Remember the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels?

Once again, a thread about Trump and his cronies' nefarious doings has turned into, "BUT, BUT I HATE HILLARY" one........Fucked up right wing perpetual obfuscation.
Once again, a thread about Trump and his cronies' nefarious doings has turned into, "BUT, BUT I HATE HILLARY" one........Fucked up right wing perpetual obfuscation.
Some folks here just can’t quit Hillary.
Is it legal or illegal for a government employee to transmit or receive classified data on their own private server?
save your time,... I will ignore your fumduckery.... i'll go hit up a Hillary thread , if I want to talk about Hillary
And I didn't give a fuck then about Bill shooting his load all over his fat intern's dress. Why should I care now?

Since you don't seem to care about ANY of this shit.....what the fuck are you doing on this thread?

There are a lot of good CEO's that cheat on their wives. Why should they be disqualified from their job? I'm trying to find out why I should care about that, but nobody can articulate a reasoned response. That is the extent of my "caring", to answer your rhetorical question. Hey, at least I answer questions. I don't run from them like a little kunt.
I AM curious how many posts does it take for us to believe you when you say you don't care....10? 20? 50?
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?

Because democrats are obsessed with Republicans' sex lives.

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