Remember Stenger

Well they say he had cancer but not sure that’s confirmed cause of death. It worked out good for the 1/6 hoax that he wasn’t around to follow up on his observations. They forced him out the very next day
He resigned in disgrace after refusing to call the National Guard for over an hour while rioters poured into the Capital.
Not that i should bother..with'll just attack sources....not address the main point..and move on, right?

Responding to the 2021 Capitol attack​

On January 6, 2021, for more than an hour during the violent storming of the Capitol that resulted in physical and symbolic harm to the Congress, the Capitol, and the process of accepting and counting the votes of the Electoral College, Stenger and House Sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving (members of the Capitol Review Board) repeatedly refused to request the assistance of the U.S. National Guard.[7] The following day, he resigned as the Senate sergeant-at-arms,[8][9][10] with his deputy Jennifer Hemingway taking over on an interim basis.[11][12] The two other top Capitol security officials—House sergeant-at-arms Paul D. Irving and United States Capitol Police chief Steven Sund—also resigned on the same day, amid bipartisan shock and outrage over security lapses that led to the mob's breach and occupation of the Capitol.[10]
Stenger is the topic
He is probably The most informed witness as to what happened yet he is dismissed within 24 hours and had cancer and just wastes away and dies of “natural causes” which cancer isn’t.
Another potential whistle blower who died before his time? When the FBI becomes the gestapo arm of the democrat party and the mainstream media is the propaganda arm, anything can be fixed.

71 year old with cancer died before his time? :laughing0301::laughing0301:
Stenger is the topic
He is probably The most informed witness as to what happened yet he is dismissed within 24 hours and had cancer and just wastes away and dies of “natural causes” which cancer isn’t.

Actually, yes it is

Hopefully not for me because this fact topic is dangerous to discuss and dissect

Yet you are not doing that, you are just trolling.

You have not said a thing worth discussing and have not dissected a damn thing.

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