when we don't agree what to fund or not to fund in the public schools. How do we keep the schools neutral
if they are going to be publicly funded. the minute this "agenda" creeps in that people say is no longer
universal and neutral, why can't we accept and work WITH that. why exclude them and them blame them.

Can you see the bias here?

If you don't want your child going to a public school, then you need to pay the funds and send them to a private school, a school of your choice. No one is stopping you.

So why is it wrong to practice your faith in a school? And when was it your place to tell other parents how to school their children?

Do you know who funds public schools?

Taxpayers, who else? The very same person you are commanding to put his children in private school is the same person having his tax dollars put toward public education.

And those taxpayers are made up of many different religions and denominations, or no religion at all, are they not?
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.

Why would I? I'm Unitarian, we do plenty to help the community.
I've never looked for an atheist organization that does charity.

What an irony.
You know what? I did Google atheist charies last night.
Number one result was a site that has a list. They listed a staggering THREE organizations.... lol
If you feel that way, then send your child to a religious private school where they can be indoctrinated all day long.

Public schools should not cater to any one religion. Actually, school is a place to get an education. Church is for the study of religion. You can pray with your child before and after school, and go to church 3 times a week. Is that not enough?

Again, if that's not enough, I suggest a private religious school.
Where have I advocated schools to cater to any particular religion?
Freedom to exercise one's religion applies to every religion and should not dictate when or where someone should be allowed to pray.
Your suggestions that kids should only pray before or after school or go to private schools is exactly the unfair restrictions placed on our freedom to exercise religion.
What part of NO LAW is so difficult to grasp?

So, in these "public" schools, do you want to pull out the "prayer rugs" and pray to Muhammad?


Pull out the Buddhist statues?


Celebrate Hanukkah?


Let the atheists read poetry?

Or is it just your God you want everyone praying to?

You and your family should practice your religion on your own time. School is a place for children to get an education.

If you don't like it, send your child to a religious school of your choice.
Failed Reading Comp 101,huh?
ALL religions. Yes.
Thank you for defaulting to the implied "Christians only care about Christianity" lame-ass rebuttal

When are the children going to have time for Reading Comp 101 is the better question.
You're the one suggesting unfettered accommodations.
I haven't suggested allowing any and all activity to the point of distracting from lessons. But it isn't necessary to stifle all activity, either.
You really should contact our President. He's the one encouraging kids to exercise their religious freedoms at school.

You're not suggesting other accommodations because you only want children praying to "your" God. You only want "your" God recognized.

Religious education is YOUR responsibility.
Yes, so why can't we all fund the schools of our choice.

You wouldn't want to be forced to fund religious schools teaching things you don't believe in.

Why should other people be forced to fund public schools teaching things they don't believe in.

Why can't we have free choice instead of forcing people to fund things, and then FIGHTING
when we don't agree what to fund or not to fund in the public schools. How do we keep the schools neutral
if they are going to be publicly funded. the minute this "agenda" creeps in that people say is no longer
universal and neutral, why can't we accept and work WITH that. why exclude them and them blame them.

Can you see the bias here?

If you don't want your child going to a public school, then you need to pay the funds and send them to a private school, a school of your choice. No one is stopping you.

So why is it wrong to practice your faith in a school? And when was it your place to tell other parents how to school their children?

Do you know who funds public schools?

Taxpayers, who else? The very same person you are commanding to put his children in private school is the same person having his tax dollars put toward public education.

And those taxpayers are made up of many different religions and denominations, or no religion at all, are they not?

Are you offering to let us opt out of failed public schools and the public school taxes? :eusa_clap:
If you don't want your child going to a public school, then you need to pay the funds and send them to a private school, a school of your choice. No one is stopping you.

So why is it wrong to practice your faith in a school? And when was it your place to tell other parents how to school their children?

Do you know who funds public schools?

Taxpayers, who else? The very same person you are commanding to put his children in private school is the same person having his tax dollars put toward public education.

And those taxpayers are made up of many different religions and denominations, or no religion at all, are they not?

Are you offering to let us opt out of failed public schools and the public school taxes? :eusa_clap:

Can we also opt out of road taxes we don't drive on? What about all the other tax-funded stuff we don't personally use - or want...?

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