Remember the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels?

Just think.... Melania hated his guts BEFORE she found out about the Playboy Bunny and the payoff to the porn star.

All Faux News could talk about tonite was the Oscars but they didn’t talk about this award!

I find it odd that the bank would question the payment. $130,000 is not a huge sum of money. She could have sold a property, or a business. It could have been an inheritance or a loan to buy property. Any number of things.

Banks don’t question cheques. They question large sums of cash.
why would a bank request clarification on a deposit?
Same reason you do not wnat to take out more than three thousand at a time. You get put on a list with the government . Good old uncle sam likes to know where our money comes from. They love that whole asset forfeture thing it makes them big bucks. They no longer even have to charge you to come take it. You must prove the moeny did not come from an illegal source, they do not have to prove it did. Our constitution is being stomped on and no one here ever talks about it but me. I get an agree some tmes but that is it, the conversation never forwards. Every one is worried about, gays, shootings and other unsovable issues and we have all ready lost our protection of unreasonable search and seizure. Those second amendment rights were actually put inplace to protect against unreasonable search and seizure yet we have all ready lost it. No one used thier guns or even seemed to protest.
Just think.... Melania hated his guts BEFORE she found out about the Playboy Bunny and the payoff to the porn star.

All Faux News could talk about tonite was the Oscars but they didn’t talk about this award!

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All these reports about how isolated and alone Trump is. One of the unnamed WH sources made the comment that it’s worse for him at night and in the morning when he’s “alone”.

I’m thinking “alone”??? Aren’t Melania and Barron with him? Where are they? And then I laugh.

One last thing. When Dumb Donald was denying the Russian hookers story he said that anyonevwho knows him knows he’s a germaphobe. It never happened.

What kind of germaphobe has sex with a porn star? I’m not a germaphobe and I would never have sex with a sex trade worker because I would be afraid of disease, condoms or no condoms.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
You are a brainwashed liar and a fool.
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
You are a brainwashed liar and a fool.

So I'm wrong? Hillary was an honest and upstanding candidate?
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
You are a brainwashed liar and a fool.

So I'm wrong? Hillary was an honest and upstanding candidate?
You are expressing very subjective opinions based on unproven allegations and expecting others to accept your biased opinions to the point of irrationality and becoming hostile to anyone who disagrees with your opinion.
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Your standards and values are in the toilet.
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Your standards and values are in the toilet.

Says the one who voted for lying, crooked Hillary. Fuck honesty and integrity. Lie, cheat, steal and take what you can get and fuck everyone else. That's what Hillary did and she got your vote.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
You are a brainwashed liar and a fool.

So I'm wrong? Hillary was an honest and upstanding candidate?
You are expressing very subjective opinions based on unproven allegations and expecting others to accept your biased opinions to the point of irrationality and becoming hostile to anyone who disagrees with your opinion.

So I'm wrong about Hillary? She was an honest person of integrity? Is that what you're telling me?
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???
Do you do any banking? Probably not. Ask Jake if his bank every asked him why he made a deposit.
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Your standards and values are in the toilet.

Says the one who voted for lying, crooked Hillary. Fuck honesty and integrity. Lie, cheat, steal and take what you can get and fuck everyone else. That's what Hillary did and she got your vote.
LMAO You don't know who I voted for. And that's not the point. Why don't you address the point? Why is your moral standard that if someone else does something wrong, it is okay for you to do it too? Why do you expect others to excuse Trump's dishonesty because they have excused others? Is that how the world is supposed to work? If that is your standard, then nothing at all is inexcusable: murder, genocide, everything is okay by you because someonen else did it and you believe that if someone else does it--lying, stealing, murder--then it's okay for you to do it too, or in this case, for Trump to do it too. You see, whoever I voted for or didn't vote for, the issue here isn't me, it is the bottom line of values, truth and honesty for Trump supporters who make excuses for everything he does. Mrs. Clinton is no longer an issue. You excuse every single thing Trump does because you assert someone else in poltics has done it before, so therefore, by your standards if they did it, he can do it too. I just wonder what people who think like that teach their children and how they can even pretend to ever take the moral high ground on any issue.

Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Your standards and values are in the toilet.

Says the one who voted for lying, crooked Hillary. Fuck honesty and integrity. Lie, cheat, steal and take what you can get and fuck everyone else. That's what Hillary did and she got your vote.

LMAO You don't know who I voted for. And that's not the point. Why don't you address the point? Why is your moral standard that if someone else does something wrong, it is okay for you to do it too? Why do you expect others to excuse Trump's reprehensible behavior because you accuse others of behaving likewise in the past?

Is that how the world is supposed to work? If that is your standard, then nothing at all is inexcusable: murder, genocide, everything is okay by you because someone else did it, and you believe that if someone else does it--lying, stealing, murder--then it's okay for you to do it too, or in this case, for Trump to do it too.

If Trump does what Hitler did, by you that's okay because your moral compass for leaders seems to be that if some other leader did something bad, it's okay for Trump to do it too.

You see, whoever I voted for or didn't vote for, the issue here isn't me; it is the bottom line of values, truth and honesty for Trump supporters who make excuses for everything he does. You excuse every single thing Trump does because you assert someone else in politics has done it before, so therefore, by your standards, if they did it, he can do it too.

I just wonder what people who think like that teach their children and how they can even pretend to ever take the moral high ground on any issue.

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