Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

What would the TRUMPmob have done if they captured Pelosi, AOC or Pence?

With violent mobs, anything goes

Trump sent the mob to Stop the Steal…..not protest it

The "mob" did at different times, over whelm a few of the police.
'Were they killed, their gun stolen, or anything else "violent"?
Of course not.
So then it was NOT a "violent" mob.

What they thought was a "steal" was counting irregularities.
So then their goal actually was just a recount.
And that is what eventually happened.
So the demonstrators got what they wanted, and it was their right to demand it.
What would have been illegal would have been to certify without a recount.
An investigation into what?

There are hundreds of ways to defraud an election when you use electronic voting machines with network ports.
While we can never be sure of election fraud completely, one way or the other, a manual recount of paper ballots is what is normally the best we can do.
It is impossible to "upend a presidential election" without massive weapons firepower.

So then obviously the goal instead was to demonstrate skepticism over how the election was conducted, in order to delay certification, and initiate a closer inspection of the election process.

Is that reasonable?
Of course it is, because the US has a history of bad elections, like in 2000, with hanging chads, butterfly ballots, massive voter denial fraud, etc.
We should never allow voting machines, and they should be illegal, since they are easily reprogrammed for fraud.

In other words, their goal was to stop the certification of votes and upend a presidential election
Trump didn’t send any mobs. And you can’t prove your claim merely by mindlessly repeating your own ill-informed premise.
Trump created the mob and they came at his request

Even though he had been repeatedly told otherwise, Trump LIED to his mob that Mike Pence could overturn the state results and Congress could refuse to certify

He told the mob it was up to them to stop them
There are hundreds of ways to defraud an election when you use electronic voting machines with network ports.
While we can never be sure of election fraud completely, one way or the other, a manual recount of paper ballots is what is normally the best we can do.
They did that in Georgia. The result was basically the same.

Anything else?
Why are we even talking about this, after how obviously bad past elections, like 2000 were?
Clearly there is no valid legal reason to even begin to use voting machines, for example.
The only possible reason for using voting machines is to make cheating much easier.
Trump created the mob and they came at his request

Even though he had been repeatedly told otherwise, Trump LIED to his mob that Mike Pence could overturn the state results and Congress could refuse to certify

He told the mob it was up to them to stop them

Pence was NEVER asked to "overturn" anything.
He was simply asked to "not certify", so that there would be more time to investigate.
The "mob" did at different times, over whelm a few of the police.
'Were they killed, their gun stolen, or anything else "violent"?
Of course not.
So then it was NOT a "violent" mob.

130 cops were injured and many hospitalized
That constitutes violence
Trump created the mob
and they came at his request
Protestors came after President Trump did suggest that a protest gathering should take place.
Even though he had been repeatedly told otherwise, Trump LIED to his mob that Mike Pence could overturn the state results and Congress could refuse to certify
Again, your misuse of words is clear. If Trump believed that Pence had such authority, then even if his belief was wrong, it wasn’t a “lie.” And there is a line of reasoning that suggests that a VP has such implicit authority. I don’t buy it. Pence didn’t buy it, either.
He told the mob it was up to them to stop them
They did that in Georgia. The result was basically the same.

Anything else?

Since recounts are the best we can do, then after the recount, everyone was satisfied as far as I know.
So what is your complaint against these demonstrators for reasonably demanding a recount before certification?
Since they believed there was a "steal", then they believed an inspection would reveal it.
So then all they wanted was the inspection.
The fact they were wrong about the "steal" and an inspection would change nothing, does not at all matter.
All they wanted to force was an inspection.
And the only means they had was to show public sentiment.
With an insurrection, you do not care about showing public sentiment, but instead use weapons to force your way.
Again, the demonstrators not once caused anything to happen by force.
Congress could easily have ignored them and continued on if it wanted to.
The decision to cease and evacuate was totally unnecessary.

Utter nonsense. Either members of Congress and/or members of that violent mob would have been harmed or even killed had Congress ignored the mob and tried continuing with their business of certifying the election. As it is, one idiot from that mob had to be shot to keep the mob out of the House chamber because it wasn't fully evacuated.
Again, your misuse of words is clear. If Trump believed that Pence had such authority, then even if his belief was wrong, it wasn’t a “lie.”

Wrong again Skippy

Trump was repeatedly told that neither Pence or Congress could do what he asked.
Repeating something that you know to be wrong is a LIE
130 cops were injured and many hospitalized
That constitutes violence

That is just a lie.
The closest anything came to violence is when the police tried to push doors closed when some of their own men were between the doors.
All the violence was obviously the fault of the police, who were not even outnumbered when you count all to armed cops hiding in the basement.
Since recounts are the best we can do, then after the recount, everyone was satisfied as far as I know.
So what is your complaint against these demonstrators for reasonably demanding a recount before certification?
They weren’t satisfied about Georgia’s recount.

Your assertion that all they wanted was a recount doesn’t hold water.

They didn’t want an investigation. They wanted Trump to be president.
Wrong again Skippy

Trump was repeatedly told that neither Pence or Congress could do what he asked.
Repeating something that you know to be wrong is a LIE
You have repeatedly been told that you’re an asshole. You deny it even though you have been so told. Ergo, you must be a liar.

But you’re also unreliable in logic.

As I correctly noted a moment ago, there is a line of logical analysis that holds that the VP does have implicit authority to delay a certification. If Trump believed that argument (regardless of having been also counseled to the contrary), then saying Pence had the authority wasn’t a lie.

Leftwhiner, you remain a blood clot.
Trump's lies.

We do not know they were lies if he believed them to be true.
Wrong again Skippy

Trump was repeatedly told that neither Pence or Congress could do what he asked.
Repeating something that you know to be wrong is a LIE

Both Pence and Congress are SUPPOSED to not certify if there is any significant doubt about the election.
It was wrong and illegal for Pence and Congress to certify an election that has been accused and not yet investigated.
That is obviously the whole point of certification by the VP.
For example, what if someone sent in fake elector impersonators?
Should a VP certify an obvious fraud like that?
The Dims keep pushing this meme, but only the terminally gullible are fooled.

Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent Friday commemorating what the Left would have us believe was a greater threat to “our democracy” than the Pearl Harbor attack or 9/11. In the face of this Big Lie that keeps getting bigger, it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons, and no casualties except among those who entered the Capitol after the police opened the doors. President Trump, who was supposed to be the ringleader of the “insurrection,” told the demonstrators to proceed “peacefully,” and two years of relentless investigations have turned up no evidence, despite breathless media reports to the contrary, that he ever wanted anyone to overthrow the government and install him as some kind of president-for-life.
In the face of a failed post-presidency impeachment attempt and a Jan. 6 committee that recommended that Trump be indicted despite the conspicuous lack of evidence that he did anything for which he should be indicted, the Leftist establishment is not backing off one bit. Instead, Old Joe and his henchmen are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down, creating a mythology of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, that resembles a hagiographical narrative more than a sober history.
On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) people who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.” He claimed that “history will remember your names. They’ll remember your courage. They’ll remember your bravery. They’ll remember your extraordinary commitment to your fellow Americans.”

It was actually July 6th, according to President Silver Alert.

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