Remember the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels?

Knowingly falsify this purpose, and you have, in fact, violated federal law. You do sign a form attesting to it. It could be nothing, really.

Perhaps it is nothing.......I was just a bit curious as to why [possibly] Mueller may be interested enough to request a clarification.
Knowingly falsify this purpose, and you have, in fact, violated federal law. You do sign a form attesting to it. It could be nothing, really.

Perhaps it is nothing.......I was just a bit curious as to why [possibly] Mueller may be interested enough to request a clarification.
Because having Cohen's nuts in a vice would be very fruitful. If I had to guess.
So Trump, while married, fucked some porn star. Why should I care? So Trump is a pig and a womanizer and an adulterer and will NEVER get elected Pope. Great. Again, why should I care? What I care about is that he can help to navigate business and tax laws in such a way as to help America and ME to be more prosperous.

Everyone that has trusted Trump to help them to be more prosperous, has ended up broke.

In the 1990’s Trump Resorts went public, inviting the public to “get rich with him”. The IPO was a big seller and popular with small investors. Everyone who bought shares lost everything in the bankruptcy. Trump bragged about making $40 million off that bankruptcy.

Then there’s Trump University. Hundreds of people sued for fraud. Trump settled for $25 million.

Last but not least are the thousands of small contractors who he’s invited into his big projects and then stiffed on the payments. 3000 law suits. Some of these guys who did the work, bought materials and paid their workers, lost their homes and businesses.

Watching Trump’s performance in the White House, the chaos, confusion, inability to keep employees, or to listen to advisors, it’s easy to see why so many of his businesses have gone bankrupt.

Trump voters are so gullible it’s embarassing.
So sez a resident democrat that was duped the last election by so called Russian collusion
Didn't this hooker have a stained dress? Shouldn't that deposit be checked out as well.
Well, if you want to talk about "hypocrisy", how is it that the left, who voted for the most criminal and corrupt presidential nominee in U.S. history,

Don't mean to intrude in your fucked up biases....but was that presidential nominee you so despise ever INVESTIGATED.....and if so, ever CHARGED and CONVICTED over any of the claims?

Of course, you can always claim that folks like Hannity should be judges, correct?

She was caught red-handed and our corrupt president, AG, DOJ and FBI made sure she SKATED. You are a dishonest, lying little twat.

Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
So Trump, while married, fucked some porn star. Why should I care? So Trump is a pig and a womanizer and an adulterer and will NEVER get elected Pope. Great. Again, why should I care? What I care about is that he can help to navigate business and tax laws in such a way as to help America and ME to be more prosperous.

Everyone that has trusted Trump to help them to be more prosperous, has ended up broke.

In the 1990’s Trump Resorts went public, inviting the public to “get rich with him”. The IPO was a big seller and popular with small investors. Everyone who bought shares lost everything in the bankruptcy. Trump bragged about making $40 million off that bankruptcy.

Then there’s Trump University. Hundreds of people sued for fraud. Trump settled for $25 million.

Last but not least are the thousands of small contractors who he’s invited into his big projects and then stiffed on the payments. 3000 law suits. Some of these guys who did the work, bought materials and paid their workers, lost their homes and businesses.

Watching Trump’s performance in the White House, the chaos, confusion, inability to keep employees, or to listen to advisors, it’s easy to see why so many of his businesses have gone bankrupt.

Trump voters are so gullible it’s embarassing.
So sez a resident democrat that was duped the last election by so called Russian collusion

Stupid Trump voters.

I’m a Liberal who voted for Justin Trudeau.

I was writing in this very forum in the summer of 2016 that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?

Trump is the most dishonest, criminal, corrupt candidate to ever run and you elected him President.

He’s a conman and you’re the mark.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?

Trump is the most dishonest, criminal, corrupt candidate to ever run and you elected him President.

He’s a conman and you’re the mark.

You are lamenting those that voted for Trump because of his (according to you) lack of honesty while simultaneously supporting a candidate that was at the apex of lying, corruption and criminality.

Carry on.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?

Trump is the most dishonest, criminal, corrupt candidate to ever run and you elected him President.

He’s a conman and you’re the mark.

You are lamenting those that voted for Trump because of his (according to you) lack of honesty while simultaneously supporting a candidate that was at the apex of lying, corruption and criminality.

Carry on.

17 Investigations, almost entirely based on unsupported lies, smears and gossip started by the Republican Party, one special prosecutor and $100 million dollars of taxpayers’s money yielded no witnesses, no charges, no evidence against them.

Their taxes and financial statements are a matter of public record. Their charity has highest ratings possible by all to charity ratings and oversight groups.

If Hillary Clinton is a criminal, she’s the smartest criminal I’ve ever seen. Hell no one can even find just what crime she committed and it’s not like they haven’t tried.

Trump has over 3000 law suits mostly filed by people he’s stiffed and ripped off on construction jobs. He’s paid fines for illegal campaign contributions, been sued for fraud and paid a $25 million dollar settlement.

His companies have gone bankrupt 7 times. American banks stopped lending to him because of his bankruptcies.

He admits to sexually assaulting women and 19 women confirmed that he does.

Trump’s charity has been issued a cease and desist order by the State of New York for illegal fundraising. Trump hasn’t put any money into his own charity for 10 years. He made political “donations” (bribes), and settled business law suits using charity moneys.

As criminals go, he’s not very bright or good at covering his tracks. Mueller’s closing in on him.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

In your case bankers have a fiduciary duty to help keep the mentally challenged from being taken advantage of by sharp operators.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?
Yes Hillary has been charged with numerous crimes and spent many years in jail..... oh wait.
That never happened except in your delusional mind.
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

In your case bankers have a fiduciary duty to help keep the mentally challenged from being taken advantage of by sharp operators.

They don’t seem concerned. Maybe because the balance in my account keeps going up instead of down.
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?

Trump is the most dishonest, criminal, corrupt candidate to ever run and you elected him President.

He’s a conman and you’re the mark.

You are lamenting those that voted for Trump because of his (according to you) lack of honesty while simultaneously supporting a candidate that was at the apex of lying, corruption and criminality.

Carry on.
There’s a sucker born every minute.
PT Barnum.

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