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Remeber?,,John Kerry:Global Warming Is Real.The Argument Is Over.Anyone Laughing?

:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.
i wonder if John Kerry has clipped a beaver and fell 300 feet into a frozen lake
:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.
this just in from MSNBC, this is not a cold spell..this is "Just A Pause" in the ever going global warming debacle
See, see, they can't lose... What a set up....Gotta hand it to them, they take the grand prize on coming up with the scam of the century.
:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:

Well, lets do something special for good Ole Al! Everybody sing......a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, four----->

Any cold snap always brings out the "Durrr ... I saw a snowflake, so global warming is a hoax!" mouthbreathers.

If only we environmentalists done better at stopping children from eating lead paint chips, this could have been prevented. For that, we aplogize to Rexx.
Kinda like how Global warming supporters will trumpet hottest year, day, second on record.
Any cold snap always brings out the "Durrr ... I saw a snowflake, so global warming is a hoax!" mouthbreathers.

If only we environmentalists done better at stopping children from eating lead paint chips, this could have been prevented. For that, we aplogize to Rexx.
Kinda like how Global warming supporters will trumpet hottest year, day, second on record.
hottest year on record? tell that to Minnesota last week
Denier cranks certainly do get grumpy when you point out their logic failures. They can troll and cry, but actual science is a problem for them, being all the actual science says deniers are totally wrong about every single thing.

Weather will shift on Sunday back to a warm pattern. Not being dishonest cult losers, we rational people won't be shrieking how that proves global warming is proven. We leave such desperate tactics of stupidity to deniers.
Denier cranks certainly do get grumpy when you point out their logic failures. They can troll and cry, but actual science is a problem for them, being all the actual science says deniers are totally wrong about every single thing.

Weather will shift on Sunday back to a warm pattern. Not being dishonest cult losers, we rational people won't be shrieking how that proves global warming is proven. We leave such desperate tactics of stupidity to deniers.

You people have lost the debate, thanks to trying to cook the books. Nobody believes you that doesn't have a vested interest, and those are the people who count-)
Any cold snap always brings out the "Durrr ... I saw a snowflake, so global warming is a hoax!" mouthbreathers.

If only we environmentalists done better at stopping children from eating lead paint chips, this could have been prevented. For that, we aplogize to Rexx.
Kinda like how Global warming supporters will trumpet hottest year, day, second on record.
hottest year on record? tell that to Minnesota last week

Or this week. :)
can anyone here explain how Global Warming has all 57 states in a state of F-------king Cold !!! ????

LOL. Well if the global warming religionists set up shop here in the southwest that did have December and now January temps roughly 10 to 15 degrees above normal, they'll probably convince a few more folks than they will those in the north and east. I'm not sure if we are states 53 through 57 though.:)
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Denier cranks certainly do get grumpy when you point out their logic failures. They can troll and cry, but actual science is a problem for them, being all the actual science says deniers are totally wrong about every single thing.

Weather will shift on Sunday back to a warm pattern. Not being dishonest cult losers, we rational people won't be shrieking how that proves global warming is proven. We leave such desperate tactics of stupidity to deniers.

And by the way, we are not the ones getting grump/cranky. We are laughing like hell at YOU, because YOU and your people, screwed yourselves by lying and got caught!

You no longer have any credibility with people who do not follow the debate; which is most of the people. All we need do is pull out the proof of your lies, and anyone you try and convince is going to run from you like you are the plague!

In essence, with a lot of help from YOU, we have made you into used car salesmen in checkered coats, lolololol!
You people have lost the debate, thanks to trying to cook the books

Yes, you gutless cult trolls push that lie a lot ... and then get busted for fraud every time. Not that it stops you from attempting more fraud. Fraud is all you do, because it's all you can do.

Your only argument is "WAAAAAA! Secret Global Socialist Conspiracy!". That means you're a conspiracy cultist. I mean, it could be that you really are one of the elite few who understands how the whole world is plotting against him and how the last century of physics is totally wrong ... oh wait, that's actually not possible. You're just a precious and unique little snowflake who fell hard for the cult telling him how special he was for understanding TheRealTruth. Weak minds are easily swayed by such appeals to emotion. We probably shouldn't laugh quite so loudly at your stupidity, but being that your malicious cult stupidity causes harm to real human beings, it's a moral necessity to point it out.
You people have lost the debate, thanks to trying to cook the books

Yes, you gutless cult trolls push that lie a lot ... and then get busted for fraud every time. Not that it stops you from more fraud. Fraud is all you do, because it's all you can do.

Your only argument is "WAAAAAA! Secret Global Socialist Conspiracy!". That means you're a conspiracy cultist. I mean, it could be that you really are one of the elite few who understands how the whole world is plotting against him and how the last century of physics is totally wrong ... oh wait, that's actually not possible. You're just a snowflake who fell hard for the cult telling him how special he was for understanding TheRealTruth. Weak minds are easily swayed by such appeals to emotion.

LOL, keep trying, but we have the facts, and the evidence. You lost, just like Hilly lost, so deal with the reality, you are screwed for the forseeable future, lololol!
The science denying Trumpcult always embarrass themselves whenever they talk about climate change.
Facts are like kryptonite to them.
It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift. Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift. Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

Didn't you hear the news?

ZomboMeme 31122017074303.jpg
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It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift. Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

Oh didn't you hear the news?

It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift. Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

Didn't you hear the news?

View attachment 169255

Too funny. Right up there with Al Gore inventing the internet before he decided to become rich and famous by predicting terrible stuff for Planet Earth, none of which has happened as he said it would, but I guess people are still paying him to say it anyway.

But nobody is talking about Michael E. Mann's hockey stick theory once it was so embarrassingly debunked, huh.

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