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Remeber?,,John Kerry:Global Warming Is Real.The Argument Is Over.Anyone Laughing?

View attachment 169253 The science denying Trumpcult always embarrass themselves whenever they talk about climate change.
Facts are like kryptonite to them.

And now these are the real facts

They changed it

View attachment 169261
Every global warming denier uses that bogus graph on every political forum in the country.
Notice it has no source on it?
That's intentional.
But you fell for it.

It has a source I posted it here millions of times , posted by why and email gate..but what's the point with AGW cult members like you?
I've crushed you simpletons on your bogus graphs since 2000.
There's not a climate scientist in the world says GW isn't happening and man isn't the cause.
To get that type of lie you have to head on over to right wing non science sites

How much is man the cause fool tell us?







Tell us fool
:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.
Didnt stop Governor Brown from claiming the fire in LA was caused by THE global warming, did it fuck face?

While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

While we are on the subject dipshit, why don't you tell all of us what you actually do stop THE global warming other than making fun of republicans and being a loud, proud, good enough socialist.

What the fuck do you do?
i was told illegal mexicans were setting the fires,,,i guess then, that global warming is causing mexicans to start fires?

I was told the Sun revolved around the Earth. I don't believe everything people tell me.
:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.
Didnt stop Governor Brown from claiming the fire in LA was caused by THE global warming, did it fuck face?

While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

While we are on the subject dipshit, why don't you tell all of us what you actually do stop THE global warming other than making fun of republicans and being a loud, proud, good enough socialist.

What the fuck do you do?
i was told illegal mexicans were setting the fires,,,i guess then, that global warming is causing mexicans to start fires?

Global warming is responsible for more than that:

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

House Dem: Global Warming Could Force Women to Trade Sex for Food

Dem. Senator Blames Tornado on Republicans - Breitbart
i think it was global warming that caused that infamous blonde actress to expose her left boob when her slip came down, what was her name?
While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

Because they were proven wrong on global warming, so they went to climate change so they could never be wrong. The climate has been changing since God made the place.
While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

Because they were proven wrong on global warming, so they went to climate change so they could never be wrong. The climate has been changing since God made the place.
Remember when we were kids? Was it global warming that caused the brutal winters of the 70s?
:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.
Didnt stop Governor Brown from claiming the fire in LA was caused by THE global warming, did it fuck face?

While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

While we are on the subject dipshit, why don't you tell all of us what you actually do stop THE global warming other than making fun of republicans and being a loud, proud, good enough socialist.

What the fuck do you do?
i was told illegal mexicans were setting the fires,,,i guess then, that global warming is causing mexicans to start fires?

Global warming is responsible for more than that:

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

House Dem: Global Warming Could Force Women to Trade Sex for Food

Dem. Senator Blames Tornado on Republicans - Breitbart

Oh wow, so you go take a few things from a bunch of wackos to "prove" there's no global warming....er....
this stinks! now I need to chop down a palm tree and burn it! Im Freezing !!!!
While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

Because they were proven wrong on global warming, so they went to climate change so they could never be wrong. The climate has been changing since God made the place.

Actually the term climate change dates back to 1956, but Republican political consultant Frank Luntz helped popularize the term during the Bush administration because he argued that it would sound less severe than global warming.

The more you know...
While we are on the subject dipshit why don't you tell all of us why the term was changed from THE global warming to something more ambiguous like THE climate change.

Because they were proven wrong on global warming, so they went to climate change so they could never be wrong. The climate has been changing since God made the place.

Actually the term climate change dates back to 1956, but Republican political consultant Frank Luntz helped popularize the term during the Bush administration because he argued that it would sound less severe than global warming

The more you know...


Climate change has been known since the first man first scratched his nuts, and no it was not in 1956.




Has anyone noticed that the left never let us know what they all do to stop THE global warming? Ever notice that? Notice how they are not answering WHY there was a concerted effort to change the term from THE global warming, to THE climate change?

Let's review.....SHALL WE?

