Remain in Mexico

I don't think that will be much of a problem. They don't want to see the border totally closed. They have citizens here that are bringing back money. US tourism is also a huge benefit to the country.
yea, just lots of info flying about. i think there's some form of a deal and hey - that's a start.

i'd rather work on fixing this issue *WITH* mexico than build a wall.

I don't think that will be much of a problem. They don't want to see the border totally closed. They have citizens here that are bringing back money. US tourism is also a huge benefit to the country.
yea, just lots of info flying about. i think there's some form of a deal and hey - that's a start.

i'd rather work on fixing this issue *WITH* mexico than build a wall.

I would rather have both. As the article points out, us stopping them at the border invites all kinds of people to sneak them in for a certain price. Much of our resources are now at that point of entry, so it leaves other areas less protected.

I don't think that will be much of a problem. They don't want to see the border totally closed. They have citizens here that are bringing back money. US tourism is also a huge benefit to the country.
yea, just lots of info flying about. i think there's some form of a deal and hey - that's a start.

i'd rather work on fixing this issue *WITH* mexico than build a wall.

I would rather have both. As the article points out, us stopping them at the border invites all kinds of people to sneak them in for a certain price. Much of our resources are now at that point of entry, so it leaves other areas less protected.
All this talk is a wasted effort. The Ruling Class wants lots of illegals in the country and they usually get what they want. I don’t see Trump capable of changing this. Do you?
No, and to be truthful changing our visa laws would be far more effective than any wall Gip

Plan Mexico has agreed to would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while their applications for asylum are adjudicated.
Ridiculous bigotry.

There's no reason why asylum seekers shouldn't be allowed to await processing in the United States, pursuant to imigration law.

Only hateful rightwing bigots would support such nonsense.

1, Because they are obviously not refugees.

2. Because we don't want them.

3. Because you're a race baiting asshole.

I don't think that will be much of a problem. They don't want to see the border totally closed. They have citizens here that are bringing back money. US tourism is also a huge benefit to the country.
yea, just lots of info flying about. i think there's some form of a deal and hey - that's a start.

i'd rather work on fixing this issue *WITH* mexico than build a wall.

I would rather have both. As the article points out, us stopping them at the border invites all kinds of people to sneak them in for a certain price. Much of our resources are now at that point of entry, so it leaves other areas less protected.
All this talk is a wasted effort. The Ruling Class wants lots of illegals in the country and they usually get what they want. I don’t see Trump capable of changing this. Do you?

I think he's doing that right now while at the same time, exposing those who are for the ruling class. It's just a shame voters don't pay attention to these kinds of things.
No, and to be truthful changing our visa laws would be far more effective than any wall Gip


If we created fines and prison time for being here illegally, that would work much better than a wall.

They don't have any money? Some states spend $30K-$50K/year per inmate.

The idea is not really to lock them up, but give them a deterrent from coming here in the first place. They calculate that we have over 20 million illegals here today. Make a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison, at least 18 million would leave in a heartbeat.

We wouldn't need a wall, wouldn't need e-veryify, wouldn't have to worry about Visa overstays. Everybody who is not here legally would leave.
The ones who need to be fined are the ones hiring them here in the United States.. We could start with the elitist pricks in California Agriculture business.........who hire the most illegals in the country to pick and manage their crops...............

There are laws in this country to work here..........they violate them daily..............The DOL has a program that allows them to legally work there.................There are application fees and Regulations on their hiring that doesn't allow the growers to pay them less than the Federal Mandates which are very low............They also must sponsor them.......give them room and board while working.................

But it's cheaper for them to use illegals, skirt the system............and maximize their profits by NOT OBEYING THE LAW............

Later if caught by ICE in a raid...........they go WE DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE ILLEGAL..........They had a Drivers License, and SSN of some dead person..........LOL.....

Wash, Rinse, dry repeat.
How's extending deterent from the individual immigrant, to the countries they're fleeing from sound?

It would not cost much to fly them all from Tijuana to Toronto.

One Gofundme effort and ..poof...they are all Canadian.

Funny you should say that. We have a few Canadian members here on the left who heavily criticizes us on the right for our stance on immigration. They don't have much to say when I suggest just what you said.
How many illegals is that fag Trudeau going to let live in his backyard?
It would not cost much to fly them all from Tijuana to Toronto.

One Gofundme effort and ..poof...they are all Canadian.

Funny you should say that. We have a few Canadian members here on the left who heavily criticizes us on the right for our stance on immigration. They don't have much to say when I suggest just what you said.
How many illegals is that fag Trudeau going to let live in his backyard?

I don't know who he is. The name is very familiar but I forgot the association.
I think the government benefits from this situation with migrants. The New York Times writes that the United States and Mexico carry a lot of weapons across the border. Mexicans buy weapons in the United States, where they don't need a lot of documents for this, and then resell them in Mexico. On it earn money. So this business in Mexico is illegal, then sooner or later, they start having problems with the law and they are asking for political asylum in the United States. But such people can't bring benefit to the country. It is unlikely that in the United States they will become decent citizens.
No, and to be truthful changing our visa laws would be far more effective than any wall Gip

If we created fines and prison time for being here illegally, that would work much better than a wall.

If we actually upheld and enforced such laws. And there is the big heart of the problem. Our government is severely infested with corrupt criminals who refuse to uphold and obey the law. Too many of those charged with the duty of maintaining and administering our system of laws imagine themselves to be above it.
No, and to be truthful changing our visa laws would be far more effective than any wall Gip

If we created fines and prison time for being here illegally, that would work much better than a wall.

If we actually upheld and enforced such laws. And there is the big heart of the problem. Our government is severely infested with corrupt criminals who refuse to uphold and obey the law. Too many of those charged with the duty of maintaining and administering our system of laws imagine themselves to be above it.

And that goes double for activist judges.

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