Remember the CEO who price gouged the HIV drugs? Well, now he's getting exposed

Sounds like another LGBT professional take-down for daring to defy their lifestyles.. Yep. That's exactly what it is.

Wrong, this guy is gay hahahaha. Good job Miss Cleo
How do you know? If he is gay by sight, then so is Dylann so was Chris Mercer...both targeting Christians...

And if he is gay, then he is much like my friend who was molested, "turned" "gay" and went out to infect as many "gay" men like him with HIV before he died of AIDS. One way or another, both were/are out to take down gay men like themselves by AIDS... Which is a topic worthy of its own thread..., Sherlock...there's a mystery for you...

....wanna talk about it? Yeah, I'll bet not...
Sounds like another LGBT professional take-down for daring to defy their lifestyles.. Yep. That's exactly what it is.

Wrong, this guy is gay hahahaha. Good job Miss Cleo
How do you know? If he is gay by sight, then so is Dylann so was Chris Mercer...both targeting Christians...

You said this was the LBGT takedown. How do you know? This guy is gay....proves you wrong doesnt it?

Dont does
Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli Arrested on Charges of Securities Fraud

Shkreli, CEO Reviled for Drug Price Gouging, Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges

A boyish drug company entrepreneur, who rocketed to infamy by jacking up the priceof a life-saving pill from $13.50 to $750, was arrested by federal agents at his Manhattan home early Thursday morning on securities fraud related to a firm he founded....
...In the case that closely tracks that suit, federal prosecutors accused Shkreli of engaging in a complicated shell game after his defunct hedge fund, MSMB Capital Management, lost millions. He is alleged to have made secret payoffs and set up sham consulting arrangements. A New York lawyer, Evan Greebel, was also arrested early Thursday. He's accused of conspiring with Shkreli in part of the scheme...

Sounds like another LGBT professional take-down for daring to defy their lifestyles.. Yep. That's exactly what it is. I wonder how many niggling improprieties George Soros has engaged in with his financial affairs? We'll find out no doubt when the GOP takes the Whitehouse and rearranges certain staff inserted during this administration..

Granted, the price hike was a bit over the top. But other drugs are being priced astronomically too. Where are those take downs? I suspect if this Shkreli gets some legal help from Merck or Pfizer to be able to price drugs as they like, without having political hits done on their businesses, he'll recover from this just fine. Wonder what he'll do to the price of the HIV meds after that?

Those perfidious gays must have got their claws on a time-machine and made him commit securities fraud in 2011 so they could take him down after he raised the price of Daraprim in four years. What crafty queens!
Yes they can captain conspiracy. You just inserted doubt where there was none which seems to be a popular thing on this board.

Or is this a message board at all? If its not then thats troubling

Who can be certain?

Please do your best to refrain from projecting your reading comprehension deficiency onto board as a whole.
Yes they can captain conspiracy. You just inserted doubt where there was none which seems to be a popular thing on this board.

Or is this a message board at all? If its not then thats troubling

Who can be certain?

Please do your best to refrain from projecting your reading comprehension deficiency onto board as a whole.

Oh boy, this old tired bullshit again. :rolleyes:

Cant talk about the topic so lets go with Comprehension :blahblah:blah blah
Hard to comprehend those who feel government is not capable of fabricating allegations against someone. Not to say that it always does but it has proven often enough that it can be done that any reasonable (sane) person should understand that it can be done.

But, then again, maybe that's the way they want it to be.
If it weren't for all of the out of control promiscuous male-on-male buttfucking this story would be moot.
Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli Arrested on Charges of Securities Fraud

Shkreli, CEO Reviled for Drug Price Gouging, Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges

A boyish drug company entrepreneur, who rocketed to infamy by jacking up the priceof a life-saving pill from $13.50 to $750, was arrested by federal agents at his Manhattan home early Thursday morning on securities fraud related to a firm he founded....
...In the case that closely tracks that suit, federal prosecutors accused Shkreli of engaging in a complicated shell game after his defunct hedge fund, MSMB Capital Management, lost millions. He is alleged to have made secret payoffs and set up sham consulting arrangements. A New York lawyer, Evan Greebel, was also arrested early Thursday. He's accused of conspiring with Shkreli in part of the scheme...

Sounds like another LGBT professional take-down for daring to defy their lifestyles..

You are insane.
It is testimony to the nature of American society that while it's illegal (under federal law) to possess a marijuana cigarette it is perfectly legal for a sonofabitch like this to jack up the price of a life-giving drug beyond the ability of the average person to pay for.
Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli Arrested on Charges of Securities Fraud

Shkreli, CEO Reviled for Drug Price Gouging, Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges


A boyish drug company entrepreneur, who rocketed to infamy by jacking up the priceof a life-saving pill from $13.50 to $750, was arrested by federal agents at his Manhattan home early Thursday morning on securities fraud related to a firm he founded.

Martin Shkreli, 32, ignited a firestorm over drug prices in September and became a symbol of defiant greed. The federal case against him has nothing to do with pharmaceutical costs, however. Prosecutors in Brooklyn charged him with illegally taking stock from Retrophin Inc., a biotechnology firm he started in 2011, and using it to pay off debts from unrelated business dealings. He was later ousted from the company, where he’d been chief executive officer, and sued by its board.

In the case that closely tracks that suit, federal prosecutors accused Shkreli of engaging in a complicated shell game after his defunct hedge fund, MSMB Capital Management, lost millions. He is alleged to have made secret payoffs and set up sham consulting arrangements. A New York lawyer, Evan Greebel, was also arrested early Thursday. He's accused of conspiring with Shkreli in part of the scheme.

Anywho, this guy is an greedy asshole who now is getting exposed. He was the fucking mascot for Capitalism run a muck and you guys applauded his bullshit. Congrats!

Here is my favorite part: When Hillary Clinton tried one more time last month to get him to cut the cost, he dismissed her with the tweet “lol.” At a Forbes summit in New York this month, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, he said if he could have done it over, “I probably would have raised the price higher,” adding, “my investors expect me to maximize profits.”
None of us applauded him.

He's an example of what a free market can produce. However, supply and demand usually controls people like this. Government intervention often creates them in huge numbers. Free government money breeds abuses.
I question what this says about free markets. Isn't this move supported more by medicare dollars than anything else? Free markets don't have a wealthy middleman insulating the participants expressing demand.

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