In the 1970s, the climate commies pushed global cooling. Yeah, they did. They sure did. Can quote the hippy commies at their first "Earth Day" festival if you want from the early 70s. Of course that led to more government expansion with new agencies created. The evil republicans started the EPA, and passed mass legislation under Nixon like the Clean Air Act.

In the 1980s, it was "acid rain" that was going to destroy ALL of us. Ended up being that was a regional event, and really nothing to it. The world did not end, but the hysteria created was effective. Mass regulations passed. Government got stronger.

In the 1990s, it was a big giant hole in the ozone. It was somewhere, and of course we could not see that. It was over....THE ice caps. Led to movies like WATERWORLD.....LOL!!!!! The ICE CAPS had melted, and Kevin Costner came to the rescue to save us from the evil white dwellers riding around the evil EXXON Valdez.....LOL!!!! The left.....

In the 2000s, of course it led to THE global warming. Oh, the hysteria. Movies like "The Day After Tomorrow." LOL!!!! Nothing else needs to be said about that. Gay Gyllehaal saved the day.....along with Dennis Quaid.....AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! IT'S THE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!! WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED.

Yes, that movie had the cliche white descenting republican in it, naturally. LOL!!!!

I will bet anything Nat4900 and Aaronleland came out of that movie....THOSE DAMN WHITE CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

And now here we are with THE climate change. As though humans are just learning about the fact that climate changes.

Yet, they somehow know we came out of the last mini ice age around 1850. Do you know I think the left want us to go back to the stone age? Well, that is how long we have been burning fossil fuels. How else do you all think iron and steel and other metals are forged?


:2up: :laugh2: :lalala: So where is John Kerry this week? Riding his Wal-Mart bicycle in three feet of snow somewhere in the Northeast?
Oh, and didnt some/or someone on the far left want to put anyone who didnt believe the world was warming in jail? :laugh:
So where are they now? Probably not in the rust belt/trip-state/New England.
Well, 2018 looks like the year the world will be laughing at Liberals,,,BIG TIME !!!
Even the polar bears have already started making new Al Gore Jokes in the north pole.
:funnyface: :happy-1: :slap:
the Northeast region is not the planet. It's not "regional warming". It's global warming.
where were your global warming-related thread after the heatwaves and hurricanes?
thread fail.

It's 28 degrees in San Antonio TX today, numskull.
Any cold snap always brings out the "Durrr ... I saw a snowflake, so global warming is a hoax!" mouthbreathers.

If only we environmentalists done better at stopping children from eating lead paint chips, this could have been prevented. For that, we aplogize to Rexx.

No worries. I'll be here in July to rub their noses in it. Right wingers are very very easy.
Any cold snap always brings out the "Durrr ... I saw a snowflake, so global warming is a hoax!" mouthbreathers.

If only we environmentalists done better at stopping children from eating lead paint chips, this could have been prevented. For that, we aplogize to Rexx.

No worries. I'll be here in July to rub their noses in it. Right wingers are very very easy.
None of them are letting us know ALL of the various things they do to stop THE global warming. Notice that folks?

Why is that? Cause they do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Oh, a fucking loser like this skews piece of shit, thinks he is doing something for "the planet" cause he rubs right wingers noses in it.

In what? Their pathetic hypocrisy? The fact that they hate white republicans well enough, is the same thing as doing something.

The fact that they are not even attempting to explain what they are doing, is proof enough that they are full of shit.

You think any of these fuckers like Skews will now admit that the Gore carbon credit shit was a money scam? No, he won't.

Well skews, did the carbon credit thing work? No? Did you buy any carbon credits. Tell us skews, what is your "CARBON FOOTPRINT?"


Rubbing our nose in it? You fuck. I rub your nose in your shit every fucking day, and ALL of you run away. Have fun thinking you have anything. You stupid limp wristed moron.

I will be waiting for you to tell me what your "CARBON FOOTPRINT" is. LOL!!!!!
looks like we are in for two months of hell, so cold we wont be able to bury anyone. and this is from driving too many SUV's? and what kind of vehicles did they transport the VIP rats during the Obama years?
None of them are letting us know ALL of the various things they do to stop THE global warming. Notice that folks?

