Remake "Roots"; But make Toby a white Irish actor. Would it be ok?

There is a point. 2 of them.

1. To piss people off. Make James Bond black...instead of creating a whole new character. "John Mack" super secret spy blah blah blah who is black. They want to take the already successful white character away...and make him black.

2. Money. A new black character won't sell as much as changing a successful white one.

In the new Fantastic 4, Johnny Storm is a black guy.
Movie was flop, not because of him, but because it really sucks.
Everyone should know their Roots and where they came from, Now with inexpensive DNA tests people can find out, although they might not like what they find
these you would not say anything if Blade was suddenly a white guy right?....or if Luke Cage in the upcoming show on Net Flix was now a white guy right?......go ahead and tell me you would not say something.....
In the case of superman for example a white man should not be the epitome of what a super man is to a Black child.
there are more than enough black superheros around today that are great examples for black kids to look up to.....
I did answer that. Fake movies are of no concern to me. I wouldnt really give shit to be honest.

I dont see any movies about Black superheroes. Do you?
you call that answering?....i call it not wanting to answer because then you would be saying the same thing me and many others say about doing that shit..and they usually dont spend millions on movies or TV unless the comic is pretty popular .....
I dont see any movies about Black superheroes. Do you?
try the Blade trilogy with Wesley Snipes....the first one till this day is one of the best superhero movies made....Snipes has the Blade character down like its actually the character doing the movie...
Yes I call that answering. I dont care about fake movies. Why do you think thats not an answer?

I forgot about Blade. Blade is not a pure hero though. He is more of an anti-hero. White people only use whites for the vast majority of real heroes. Thats one of the tenets of the racist system here in the states. You infect the mind of the youth and have them seeing white as right. This needs to change. The lone ranger was a Black man by the name of Bass Reeves. Why was he played by a white guy?
i dont think its an answer because for a guy who doesnt care you sure have a lot to say about blacks playing a white character ....and so you are going to tell me if tomorrow they announced that a lily white actor would be playing Blade or the Black Panther,you would not have something to say?.....yea right,like anyone is going to buy that shit....and as far as the Lone Ranger goes who he was based on is kinda debatable,some say he was based on Texas Ranger Captain John Hughes whom Zane Grey dedicated his novel "The Lone Star Ranger" to when it came out about a century ago.....and some say Bass Reeves, the only guys who would know for sure is the guys who created him, Fran Striker and George Trendle and finding them saying who it was based on is a pretty tough find.....they also created the Green Hornet who was the Lone Rangers great nephew.....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
I did answer that. Fake movies are of no concern to me. I wouldnt really give shit to be honest.

I dont see any movies about Black superheroes. Do you?
you call that answering?....i call it not wanting to answer because then you would be saying the same thing me and many others say about doing that shit..and they usually dont spend millions on movies or TV unless the comic is pretty popular .....
I dont see any movies about Black superheroes. Do you?
try the Blade trilogy with Wesley Snipes....the first one till this day is one of the best superhero movies made....Snipes has the Blade character down like its actually the character doing the movie...
Yes I call that answering. I dont care about fake movies. Why do you think thats not an answer?

I forgot about Blade. Blade is not a pure hero though. He is more of an anti-hero. White people only use whites for the vast majority of real heroes. Thats one of the tenets of the racist system here in the states. You infect the mind of the youth and have them seeing white as right. This needs to change. The lone ranger was a Black man by the name of Bass Reeves. Why was he played by a white guy?
i dont think its an answer because for a guy who doesnt care you sure have a lot to say about blacks playing a white character ....and so you are going to tell me if tomorrow they announced that a lily white actor would be playing Blade or the Black Panther,you would not have something to say?.....yea right,like anyone is going to buy that shit....and as far as the Lone Ranger goes who he was based on is kinda debatable,some say he was based on Texas Ranger Captain John Hughes whom Zane Grey dedicated his novel "The Lone Star Ranger" to when it came out about a century ago.....and some say Bass Reeves, the only guys who would know for sure is the guys who created him, Fran Striker and George Trendle and finding them saying who it was based on is a pretty tough find.....they also created the Green Hornet who was the Lone Rangers great nephew.....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves - Bet you didn't know that did you?

More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites.

I think Hollywood should remake the slave movie "Roots". But cast Toby as a white Irish character. Maybe Conan Obrien could be the lead.

"Whutch-yo name boy?"

"Aeden. Aeden O'Sullivan".

