Remember the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels?

That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

Well, the "who, what, where and when" ALWAYS preclude the "why".......The point of my O/P is the possibility that Mueller subpoenaed the banks for more information on that dubious Cohen deposit.
That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

Well, the "who, what, where and when" ALWAYS preclude the "why".......The point of my O/P is the possibility that Mueller subpoenaed the banks for more information on that dubious Cohen deposit.

Fair enough and point taken. Banks do have to keep records, but are not required to ascertain intent.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

Depending on the size of the payment, it is the law...

You Should have read your own link there sport. There is nothing in that code that requires my bank to ask what the payment is for. You’re good at googling, now you you have to improve your reading/comprehension skills.
Transactions regulations must be filed with the IRS. Financial institutions are required to provide all requested information on the CTR, including the following for the person conducting the transaction:
• Name,
• Street address (a post office box number is not
• Social security number (SSN) or taxpayer
identification number (TIN) (for non-U.S. residents),
• Date of birth.
The documentation used to verify the identity of the individual conducting the transaction should be specified. Signature cards may be relied upon; however, the specific documentation used to establish the person’s identity should be noted. A mere notation that the customer is “known to the financial institution” is insufficient. Additional requested information includes the following:
• Account number,
• Social security number or taxpayer identification
number of the person or entity for whose account the transaction is being conducted (should reflect all account holders for joint accounts), and
• Amount and kind of transaction (transactions involving foreign currency should identify the country of origin and report the U.S. dollar equivalent of the foreign currency on the day of the transaction).

You asked the question and I gave you the answer, this is the law, among others that banks use as their reason for asking why.

When I was a WalMart manager and someone sent more than $1000 we would ask why, based on the laws.

If you wish to argue it is an abuse of the law that is fine, but you can take you moronic insults and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using
why would a bank request clarification on a deposit?
It was over 5k which according to anti-drug and terrorist laws must be reported....

it's 10k and it has to be in cash

don't tell me the fuckwit paid her in cash, please

my sides hurt from nunberg

Actually that's how Jerry Springer got busted when he was the mayor of Cincinnati.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???
Do you do any banking? Probably not. Ask Jake if his bank every asked him why he made a deposit.
Today banks are concerned about money laundering. It's not unheard of them questioning where large deposits came from; salary may be paid directly into your account these days, but large deposits of thousands of dollars are going to be questioned.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???
Do you do any banking? Probably not. Ask Jake if his bank every asked him why he made a deposit.
Today banks are concerned about money laundering. It's not unheard of them questioning where large deposits came from; salary may be paid directly into your account these days, but large deposits of thousands of dollars are going to be questioned.

That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

Well, the "who, what, where and when" ALWAYS preclude the "why".......The point of my O/P is the possibility that Mueller subpoenaed the banks for more information on that dubious Cohen deposit.

Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???
Do you do any banking? Probably not. Ask Jake if his bank every asked him why he made a deposit.
Today banks are concerned about money laundering. It's not unheard of them questioning where large deposits came from; salary may be paid directly into your account these days, but large deposits of thousands of dollars are going to be questioned.

That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

Well, the "who, what, where and when" ALWAYS preclude the "why".......The point of my O/P is the possibility that Mueller subpoenaed the banks for more information on that dubious Cohen deposit.

Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)
Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)
Is that a rhetorical question? (-:

Seriously, there is something ironically funny, and dark, if Cohen landed himself in legal peril (and even losing his law license) by violating banking law to withdraw HIS OWN money to pay off a porn star blackmailing Trump, and Trump stiffed him for the $130K
Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)
Is that a rhetorical question? (-:

Seriously, there is something ironically funny, and dark, if Cohen landed himself in legal peril (and even losing his law license) by violating banking law to withdraw HIS OWN money to pay off a porn star blackmailing Trump, and Trump stiffed him for the $130K

I kind of like CrusaderFrankie....however.......reading his posts is like having a quick synopsis of what FOX is spewing for the day....
Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)
Is that a rhetorical question? (-:

Seriously, there is something ironically funny, and dark, if Cohen landed himself in legal peril (and even losing his law license) by violating banking law to withdraw HIS OWN money to pay off a porn star blackmailing Trump, and Trump stiffed him for the $130K

I kind of like CrusaderFrankie....however.......reading his posts is like having a quick synopsis of what FOX is spewing for the day....
I can't watch Fox and Friends. It's for the logically impaired. Morning Joe tends to drone. But it can be funny. Joe said Trump has a history of stiffing guys for his bills. David Ignatius responds, usually its for cement and furniture rather than payoffs to porn stars.

But there is something comically warped if Mueller is cracking Cohen's nuts to spill (-: on Trump and Russia over paying off a hooker/pornstar turned blackmailer.
Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)


Totally flailing, grasping at straws.

Stormy Russia --> Cohen --> Putin --> Trump, er, or something. Yeah. It made perfect sense before the LSD wore off
That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

Well, the "who, what, where and when" ALWAYS preclude the "why".......The point of my O/P is the possibility that Mueller subpoenaed the banks for more information on that dubious Cohen deposit.

