Remember Obama's Red Line? How did that work out? Is North Korea Trump's "Red Line"?



Obama said he was drawing a Red Line if Syria used chemical weapons. Republicans said that was a total failure. So what happened to those chemical weapons?

Last of Syria’s chemical weapons handed over for destruction, international body says

That's what Republicans call a "total failure".

UN Ambassador : It's time to hold North Korea accountable 'with our actions'

(From Nikki Haley)
"We call on all members of the Security Council to use every available resource to make it clear to the North Korean regime — and its enablers — that these launches are unacceptable," her statement read.

"It is time to hold North Korea accountable — not with our words, but with our actions."

Earlier, US President Donald Trump pledged to deal with Pyongyang "very strongly."

North Korea has repeatedly flouted six Security Council resolutions demanding an end to its nuclear and ballistic missile activities and has continued to launch missiles, escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula and in the region.


Trump has been making enemies of our friends all around the world. Who's going to support anything he wants to do? And Korea has only two friends, Iran and China. What's he gonna do about them?

I'm assuming if we figure out what Russia would want us to do, we will know what Trump is going to do.
Why is the radical left so freaking hungry for war? For a little political perspective Bill Clinton sold or gave nuclear technology to North Korea possibly in an amateurish typical liberal effort to civilize the insane regime or the Arkansas hick was fishing for a Nobel prize. At any rate itt backfired and NK was able to cobble together a freaking nuclear device. So far it's reported that NK exploded half a dozen such devices during the Clinton and Obama administrations. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China against the advice of just about everyone in the intelligence community and It's possible that China shared ICBM technology with NK. Meanwhile Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down. The NK regime sent half a dozen missiles into the air during the Obama administration and the liberal media laughed it off. Why do crazy angry left wing war mongers want the U.S. to go to war with NK today after a single missile launch?
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Why is the radical left so freaking hungry for war? For a little political perspective Bill Clinton sold or gave nuclear technology to North Korea possibly in an amateurish effort to civilize the insane regime. It backfired and NK was able to cobble together a freaking nuclear device. So far it's reported that NK exploded half a dozen devices during the Clinton and Obama administrations. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China against the advice of just about everyone in the intelligence community and there is little doubt that China shared ICBM technology to NK. Meanwhile Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down. The NK regime sent half a dozen missiles into the air during the Obama administration and the liberal media laughed it off. Why do crazy angry left wing war mongers want the U.S. to go to war with NK today?
Wow, that's really interesting. I want to read about it. Post some links.
Negative numbnuts!!

Obama said he was drawing a Red Line if Syria used chemical weapons. Republicans said that was a total failure. So what happened to those chemical weapons?

Last of Syria’s chemical weapons handed over for destruction, international body says

That's what Republicans call a "total failure".

UN Ambassador : It's time to hold North Korea accountable 'with our actions'

(From Nikki Haley)
"We call on all members of the Security Council to use every available resource to make it clear to the North Korean regime — and its enablers — that these launches are unacceptable," her statement read.

"It is time to hold North Korea accountable — not with our words, but with our actions."

Earlier, US President Donald Trump pledged to deal with Pyongyang "very strongly."

North Korea has repeatedly flouted six Security Council resolutions demanding an end to its nuclear and ballistic missile activities and has continued to launch missiles, escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula and in the region.


Trump has been making enemies of our friends all around the world. Who's going to support anything he wants to do? And Korea has only two friends, Iran and China. What's he gonna do about them?

I'm assuming if we figure out what Russia would want us to do, we will know what Trump is going to do.

All I know is Trump won't dare cross Putin's red line

Russia has revealed it warned the US about "red lines" it should not cross before it launched airstrikes on Syria.

Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is reported to have said that officials in Washington were contacted before last weekend's strikes by the US, UK and France.

Mr Lavrov said: "There were military leadership contacts, between generals, between our representatives and the coalition leadership.

"They were informed about where our red lines are, including red lines on the ground, geographically. And the results show that they did not cross these red lines."

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