Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

You would have been caught up in the fog of self preservation and fired multiple shots just as Wilson did.

I was in the military for 11 years. I will admit, I have no idea what I would do in a stress situation. But I would have still expected to be held accountable for my actions.

Wilson is still a lying racist creep who killed an unarmed kid who was giving up.
I was in the military for 11 years. I will admit, I have no idea what I would do in a stress situation. But I would have still expected to be held accountable for my actions.

If there had been no investigation or questions asked, you might have a point. But there was an investigation, Wilson was tried and found not guilty and the shooting was deemed justified.
Wilson is still a lying racist creep who killed an unarmed kid who was giving up.
Still going with the eighteen year old kid narrative, are we?
She is not innocent for the simple fact that she threw the first punch, but that doesn't matter does it?
No. It doesn't matter. The response of the gorilla was disproportionate.

Remember Travon? He jumped Zimmerman and pounded his head into the he pavement. He assaulted Zimmerman yet you call his death a murder. You're just not consistent
What’s racist is defending the black girl just because she is black. There is zero excuse to smash someone’s head into concrete.
Has nothing to do with defending, they got into a fight and one girl got hurt, that's what happens in fights.
The racist double standard is being applied here. As usual.

When the video came out these racists were calling for max punishment or death. They talked about how that was the reason they need to be armed. I'm sure some wanted to threaten race war. But now that we see that perhaps this white girl started the problem, we get all these appeals to morality and character.
We were calling for the maximum penalty because that was an attempt at murder. Regardless of color, when anyone repeatedly slams someone else's head into unyielding concrete repeatedly AFTER all resistance has ceased, it's an attempt on the victim's life.
No all I see is folks attacking the black girl.

If you didn't come in the back end of the conversation, I said that a long time ago. Tell me what your goal is when you get into a fight with someone?

Now this kid got her head bashed in the concrete and she has been in the hospital for over a month, Zimmerman claims Trayvon was bashing his head on concrete so bad he was about to lose consciousness. Now Zimmerman didn't even need a band-aid and I know Trayvon was stronger than this girl, can anyone explain that?
A neutral witness stated UNDER OATH that Martin was hitting Zimmerman's head on the concrete and beating him "MMA style". The physical evidence also supported that statement.
She is not innocent for the simple fact that she threw the first punch, but that doesn't matter does it?
Once unconscious, and on the ground, she is no longer a combatant, dumbfuck.
You mean the white boy who lied for Zimmerman.

Nah, the fact that the bullet struck the violent shit head in the stomach, and exited out his shoulder blade proving that your little butt boy was on top of Zimmerman.

If there had been no investigation or questions asked, you might have a point. But there was an investigation, Wilson was tried and found not guilty and the shooting was deemed justified.

Racist Prosecutor finds Racist Cop Justified in shooting unarmed black teen.

News at 11.
No shit dumbass, that's what happens when u get KTFO.
So why did the black girl keep slamming her head into the pavement?

Because the little bitch wanted to kill her.

That's why.

That is the mentality of a moron, or an animal, or a criminal. Normal humans don't want to murder their opponents.

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