Remain in Mexico


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
They have no choice. Mexico is culpable in the organization of the invasion. Le's see if they give the next "caravan" safe passage to our border. Those people have escaped their countries. They are safe now. No need to migrate any further...
It would not cost much to fly them all from Tijuana to Toronto.

One Gofundme effort and ..poof...they are all Canadian.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Ridiculous bigotry.

There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Ridiculous bigotry.

There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.
I tell you why, Clay. It's because we've seen how that works.
In a nut shell:
We give them papers with a court date, we give them an ankle bracelet.
That is the last time we see them.
That's the reason.
But, you already knew that.
There is a long line at the legal port of entry. Please take a number and we'll be with you as soon as possible.

Mexico is paying for the wall. The wall isn't there, but Mexico is paying for it by proxy.

It would not cost much to fly them all from Tijuana to Toronto.

One Gofundme effort and ..poof...they are all Canadian.

but would have the same story that's happening in the south.....only this time happening in the north! :confused:

you have to think in terms of to totally put a stop to it.:dunno:
It would not cost much to fly them all from Tijuana to Toronto.

One Gofundme effort and ..poof...they are all Canadian.

Funny you should say that. We have a few Canadian members here on the left who heavily criticizes us on the right for our stance on immigration. They don't have much to say when I suggest just what you said.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated. according to the data 2.3 in 100 from Mehico will qualify while all from Central and South America should immediately be disqualified as they could have and should have applied for asylum in Mehico. Meanwhile good Americans foot the bill while the piece of shits among us applaud the filthy cockroaches for fucking over good Americans once again....FUCKING COOL!
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Also it was stated that if asylum is not granted immediately, back they go.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.

Either that or send them back home. No way you let them in to wait.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Ridiculous bigotry.

There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.
There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Sure there is. Because we have well over 20 million illegals here now, and allowing them to come in will only add more.

The real number is something like 50 million at least.

It could be, I don't know. I'm just going by government estimates.

The US is the only industrialized country in the world that allows a million foreigners to become citizens every single year. This is on top of the work permits, Visa's and so on. No other country in the world does this but us.

I guess for leftists, it's not good enough to be the most generous country in the entire world when it comes to immigration. We should do even better.
Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Ridiculous bigotry.

There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.

They're not true asylum seekers. Leaving a country of their own making where no real war is raging is bullshit!
And don't hand me further bullshit that escaping gangs and domestic violence qualifies them; as we already have both in this country.
They are freeloaders seeking handouts courtesy of duped American taxpayers.
They've seen our supermarkets and cannot wait to get food stamps and then crap in a real plumbing system, instead of crapping in a hole minus toilet paper.
There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.

There is no reason why we should let hordes of foreign invaders into our country unvetted. Desiring that our country be protected against destructive foreign invasion does not make one a “hateful rightwing bigot”. In fact, desiring that we not be so protected makes one a filthy traitor and an anti-American piece of shit.

It's too bad we can't revoke the citizenship of traitorous filth such as yourself, and expel you to Mexico or beyond. The very last thing this country needs is treasonous filth like you who openly side with our enemies.

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