We notice you're off on another weepy deflection after getting your ass kicked on the actual issues. That is, same old same old.

Why is that? Cause they do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

No, you're wrong. My carbon footprint is really damn small, far smaller than yours or any of the other denier cult liars here. I could go into details, but why bother? You'd just call me a liar and scream about wanting all liberals dead, which you do quite a lot.

Oh, a fucking loser like this skews piece of shit, thinks he is doing something for "the planet" cause he rubs right wingers noses in it.

... says the violent psychotic cultist who gets sexual thrills by calling for mass death on message boards. And all your buddies here love it. The "not calling for the death of political opponents" is just one reason why we liberals are morally superior to you conservatives, but it is a rather important one.

Now, go on. Flail your limp wrists about and scream more about how you want all liberals dead. You know you want to. And I am rubbing your nose in how that makes you a big wimp. What do you plan to do about it?
It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

From a psychological standpoint, the passive-aggressive cult liar routine that you've been doing for years here is somewhat interesting. At least it's different from the mindless violent hate-raving of your fellow cultists. So, I'll spend a little time highlighting the dishonesty and irrationality of it.

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

So, you begin with two big lies. Being honest and intelligent, we look at trends, not local temps. Only you corrupt political/religious cultists focus on local weather and deliberately ignore the big picture.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

Another lie. Records exist for far longer than that. If you knew any actual science instead of cult propaganda, you would have known that.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

Another lie. Global warming theory says nothing about hurricane frequency. It only makes predictions that hurricane strength will be increasing, and that has been observed.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

Another lie. Sea level trends are what matter, and the trend in inexorably up, and increasing in rate.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

Another lie. 100% of the fraud is on the denier side, your post here being a fine example of it. Your side does nothing except fraud, faking and fudging.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

That one has some truth. However, it's because those people generally _are_ incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry. We mock flat-earthers because of their hilariously stupid "science" and their devotion to a corrupt cult, and we mock deniers for exactly the same reason. I know your PC beliefs state that all beliefs have equal validity, but I'm not PC, so I'll state that your stupid cult beliefs are inferior to beliefs based on logic and evidence.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift.

Yes, yes, everyone gets it. You're faking stories, because it's what your cult demands of you. And there's no point in debunking your religious beliefs. We've debunked such fraud literally thousands of times here, and it's had zero effect on any of you TrueBelievers.

Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

Don't project your own cult way of thinking on to honest people. Global warming theory is falsifiable in many ways, because it's very good science. In stark contrast, denialist beliefs are unfalsifiable, making denialism a religion.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

If you're not a brainwashed cult fanatic, you can answer this simple question.

What hard evidence could disprove your theory of climate?

(This is where you start whining about how since mean ol' me is being so irrational, it means you don't have to defend your cult sleaze. That's a convenient way to deflect from getting busted for lying so big.)
It does get interesting reading the arguments made over the months and years:

From a psychological standpoint, the passive-aggressive cult liar routine that you've been doing for years here is somewhat interesting. At least it's different from the mindless violent hate-raving of your fellow cultists. So, I'll spend a little time highlighting the dishonesty and irrationality of it.

1. Record heat somewhere? Global warming despite the fact that we have kept records for such a short time that on any given day there will be record heat somewhere on the planet.

2. Record cold somewhere? Either caused by global warming or irrelevent and lets ignore the fact that due to records being kept for such a short time, on any given day there will be record cold somewhere on the planet.

So, you begin with two big lies. Being honest and intelligent, we look at trends, not local temps. Only you corrupt political/religious cultists focus on local weather and deliberately ignore the big picture.

3. Arctic ice at record lows due to global warming? Never mind that records have only be kept of ice extent at the arctic for fewer than 40 years and therefore the record is not a really reliable estimate of what average arctic ice coverage is from one century to the next.

