Remember how the Left Criticized Bush for not Admitting Faults?...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Remember how the Left Criticized Bush for not Admitting Faults?...

Of course, the Question being Parroted by their ever Obedient "Free Press" was a Classic Example of the Abject Bias that is Inherent in the Media...

But have they Asked Barry this Question?...

I Know his Teleprompter has him saying things like, "As President, I take Responsibility, blah, blah, blah..."

But it's usually followed up with, "I Inherited this mess and I'm trying to clean it up"... Or the old Averted a Great Depression joke.

Has he Admitted Mistakes in his first (2) Years?...

Did he Admit he was Wrong about the Iraqi Surge before Employing that Bush Policy in Afghanistan?

Has his Lapdog Media asked him if his Continuation of Extraordinary Rendition was a Mistake and if he's going to Stop it?...

Far WORSE things happen to those People than Waterboarding...

Remember Waterboarding?... The "Free Press" Obsesses on that to this Day.

So... Has he Admitted he's Wrong without Qualifying it with Excuses like his Message wasn't Regurgitated enough or that Voters are too Angry to hear how Right he is?...

Just Curious.

The Left was Certainly VERY Concerned with Bush saying he was Wrong about something when he was President.

Interesting how that Standard has gone away when their Guy is @ 1600.

Not really... It's Extremely Predictable.


Interesting... Barry's Defenders aren't very Motivated these days... :rofl:


"Has he Admitted Mistakes in his first (2) Years?..."


Few politicians can man up and admit they were wrong, but obama is doing what he is doind on purpose. What we, and he, know to be wrong for the country, is not a mistake on his part.
"Has he Admitted Mistakes in his first (2) Years?..."


Few politicians can man up and admit they were wrong, but obama is doing what he is doind on purpose. What we, and he, know to be wrong for the country, is not a mistake on his part.

What's Pathetic is when he is Appearing to take the Blame, he ends up pushing the Buck...



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