Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

So the white girl who started the fight isn't an animal, but the black girl is an animal. Smfh.

So, the white girl who swung first wasn't a beast and I guess her parents taught her the right thing in starting a fight that she just wasn't able to finish. Damn brutha, you take that coonin to a whole new level.
Yeah, pretty much. What separates humans from animals is what they do after they win.

Humans stop attacking.

Animals don't.

And it isn't about color of a person's skin. It is about their ACTIONS.

There are plenty of white animals, Asian animals. Etc.

That is a lesson you need to learn instead of your dumbass knee jerk defend all black people no matter how demented they are.

Vicious people are vicious. Get rid of all of them.
That's not what I asked. I asked why you want to know.

So then, you are not actually interested in my thoughts on the matter?

Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Here, let me give you an example.

Tamir Rice was playing with a toy in the park. There was no good reason for Timothy Loehmann, who had been fired from his last job for immaturity and emotional issues, to put a round into him. See, that was easy.

Laquan McDonald was a mentally ill teen who was breaking into trucks to keep warm. There was no reason for Jason van Dyke to put 16 rounds into him, 10 of which were after he was already lying on the ground.

See how easy that was.

The fact you accused me of justifying murder of black children before asking me if I do shows you have a problem.

I have no problem at all. Like most sane people who aren't racist asshole, I don't think white racist cops should shoot unarmed black children.

The fact that you JUST CAN'T BRING YOURSELF TO SAY SO says a lot.
I guess my trigger is when I hear animal, savage, etc., because I only hear these names called when it pertains to black folks.
Well, you need to get over it.

There's no excuse for what this girl did. If this was a white girl who did this, she'd be in prison right now. If a white girl had done this to a black girl, we'd have BLM out on the streets burning shit.
Well, you need to get over it.

There's no excuse for what this girl did. If this was a white girl who did this, she'd be in prison right now. If a white girl had done this to a black girl, we'd have BLM out on the streets burning shit.
Do you really believe that? Why would BLM be on the streets? Neither one of these girls was a cop. If the tables were turned we would hear folks claiming it was just a fight, we have seen this scenario too many times.
Do you really believe that? Why would BLM be on the streets? Neither one of these girls was a cop. If the tables were turned we would hear folks claiming it was just a fight, we have seen this scenario too many times.
As I recall, BLM wasn't started because of a cop.

It was started because George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. (Which, incidentally, I think was unacceptable, because he provoked a fight with a child half his size and shot him when he was getting whupped.)

So if a white girl had harassed a black girl on social media and then pounded her head into the concrete, there would be hell to pay, and you know it.
Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Answer the question: Why do you want to know?
Here, let me give you an example.

Tamir Rice was playing with a toy in the park. There was no good reason for Timothy Loehmann, who had been fired from his last job for immaturity and emotional issues, to put a round into him. See, that was easy.

Irrelevant. We're discussing the Michael Brown case.
Laquan McDonald was a mentally ill teen who was breaking into trucks to keep warm. There was no reason for Jason van Dyke to put 16 rounds into him, 10 of which were after he was already lying on the ground.

See how easy that was.

Irrelevant. We're discussing the Michael Brown case.
I have no problem at all. Like most sane people who aren't racist asshole, I don't think white racist cops should shoot unarmed black children.

Neither do I. So?
The fact that you JUST CAN'T BRING YOURSELF TO SAY SO says a lot.
We're not discussing other cases and we never have.
As I recall, BLM wasn't started because of a cop
It was started because George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. (Which, incidentally, I think was unacceptable, because he provoked a fight with a child half his size and shot him when he was getting whupped.)
That was a part of it, but the bigger movement was because of cop killings.

So if a white girl had harassed a black girl on social media and then pounded her head into the concrete, there would be hell to pay, and you know it.
Do you have a link that she was harassed by this black girl?

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