"Nope. Yo name Toby. I say Whutch-yo name boy"

"My name Aeden."

Hmmm. Wonder if the left would accept this as gleefully as the black Annie or black Bond or black Star Wars lead haha!!??


Love it!
you call that answering?....i call it not wanting to answer because then you would be saying the same thing me and many others say about doing that shit..and they usually dont spend millions on movies or TV unless the comic is pretty popular .....
I dont see any movies about Black superheroes. Do you?
try the Blade trilogy with Wesley Snipes....the first one till this day is one of the best superhero movies made....Snipes has the Blade character down like its actually the character doing the movie...
Yes I call that answering. I dont care about fake movies. Why do you think thats not an answer?

I forgot about Blade. Blade is not a pure hero though. He is more of an anti-hero. White people only use whites for the vast majority of real heroes. Thats one of the tenets of the racist system here in the states. You infect the mind of the youth and have them seeing white as right. This needs to change. The lone ranger was a Black man by the name of Bass Reeves. Why was he played by a white guy?
i dont think its an answer because for a guy who doesnt care you sure have a lot to say about blacks playing a white character ....and so you are going to tell me if tomorrow they announced that a lily white actor would be playing Blade or the Black Panther,you would not have something to say?.....yea right,like anyone is going to buy that shit....and as far as the Lone Ranger goes who he was based on is kinda debatable,some say he was based on Texas Ranger Captain John Hughes whom Zane Grey dedicated his novel "The Lone Star Ranger" to when it came out about a century ago.....and some say Bass Reeves, the only guys who would know for sure is the guys who created him, Fran Striker and George Trendle and finding them saying who it was based on is a pretty tough find.....they also created the Green Hornet who was the Lone Rangers great nephew.....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Yes I call that answering. I dont care about fake movies. Why do you think thats not an answer?