Fair enough and point taken. Banks do have to keep records, but are not required to ascertain intent.
You would think not but.....I refused to use banks for a dozen years until I finally went back seven years ago to re-establish that normal character they demand to do business..
Stormy Daniels = Russia!


You cracked the case!!

NO, eternal moron......(you're dumber than usual.......have you skipped your daily, orange kool-aid dosages?)

The purpose of the O/P was to wonder IF Mueller had subpoenaed the bank to find out WHY Cohen paid off essentially a hooker for Trump........Having Cohen gonads in a possible vice is exactly what Mueller may want.......Another singing canary could further help tighten the noose around Trump's fat neck.

Don't you think??? (or do you EVER think???)
Is that a rhetorical question? (-:

Seriously, there is something ironically funny, and dark, if Cohen landed himself in legal peril (and even losing his law license) by violating banking law to withdraw HIS OWN money to pay off a porn star blackmailing Trump, and Trump stiffed him for the $130K
It is if it is for a crime according to RICO statues, the war on drugs and the govt's need to know what brand of terlit paper you wipe with..
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

Depending on the size of the payment, it is the law...

You Should have read your own link there sport. There is nothing in that code that requires my bank to ask what the payment is for. You’re good at googling, now you you have to improve your reading/comprehension skills.
Transactions regulations must be filed with the IRS. Financial institutions are required to provide all requested information on the CTR, including the following for the person conducting the transaction:
• Name,
• Street address (a post office box number is not
• Social security number (SSN) or taxpayer
identification number (TIN) (for non-U.S. residents),
• Date of birth.
The documentation used to verify the identity of the individual conducting the transaction should be specified. Signature cards may be relied upon; however, the specific documentation used to establish the person’s identity should be noted. A mere notation that the customer is “known to the financial institution” is insufficient. Additional requested information includes the following:
• Account number,
• Social security number or taxpayer identification
number of the person or entity for whose account the transaction is being conducted (should reflect all account holders for joint accounts), and
• Amount and kind of transaction (transactions involving foreign currency should identify the country of origin and report the U.S. dollar equivalent of the foreign currency on the day of the transaction).

You asked the question and I gave you the answer, this is the law, among others that banks use as their reason for asking why.

When I was a WalMart manager and someone sent more than $1000 we would ask why, based on the laws.

If you wish to argue it is an abuse of the law that is fine, but you can take you moronic insults and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using

THAT DONT ASK WHY! They ask to whom, where, when and how much. The reason for the money being sent to a person is not something that is in the law, in spite of what you did during your illustrious career as a greeter at Walmart.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

Depending on the size of the payment, it is the law...

You Should have read your own link there sport. There is nothing in that code that requires my bank to ask what the payment is for. You’re good at googling, now you you have to improve your reading/comprehension skills.
Transactions regulations must be filed with the IRS. Financial institutions are required to provide all requested information on the CTR, including the following for the person conducting the transaction:
• Name,
• Street address (a post office box number is not
• Social security number (SSN) or taxpayer
identification number (TIN) (for non-U.S. residents),
• Date of birth.
The documentation used to verify the identity of the individual conducting the transaction should be specified. Signature cards may be relied upon; however, the specific documentation used to establish the person’s identity should be noted. A mere notation that the customer is “known to the financial institution” is insufficient. Additional requested information includes the following:
• Account number,
• Social security number or taxpayer identification
number of the person or entity for whose account the transaction is being conducted (should reflect all account holders for joint accounts), and
• Amount and kind of transaction (transactions involving foreign currency should identify the country of origin and report the U.S. dollar equivalent of the foreign currency on the day of the transaction).

You asked the question and I gave you the answer, this is the law, among others that banks use as their reason for asking why.

When I was a WalMart manager and someone sent more than $1000 we would ask why, based on the laws.

If you wish to argue it is an abuse of the law that is fine, but you can take you moronic insults and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using

THAT DONT ASK WHY! They ask to whom, where, when and how much. The reason for the money being sent to a person is not something that is in the law, in spite of what you did during your illustrious career as a greeter at Walmart.

once again, if you have an issue with the way the law is being applied, take it up with the banks and other financial institutions. All I am doing is telling you what the reality of the situation is. You can stick you head in the sand and yell all day klong that that is not what the law says, it does not change reality.
A wire transfer is different than a check or other form of payment. The OP did not indicate what type of payment, and the RECEIVING BANk is not required to ask anything as to the reason for the payment. It could have been a direct deposit. Unfortunately the OP did not provide that information. I have had hundreds of dollars moved into my accounts from different banks many times. Not one time has my bank ever requested WHY I am receiving the money. Perhaps your bank doesn’t trust you.

Bank to Bank Wire Transfers FAQs | Consumers Credit Union
A: It is strongly recommended either you or your receiver contact the financial institution for their wiring instructions. Generally you will need:

  • the name of your receiver,
  • the address of your receiver,
  • the account number of your receiver,
  • the name of their financial institution,
  • the routing number of the financial institution,
  • the city and state of the financial institution, and
  • any special instructions.

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