Another lie. Records exist for far longer than that. If you knew any actual science instead of cult propaganda, you would have known that.

4. More hurricanes and/or devastating rains? Global warming.

5. Fewer hurricanes and/or devastating drought? Global warming.

Another lie. Global warming theory says nothing about hurricane frequency. It only makes predictions that hurricane strength will be increasing, and that has been observed.

6. A few millimeters rise in the ocean level? Global warming.

7. A few millimeters drop in the ocean level? Irrelevent or some after affect of global warming somewhere.

Another lie. Sea level trends are what matter, and the trend in inexorably up, and increasing in rate.

8. Scientists who say unequivocably that global warming is a serious problem are believed without question even when it is shown they have skewed data to support their position.

Another lie. 100% of the fraud is on the denier side, your post here being a fine example of it. Your side does nothing except fraud, faking and fudging.

9. Scientists who question global warming are dismissed as incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry.

That one has some truth. However, it's because those people generally _are_ incompetent, idiots, or pawns of the oil industry. We mock flat-earthers because of their hilariously stupid "science" and their devotion to a corrupt cult, and we mock deniers for exactly the same reason. I know your PC beliefs state that all beliefs have equal validity, but I'm not PC, so I'll state that your stupid cult beliefs are inferior to beliefs based on logic and evidence.

I could go on and on and on and on and ON in this vein, but I'm sure all get my drift.

Yes, yes, everyone gets it. You're faking stories, because it's what your cult demands of you. And there's no point in debunking your religious beliefs. We've debunked such fraud literally thousands of times here, and it's had zero effect on any of you TrueBelievers.

Whatever happens re the weather, the environment, the global climate, the AGW religionists will make it the result of global warming and they will reject any and all evidence to the contrary.

Don't project your own cult way of thinking on to honest people. Global warming theory is falsifiable in many ways, because it's very good science. In stark contrast, denialist beliefs are unfalsifiable, making denialism a religion.

And given that fact, it is unlikely that any of us who think the verdict is still out don't have any means of making an argument that will convince them. It is as futile as trying to convince a dedicated flat Earther that their belief in science and history is flawed.

If you're not a brainwashed cult fanatic, you can answer this simple question.

What hard evidence could disprove your theory of climate?

(This is where you start whining about how since mean ol' me is being so irrational, it means you don't have to defend your cult sleaze. That's a convenient way to deflect from getting busted for lying so big.)

I only read a couple of your comments as I don't respond to chopped up posts that take things out of their full context and present them as something they are not.

I will stand by my post as arguments I have seen from those of your ilk over the years. Now if you can prove that nobody in the AGW religionist camp has never said anything like those paraphrases, go for it. But I'm pretty sure you can go through all the stuff that has been posted on all the global warming threads and would have to admit it has all been argued at some time in some way.

And perhaps you can point me to your post anywhere that admits:
a) somebody made a good argument for questioning data or opinion that supported global warming or. . .
b) somebody citing something to 'prove' global warming got it wrong.

That would go a long way to indicate objectivity and/or intellectual honesty on your part. I won't even ask for your credentials that makes you competent to evaluate whether I engage in a 'passive aggressive cult liar routine' as you describe it.

As for what would convince me or at least make the global warming theories more credible:

1. A true consensus from most scientists--those who get paid to produce evidence for global warming and those who do not.

2. Some indication from those scientists who are pushing the global warming schtick actually living their lives as if it was a problem. I have seen no evidence that they do, so how alarmed are they really?

3. Condemnation from the pro-global warming scientific community when their fellows are caught skewing, omitting, or manipulating the data to achieve a particular outcome.

4. Some evidence that the doomsday predictions they make are not manufactured out of thin air. The Arctic ice cap is supposed to be totally gone now according to Al Gore and some others, remember? (It isn't.) The polar bears are supposed to be in extreme distress. (They aren't.)

5. For the Summary for Policy Makers coming from the IPCC to actually reflect something realistic and be written by scientists instead of political operatives strengthening the position of the 'new world order' and government control over the lives of all the citizens.
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