Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

It could intimidate on exactly the same way as standing outside a polling place does.

You ain’t kidding anyone
Again, the only people that need to feel intimidated are ballot tamperers, not the voters.
Again, the only people that need to feel intimidated are ballot tamperers, not the voters.
In the case of Philly… asshole right wingers trying to start shit at polling places used mainly by Dems on black neighborhoods
What will you do when your assbuddy Trump is indicted for his classified document heist, assface? It may take a bit longer to develop an insurrection case against that orange ass clown but that's ok. The longer it takes, the better the case & the longer the sentence.

And his asseater's like McCarthy & the retard traitor caucus won't be able to save him.
Yawn. More ass obsession and desperate fantasizing. No indictments are coming retard. No insurrection charges for anybody yet you think that Trump will be hit that charge? Hold your breath and don’t post until he gets indicted. Do it.
In the case of Philly… asshole right wingers trying to start shit at polling places used mainly by Dems on black neighborhoods
There is no reason in any polling place to intimidate people from voting or insinuating how they are to vote.
I know that is literally your only play, but in this case it is even more abjectly pathetic than usual.

First off: Business Insider is a Lefty website, an they often have talking heads on both CNN and MSNBC, some of their authors occasionally write for the NY Times. So to besmirch their reputation is to embrace the MAGA. (IE Rational thought.)

But in this particular case the original source was not - the original article was from there - but the story was first broken by Reuters.

And who were Reuters quoting?

The F.....B.....mother fuckin' I.

See, this is the problem with reflexive knee jerk reactions to maintain your safe space instead of engaging in free thinking examination.


Nice try to rewrite history.
Republicans trying to stop a lawful election= Insurrection

I am far left of anyone here, but clearly the MAGA demonstrators were only trying to DELAY the certification so more checking could be done.
That is not only legal, but reasonable, considering how badly some elections were, like in 2000.
They really should not allow any voting machines.
Junk easily used to cheat.
That’s exactly what happened which is why the vote certification was stopped and the building evacuated as a mob charged in during an INSURRECTION.

I don’t know why y’all keep ignorantly denying this. Go read the definition of the word. That’s what happened
Only in damaged leftard brains.
The Dims keep pushing this meme, but only the terminally gullible are fooled.

Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent Friday commemorating what the Left would have us believe was a greater threat to “our democracy” than the Pearl Harbor attack or 9/11. In the face of this Big Lie that keeps getting bigger, it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons, and no casualties except among those who entered the Capitol after the police opened the doors. President Trump, who was supposed to be the ringleader of the “insurrection,” told the demonstrators to proceed “peacefully,” and two years of relentless investigations have turned up no evidence, despite breathless media reports to the contrary, that he ever wanted anyone to overthrow the government and install him as some kind of president-for-life.
In the face of a failed post-presidency impeachment attempt and a Jan. 6 committee that recommended that Trump be indicted despite the conspicuous lack of evidence that he did anything for which he should be indicted, the Leftist establishment is not backing off one bit. Instead, Old Joe and his henchmen are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down, creating a mythology of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, that resembles a hagiographical narrative more than a sober history.
On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) people who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.” He claimed that “history will remember your names. They’ll remember your courage. They’ll remember your bravery. They’ll remember your extraordinary commitment to your fellow Americans.”
There was an act of treason and domestic terrorism committed by conservatives on 1/6.

And the right’s war on democracy continues.
I am far left of anyone here, but clearly the MAGA demonstrators were only trying to DELAY the certification so more checking could be done.
That is not only legal, but reasonable, considering how badly some elections were, like in 2000.
They really should not allow any voting machines.
Junk easily used to cheat.
We just went through two months of “checking” which found nothing.
With two weeks before Bidens inauguration, what did you expect them to find?

And, Hell No
Storming the Capitol to stop our elections is not legal
^^^ This from a crybaby who has been throwing a tantrum and stamping his feet yelling “it was an insurrection” despite being shown to be an utter idiot who has done nothing but lie this entire thread. Seems Mac, Slade, BWK, and the usual suspects are truly huge snowflakes.
Well it was quite literally an insurrection. Don’t know where you’re getting the crying anf stomping part. If that’s what you need to inject in there to feel superior then go right ahead but you just sound over emotional… part of the avalanche
Name an insurrection without weapons.

Just one, will suffice.
I don’t need to. Just need to follow the definition of the word which you seem incapable of doing.

CHAZ in Seattle was an insurrection and I don’t believe involved guns
You mean without guns?

The Bastille

Just as negotiations were about to recommence at around 1:30 pm, chaos broke out as the impatient and angry crowd stormed the outer courtyard of the Bastille, pushing toward the main gate.[177] Confused firing broke out in the confined space and chaotic fighting began in earnest between de Launay's forces and the revolutionary crowd as the two sides exchanged fire.[178] At around 3:30 pm, more mutinous royal forces arrived to reinforce the crowd, bringing with them trained infantry officers and several cannons.[179] After discovering that their weapons were too light to damage the main walls of the fortress, the revolutionary crowd began to fire their cannons at the wooden gate of the Bastille.[180] By now around 83 of the crowd had been killed and another 15 mortally wounded; only one of the Invalides had been killed in return.[181]
So this guy had the nulcear codes?

Amazing this guy almost ruled the planet.


The left are such faggots they almostlost to this guy.

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