Remember the payment that was made to Stormy Daniels?

Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
Deflection much?

Why do you think it is okay for Trump to do terrible things just because you believe Clinton did them?

Do you teach your kids that kind of morality? That if another kid does something wrong, it's okay for your kid to do it too? Is that your set of values and standards?

It was ok for Bill and now it's ok for Trump. Hillary skated for her crimes and Trump and family will skate for theirs. Don't like it? Tough shit.

What crimes do you think she skated on? The investigations started 25 years ago. Every time the Clintons sneezed, Republicans investigated.

Ken Starr jailed Bill Clinton’s business partner for 22 months to force her to testify against him. She went to jail because she said she had nothing to give him.

If I were being investigated by the FBI and Congress every year or so, I wouldn’t jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk much less do any of the shit right wingers claimed she did.

The Clinton Foundation supplies AIDS drugs to children with HIV in the third World, saving millions of lives. The only thing the Trump’s do in “shithole countries” is shoot endangered animals.
why would a bank request clarification on a deposit?
It was over 5k which according to anti-drug and terrorist laws must be reported....

it's 10k and it has to be in cash

don't tell me the fuckwit paid her in cash, please

my sides hurt from nunberg
They have lowered it to 5k...I was interrogated over a 2k check..

Was it a personal cheque? Speaking as a former banker, even in the 1970’s, we questioned large personal cheques and held funds on them. Most fraud is committed using personal cheques.
This is the funniest thing I've read in days.
This administration is a situation comedy come to life.

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, reportedly complained to friends after the 2016 election that he had not yet been reimbursed for a $US130,000 payment he made to keep a porn star quiet about her alleged sexual relationship with Trump

Trump's lawyer reportedly complained that he was not reimbursed for his hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels

Trump does have a long history of not paying people that do work for him
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

Depending on the size of the payment, it is the law...
Some folks put a premium on honesty, integrity, and character.

Hillary was the most dishonest, corrupt, criminal candidate EVER nominated for president and, yet, the left voted for her by the tens of millions. And you folks want to pretend to lecture others on Trump's ethical shortcomings?

Trump is the most dishonest, criminal, corrupt candidate to ever run and you elected him President.

He’s a conman and you’re the mark.

You are lamenting those that voted for Trump because of his (according to you) lack of honesty while simultaneously supporting a candidate that was at the apex of lying, corruption and criminality.

Carry on.
There’s a sucker born every minute.
PT Barnum.

He didnt really say that..only sucker think he did! :21::21:
Yea, Trump doesn't pay his employees. That's why thousands of them continue to work for him, right libtards? LOL. What else ya got?
Yea, Trump doesn't pay his employees. That's why thousands of them continue to work for him, right libtards? LOL. What else ya got?

ahhh...the poor little Trump ass kisser is all mad now.

Trump has been sued 100s of times for failure to pay.
Yea, Trump doesn't pay his employees. That's why thousands of them continue to work for him, right libtards? LOL. What else ya got?

ahhh...the poor little Trump ass kisser is all mad now.

Trump has been sued 100s of times for failure to pay.

Cool story. What else ya got?

Just reality. With your head so far up Trump's ass you are suffering from oxygen deprivation which makes you an even bigger moron than normal. You really should come out for air before you dive back in
why would a bank request clarification on a deposit?
It was over 5k which according to anti-drug and terrorist laws must be reported....

it's 10k and it has to be in cash

don't tell me the fuckwit paid her in cash, please

my sides hurt from nunberg
They have lowered it to 5k...I was interrogated over a 2k check..

Was it a personal cheque? Speaking as a former banker, even in the 1970’s, we questioned large personal cheques and held funds on them. Most fraud is committed using personal cheques.
Yes it was a personal check..
Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

It may not seem fair....I agree.

But let's blame it on the Bank Secrecy Act (to prevent laundered money in casinos...especially....Mafia?)

....and the Patriot's Act (exchanges of money to terrorist cells)
Bill Clinton, an infamous woman harasser enabled by Hillary, settled a lawsuit over an allegation that he raped a woman. Democrats didn't care about that. Why do Democrats care that a playboy, Trump, paid a woman for sex?
You’re fucking crazy. Bill Clinton was never sued over any allegations of rape.
Yea, Trump doesn't pay his employees. That's why thousands of them continue to work for him, right libtards? LOL. What else ya got?

Please list U.S. Banks that are still lending the Trump crime family
Here's a little legal test for all Trump acolytes......

In October 2016, a payment was made by Trump's lawyer (Cohen) to that cute, vixen, Stormy Daniels.

However, the California bank that received Cohen's payment (to Daniels) did not request for clarification as to wny that payment was made, until almost a year later.

Any ideas as to possibly WHY that bank decided to belatedly request a reason for that payment???

Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

Depending on the size of the payment, it is the law...

You Should have read your own link there sport. There is nothing in that code that requires my bank to ask what the payment is for. You’re good at googling, now you you have to improve your reading/comprehension skills.
Transactions regulations must be filed with the IRS. Financial institutions are required to provide all requested information on the CTR, including the following for the person conducting the transaction:
• Name,
• Street address (a post office box number is not
• Social security number (SSN) or taxpayer
identification number (TIN) (for non-U.S. residents),
• Date of birth.
The documentation used to verify the identity of the individual conducting the transaction should be specified. Signature cards may be relied upon; however, the specific documentation used to establish the person’s identity should be noted. A mere notation that the customer is “known to the financial institution” is insufficient. Additional requested information includes the following:
• Account number,
• Social security number or taxpayer identification
number of the person or entity for whose account the transaction is being conducted (should reflect all account holders for joint accounts), and
• Amount and kind of transaction (transactions involving foreign currency should identify the country of origin and report the U.S. dollar equivalent of the foreign currency on the day of the transaction).
Help me out- if I were to order my bank to make a payment, why would it be any business of their’s why I was making the payment?

It may not seem fair....I agree.

But let's blame it on the Bank Secrecy Act (to prevent laundered money in casinos...especially....Mafia?)

....and the Patriot's Act (exchanges of money to terrorist cells)

That is about keeping records of transactions, but it does not require a bank to ask WHY the money is being sent. It’s primarily, who, what, where, and when, but there is no WHY.

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