Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

I never said that, I asked a question which you have yet to answer.
when the other one is down or gives up. The girl was down and yes you are supporting murder by claiming there was nothing wrong with the other girl pounding her head into cement.
I want to see if there's ever a case of police brutality against black children you'll condemn. I'm guessing you won't outside the hypothetical.

Were the police justified in murdering Laquan McDonald and Tamir Rice?
neither was murdered. In both cases the cop reacted to what was perceived as a threat. The age has nothing to do with brandishing what appears to be a firearm at a cop.
I want to see if there's ever a case of police brutality against black children you'll condemn.

No you don't. You've already made your mind up on that score, evidenced by your irrelevant and presumptuous allegation. So the question is moot.
I'm guessing you won't outside the hypothetical.

For the purposes of this discussion, it is irrelevant whether I do or not.
Were the police justified in murdering Laquan McDonald and Tamir Rice?
The cases of Rice and McDonald were not part of this discussion and did not even come up until you deflected from the discussion of Brown with your allegation and I called you on it. An allegation, furthermore, rooted in frustration on your part and that served no purpose other than to besmirch or call into question my moral character and desperately try to make that the issue.

My moral character is not at issue here and neither is yours for that matter. The issue is whether or not the shooting of Michael Brown was justified given the actual sequence of events, what the forensic evidence reveals and the actions and responses of those involved.
when the other one is down or gives up. The girl was down and yes you are supporting murder by claiming there was nothing wrong with the other girl pounding her head into cement.
I guess you just make it up as you go. So if I knock you down and I turn to walk away and you jump back up and start swinging again, was the fight over?
neither was murdered. In both cases the cop reacted to what was perceived as a threat. The age has nothing to do with brandishing what appears to be a firearm at a cop.
Well, at least you are honest enough to admit it.

Laquan McDonald wasn't brandishing a gun, though. He had a pocket knife, with the blade folded in.

That officer went to jail for a whopping 3 years.

No you don't. You've already made your mind up on that score, evidenced by your irrelevant and presumptuous allegation.
The fact you can't even bring yourself to issue a simple condemnation of egregious police misconduct says more than I ever could.

The cases of Rice and McDonald were not part of this discussion and did not even come up until you deflected from the discussion of Brown with your allegation and I called you on it. An allegation, furthermore, rooted in frustration on your part and that served no purpose other than to besmirch or call into question my moral character and desperately try to make that the issue.

The only frustration I feel is that you insist that a flawed and corrupt process intended to exonerate the officer was a good enough excuse for some very bad police work.

My moral character is not at issue here and neither is yours for that matter. The issue is whether or not the shooting of Michael Brown was justified given the actual sequence of events, what the forensic evidence reveals and the actions and responses of those involved.

Except you keep leaving parts of those sequences out, and ignore evidence you don't like.
LOL so one must SAY they are trying to kill someone?
So you assume that is what she wanted to do.
She was viciously pounding a helpless person's head into cement doing grievous bodily harm in the process. Her actions speak for themselves.
So if a punch you in the face, is there potential for me to kill you? Zimmerman claimed the same was done to him and he didn't even need a band aid.
So you assume that is what she wanted to do.

So if a punch you in the face, is there potential for me to kill you? Zimmerman claimed the same was done to him and he didn't even need a band aid.
No Zimmerman also had his head pounded into cement you lying douche.
Well, at least you are honest enough to admit it.

Laquan McDonald wasn't brandishing a gun, though. He had a pocket knife, with the blade folded in.

That officer went to jail for a whopping 3 years.

The fact you can't even bring yourself to issue a simple condemnation of egregious police misconduct says more than I ever could.

Bullshit. You made the allegation despite the fact I never commented on any other cases.
The only frustration I feel is that you insist that a flawed and corrupt process intended to exonerate the officer was a good enough excuse for some very bad police work.

Your frustration is rooted in the fact that all your arguments about a "flawed and corrupt process" in the Michael Brown case were frustratingly (for you) countered with facts and logic or paired with other facts that suggest other possibilities but which you choose to ignore. Basically because I refuse to succumb to an emotional perspective as you have. This frustrates you which is why you almost always revert to insults - "Racist douchenoodle says what? (what are you, twelve?)" - and pat, tedious allegations of racism.
Except you keep leaving parts of those sequences out,

You mean like you saying things like the cigars were in a bag after the second visit to the store or thinking the store owner was present at the first encounter when neither of these is true and is verified by video evidence?
and ignore evidence you don't like.
Saying "A black child was murdered by a racist cop" is not evidence, that is opinion.
So the white girl who started the fight isn't an animal, but the black girl is an animal. Smfh.

So, the white girl who swung first wasn't a beast and I guess her parents taught her the right thing in starting a fight that she just wasn't able to finish. Damn brutha, you take that coonin to a whole new level.
The animal is the one who beat the others head on the concrete. If you can’t understand that then maybe you should step off the porch and stop monkeying around so much. Either you hatred of white people or love of malt liquor has your brain fried like an egg. You should try and be a better person. You don’t have to live out all the negative stereotypes at once pace yourself on being a piece of shit.
Your frustration is rooted in the fact that all your arguments about a "flawed and corrupt process" in the Michael Brown case were frustratingly (for you) countered with facts and logic or paired with other facts that suggest other possibilities but which you choose to ignore. Basically because I refuse to succumb to an emotional perspective as you have. This frustrates you which is why you almost always revert to insults - "Racist douchenoodle says what? (what are you, twelve?)" - and pat, tedious allegations of racism.

Oh you're just dancing on a black person's grave. You make me miss Hector, at least he was honest about his racism.

You mean like you saying things like the cigars were in a bag after the second visit to the store or thinking the store owner was present at the first encounter when neither of these is true and is verified by video evidence?
I don't think I ever said the store owner, (who I call Apu just for fun) was present when his idiot cousins traded cigars for pot as documented in "Stranger Fruit". But since you won't watch that evidence, it doesn't matter.

Yes or no, did the cops do right murdering Tamir and Laquan?
Folks have been killed in fights, you clowns at like this is WWE fake wrestling. In a fight you are trying to hurt whoever you are fighting.
No shit, Sherlock. In the heat of the fight a person gets knocked out, falls and cracks their head on a rock. Yup, it happens.

Continuing to slam a defeated opponents head into the pavement is the act of an animal.

Sorry chump.

You ain't winning this one.
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