I forgot about Blade. Blade is not a pure hero though. He is more of an anti-hero. White people only use whites for the vast majority of real heroes. Thats one of the tenets of the racist system here in the states. You infect the mind of the youth and have them seeing white as right. This needs to change. The lone ranger was a Black man by the name of Bass Reeves. Why was he played by a white guy?
i dont think its an answer because for a guy who doesnt care you sure have a lot to say about blacks playing a white character ....and so you are going to tell me if tomorrow they announced that a lily white actor would be playing Blade or the Black Panther,you would not have something to say?.....yea right,like anyone is going to buy that shit....and as far as the Lone Ranger goes who he was based on is kinda debatable,some say he was based on Texas Ranger Captain John Hughes whom Zane Grey dedicated his novel "The Lone Star Ranger" to when it came out about a century ago.....and some say Bass Reeves, the only guys who would know for sure is the guys who created him, Fran Striker and George Trendle and finding them saying who it was based on is a pretty tough find.....they also created the Green Hornet who was the Lone Rangers great nephew.....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
i dont think its an answer because for a guy who doesnt care you sure have a lot to say about blacks playing a white character ....and so you are going to tell me if tomorrow they announced that a lily white actor would be playing Blade or the Black Panther,you would not have something to say?.....yea right,like anyone is going to buy that shit....and as far as the Lone Ranger goes who he was based on is kinda debatable,some say he was based on Texas Ranger Captain John Hughes whom Zane Grey dedicated his novel "The Lone Star Ranger" to when it came out about a century ago.....and some say Bass Reeves, the only guys who would know for sure is the guys who created him, Fran Striker and George Trendle and finding them saying who it was based on is a pretty tough find.....they also created the Green Hornet who was the Lone Rangers great nephew.....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
You dont have to think its an answer. I'm telling you it is. You keep getting confused. Blade is not real. The Black Panthers are real. I could give a shit about Blade being played by a white guy. I would be bothered by a white guy playing a Black Panther. How come you cant understand that simple concept?
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
know wonder you are so clueless about comics.....the Black Panther is this guy....the first black super hero to have his own comic he first appeared with the Fantastic Four back in 1966...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
"Know wonder..."? Dont you mean "No wonder?" When I hear Black Panther I am not thinking about a silly comic book. I'm thinking about a group that effected change in the Black community. You know. Something that mattered? If they want to make your comic book Black Panther white have at it. Its the first time I have even heard of him.
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you knew we were talking about fictional characters,you joined the conversation so one would think you knew that.....dont play stupid....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you said ..."of course i knew"....knew what?.....that there is a difference between the Black Panther and the Black Panthers?.....because thats what was being discussed and you did not did you know or not?.....just admit that you fucked up but i dont believe you have enough character to admit will just come back with more dancing,if you do at least let me put some music on.....
Of course I knew. The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional. I dont care about fictional. I only care about non fictional. I wouldnt want a Black person playing the character of say Lincoln or George Washington. Those were real people. If it was a Black santa clause thats cool but not important at all to me. The fact that you missed that I was talking about the difference between fictional and non fictional lets me know you are not too bright.
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you said ..."of course i knew"....knew what?.....that there is a difference between the Black Panther and the Black Panthers?.....because thats what was being discussed and you did not did you know or not?.....just admit that you fucked up but i dont believe you have enough character to admit will just come back with more dancing,if you do at least let me put some music on.....
I knew you were initially talking about fictional characters. Thats why I made the distinction that there was a difference in my feelings between fictional characters and non fictional ones. You keep saying "gotcha" but you look like a fool. Only a complete idiot would not know thats what I was doing. Try harder to "catch me". :laugh:
Of course I knew.The point was that I made a difference between fictional and non fictional
no you did not,you thought the Black Panther was the the black group of people you cant even lie without showing your should stay in the threads you know something about Asclepius....this type of subject matter your not to good with....
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you said ..."of course i knew"....knew what?.....that there is a difference between the Black Panther and the Black Panthers?.....because thats what was being discussed and you did not did you know or not?.....just admit that you fucked up but i dont believe you have enough character to admit will just come back with more dancing,if you do at least let me put some music on.....
I knew you were initially talking about fictional characters. Thats why I made the distinction that there was a difference in my feelings between fictional characters and non fictional ones. You keep saying "gotcha" but you look like a fool. Only a complete idiot would not know thats what I was doing. Try harder to "catch me". :laugh:
sure you did....if you did you would not have even mentioned the black let me put some music this why so many here think you are a dipshit? a little character dumbass and just admit you thought the black panther was the gang...
Yes actually I did. Thats why I pointed out long before you brought up the comic book Black Panther that I made the distinction between fictional and non fictional characters. If you are embarrassed you didnt pick that up maybe you should stop trying to "catch" me in something and start reading my posts with more concentration. You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you said ..."of course i knew"....knew what?.....that there is a difference between the Black Panther and the Black Panthers?.....because thats what was being discussed and you did not did you know or not?.....just admit that you fucked up but i dont believe you have enough character to admit will just come back with more dancing,if you do at least let me put some music on.....
I knew you were initially talking about fictional characters. Thats why I made the distinction that there was a difference in my feelings between fictional characters and non fictional ones. You keep saying "gotcha" but you look like a fool. Only a complete idiot would not know thats what I was doing. Try harder to "catch me". :laugh:
sure you did....if you did you would not have even mentioned the black let me put some music this why so many here think you are a dipshit? a little character dumbass and just admit you thought the black panther was the gang...
Sorry HD. Youre asking for something I already did and claiming you caught me. It doesnt work like that.
sure you did....we were talking comic characters,you did not know who the Black Panther was and you thought i was talking about the Black Panthers....You have only succeeded in making yourself look like more of a fool than I originally took you for,see i can play that game too.....stay away from the threads about comics you dont know much about the medium...
I freely admitted I had no clue your comic book character existed. My point was that I answered your question telling you I dont care about fictional characters race. I do care about real people accurately represented. Youre were too dumb to catch that evidently. Are you really that butthurt over the past that you keep missing things like that or are you just stupid?
you said ..."of course i knew"....knew what?.....that there is a difference between the Black Panther and the Black Panthers?.....because thats what was being discussed and you did not did you know or not?.....just admit that you fucked up but i dont believe you have enough character to admit will just come back with more dancing,if you do at least let me put some music on.....
I knew you were initially talking about fictional characters. Thats why I made the distinction that there was a difference in my feelings between fictional characters and non fictional ones. You keep saying "gotcha" but you look like a fool. Only a complete idiot would not know thats what I was doing. Try harder to "catch me". :laugh:
sure you did....if you did you would not have even mentioned the black let me put some music this why so many here think you are a dipshit? a little character dumbass and just admit you thought the black panther was the gang...
Sorry HD. Youre asking for something I already did and claiming you caught me. It doesnt work like that.
yes or no....did you not think that the black panther was the black panthers?....which is what this discussion between us is about,even though you are trying to make it about something else because got caught.....

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