Remember Trump Banning Coastal Oil Driling? I do.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
I remember. Now I see people who back Trump regurgitating falsehoods (Trump Truths), regarding energy and oil production in the USA. It's all some sort of deranged thinking. And Trump played with energy policy out of political concerns. Facts matter.

Boosting and restricting oil and gas drilling

Both the Trump-Pence administration and the Biden-Harris administration took actions that supported additional oil and gas drilling. Both also took actions that restricted additional oil and gas drilling.

Trump has been aggressively pro-fossil fuels in his rhetoric and actions, dating back to his first run for office. Under his administration, the federal government leased more land for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and in the Utah wilderness.

To further help the industry, Trump urged agencies to waive environmental reviews and loosen regulations in ways that could speed up permits for pipeline construction and other energy infrastructure.

The Trump administration also opened more U.S. coastal waters for oil and gas leasing, but Trump later rolled this back, banning coastal drilling for 10 years in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coasts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. At the time, opposition to drilling in those states threatened several Republican candidates’ 2020 election bids.

note: not false Rambunctious
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The debate:

Trump also said, “She has a plan to not allow fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else,” a charge that Harris denied.

Andy Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates, told CNN in a phone interview on Wednesday that he’s “not at all concerned” about the fossil fuel industry getting destroyed because Americans still rely on oil for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

It’s also worth noting that ending fracking, let alone the entire fossil fuels industry, would be self-defeating for a politician because it would anger voters by spiking gasoline prices.

For all the candidates’ talk of promoting fossil fuel production, it’s not clear that America needs drastically more oil. (And climate scientists say that’s the exact opposite of what the planet needs).

US crude prices settled below $66 a barrel Tuesday, their lowest level since December 2021, before bouncing back a bit Wednesday.
Then explain all those oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico during his presidency.
You just don't get it. Facts matter.

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — With one stroke, President Donald Trump’s abrupt reversal on offshore drilling this week has loosened a political vise that was tightening around three Republicans senators running for reelection in coastal states where drilling is widely opposed.

Trump on Tuesday signed a memorandum instructing his interior secretary to prohibit drilling in the waters off both Florida coasts, and off the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, for a period of 10 years.

For Trump, it was a dramatic about-face on a major policy decision, but one that could yield election-year dividends in key coastal states like Florida. It also provided relief to Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of Georgia, all Democratic targets. For months, the trio had been caught between the president’s bullishness on drilling expansion and the substantial, bipartisan opposition to the idea in their home states.

JUPITER, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump expanded a ban on new offshore drilling Tuesday, an election-year reversal likely to appeal to voters in Florida and other coastal states. Two years ago, Trump had taken steps to vastly expand offshore drilling from coast to coast.
The debate:

Trump also said, “She has a plan to not allow fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else,” a charge that Harris denied.

Andy Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates, told CNN in a phone interview on Wednesday that he’s “not at all concerned” about the fossil fuel industry getting destroyed because Americans still rely on oil for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

It’s also worth noting that ending fracking, let alone the entire fossil fuels industry, would be self-defeating for a politician because it would anger voters by spiking gasoline prices.

For all the candidates’ talk of promoting fossil fuel production, it’s not clear that America needs drastically more oil. (And climate scientists say that’s the exact opposite of what the planet needs).

US crude prices settled below $66 a barrel Tuesday, their lowest level since December 2021, before bouncing back a bit Wednesday.
So gas is going up because of gouging at the pump? lol.... come on man even though the Biden Harris admin has allowed more drilling its not enough the bring down prices... every day the world needs more oil it does not take much to cause a shortage...
Gas was $1.90 when Trump was in office if he slowed drilling he must have had a reason like not causing a glut in the market...
Numbers do not lie tards... everything cost less under Trump...
So gas is going up because of gouging at the pump? lol.... come on man even though the Biden Harris admin has allowed more drilling its not enough the bring down prices... every day the world needs more oil it does not take much to cause a shortage...
Gas was $1.90 when Trump was in office if he slowed drilling he must have had a reason like not causing a glut in the market...
Numbers do not lie tards... everything cost less under Trump...
"Prices plunged in early 2020, then recovered; they soared in 2022, then fell back. They've been sliding recently, with some analysts predicting the average may fall below $3 over the next few months."
and this was in June:
"Prices plunged in early 2020, then recovered; they soared in 2022, then fell back. They've been sliding recently, with some analysts predicting the average may fall below $3 over the next few months."
and this was in June:
Poor Rambunctious keeps showing up tagging facts as fake. LOL
"Prices plunged in early 2020, then recovered; they soared in 2022, then fell back. They've been sliding recently, with some analysts predicting the average may fall below $3 over the next few months."
and this was in June:
Some analysts predicted??? let me know if they are ever right....
Others are fearing a recession...
So gas is going up because of gouging at the pump? lol.... come on man even though the Biden Harris admin has allowed more drilling its not enough the bring down prices... every day the world needs more oil it does not take much to cause a shortage...
Gas was $1.90 when Trump was in office if he slowed drilling he must have had a reason like not causing a glut in the market...
Numbers do not lie tards... everything cost less under Trump...
There was no demand for oil in 2020. Over 200 US oil companies went out of business.

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