Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

They were running up to the ball like a football team that just got away with a 1st down they knew they didn’t deserve.

So their goal was to stop the certification of votes and upend a presidential election?
So their goal was to stop the certification of votes and upend a presidential election?

It is impossible to "upend a presidential election" without massive weapons firepower.

So then obviously the goal instead was to demonstrate skepticism over how the election was conducted, in order to delay certification, and initiate a closer inspection of the election process.

Is that reasonable?
Of course it is, because the US has a history of bad elections, like in 2000, with hanging chads, butterfly ballots, massive voter denial fraud, etc.
We should never allow voting machines, and they should be illegal, since they are easily reprogrammed for fraud.
We just went through two months of “checking” which found nothing.
With two weeks before Bidens inauguration, what did you expect them to find?

And, Hell No
Storming the Capitol to stop our elections is not legal

Of course it is legal.
What if there was proof of massive fraud?
We never would have know either way, unless the demonstrators had shown up.
Demonstrating in order to get an investigation is always legal, and it does not at all matter if the allegations turned out to be wrong or not.

It is our capital, it frequently ignores the people, and should be occupied on a far more frequent basis.
The capital should have been stormed during the illegal war in Vietnam, illegal invasion of Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, federal health mandates, federal gun laws, etc.
Over half of that Congress does these days is totally illegal.
Even simple things, like having a budget over run is actually inherently illegal.
You mean without guns?

The Bastille

The Bastille surrendered to the French army, which greatly out-gunned the Bastille guards.
The crowd was also very well armed, not just with musket and swords, but cannon as well.

Well it was quite literally an insurrection. Don’t know where you’re getting the crying anf stomping part. If that’s what you need to inject in there to feel superior then go right ahead but you just sound over emotional… part of the avalanche

There is no way any crowd of unarmed demonstrators could even get near to the legislators, much less forcing it to do or not do anything.
Congress decided to leave, but that was their own choice, and looks pretty foolish in retrospect.
The only person even getting close to Congress was Ashlie Babbitt, and we all know that they did to her.
The DC police were fully armed with machineguns, and could easily have massacred the tiny group of 500 demonstrators if they wanted to, at any time.
We saw them come up from the basement after Bryd fired the single shot.
Insurrection has its own meaning. Yours isn’t it.

And nobody tried to “stop” a lawful election, anyway.

Ummm ….
Trying to prevent Congress from certifying the election is stopping an election
It is what Trump sent them to do
There is no way any crowd of unarmed demonstrators could even get near to the legislators, much less forcing it to do or not do anything.
If not for the brave actions of our Capitol Police, they would have.
The mob came within 30 feet of Mike Pence and his family
Ummm ….
Trying to prevent Congress from certifying the election is stopping an election
It is what Trump sent them to do
Trying to get Congress to delay certification of a fraudulent election isn’t the same as seeking to stop a “lawful” election.

And you have absolutely zero evidence that Trump “sent” them to do anything except protest. You derp.
There is no way any crowd of unarmed demonstrators could even get near to the legislators, much less forcing it to do or not do anything.
Congress decided to leave, but that was their own choice, and looks pretty foolish in retrospect.
The only person even getting close to Congress was Ashlie Babbitt, and we all know that they did to her.
The DC police were fully armed with machineguns, and could easily have massacred the tiny group of 500 demonstrators if they wanted to, at any time.
We saw them come up from the basement after Bryd fired the single shot.

Russian bot says . . . derp.
What if there was proof of massive fraud?

As per the Constitution, that is why we have a court system
A place to prove your fraud

As is was, there was no proof and the courts laughed at the lack of evidence
Trying to get Congress to delay certification of a fraudulent election isn’t the same as seeking to stop a “lawful” election.

And you have absolutely zero evidence that Trump “sent” them to do anything except protest. You derp.

Welshy, Trump's violent mob was chanting, "stop the steal!" Not, "delay the steal!"
Trying to get Congress to delay certification of a fraudulent election isn’t the same as seeking to stop a “lawful” election.

And you have absolutely zero evidence that Trump “sent” them to do anything except protest. You derp.
Delay it until when?
I don’t need to. Just need to follow the definition of the word which you seem incapable of doing.

CHAZ in Seattle was an insurrection and I don’t believe involved guns

CHAZ did have guns, and was NOT an insurrection.
It was a valid reaction against an obviously very racist and illegal, corrupt police force in Seattle.
Remember that police did not even exist to any degree before 1900 or so, and there is no legal basis for any police authority.
It is the police who have been conducting an insurrection over the last century.
Trying to get Congress to delay certification of a fraudulent election isn’t the same as seeking to stop a “lawful” election.

And you have absolutely zero evidence that Trump “sent” them to do anything except protest. You derp.

What would the TRUMPmob have done if they captured Pelosi, AOC or Pence?

With violent mobs, anything goes

Trump sent the mob to Stop the Steal…..not protest it
What would the TRUMPmob
What is a TRUMPmob?
have done if they captured Pelosi, AOC or Pence?
If any of the more violent protestors has “captured” anyone, it’s impossible to say what they would then have done. Except we know they wouldn’t have shot anyone. They had no guns.
With violent mobs, anything goes
Like the mostly peaceful arsons and riots of the prior summer?
Trump sent the mob to Stop the Steal…..not protest it
Trump didn’t send any mobs. And you can’t prove your claim merely by mindlessly repeating your own ill-informed premise.
Welshy, Trump's violent mob was chanting, "stop the steal!" Not, "delay the steal!"

Since they believed there was a "steal", then they believed an inspection would reveal it.
So then all they wanted was the inspection.
The fact they were wrong about the "steal" and an inspection would change nothing, does not at all matter.
All they wanted to force was an inspection.
And the only means they had was to show public sentiment.
With an insurrection, you do not care about showing public sentiment, but instead use weapons to force your way.
Again, the demonstrators not once caused anything to happen by force.
Congress could easily have ignored them and continued on if it wanted to.
The decision to cease and evacuate was totally unnecessary.

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