Remember Trump's mean tweets?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Keep in mind.....when Trump tweeted mean things? Those mean tweets were directed at the morons who f****d up the Afghanistan withdrawal and left 10s of thousands of Americans, foreign nationals and Afghani helpers at the mercy of the taliban........
Keep in mind.....when Trump tweeted mean things? Those mean tweets were directed at the morons who f****d up the Afghanistan withdrawal and left 10s of thousands of Americans, foreign nationals and Afghani helpers at the mercy of the taliban........
Trump tweeted mean things to many people about many different subjects. The dude was an overemotional joke.
Keep in mind.....when Trump tweeted mean things? Those mean tweets were directed at the morons who f****d up the Afghanistan withdrawal and left 10s of thousands of Americans, foreign nationals and Afghani helpers at the mercy of the taliban........
Trump's only involvement in the withdrawal was flying the Taliban over to Camp David, calling them fantastic people, and signing over Afghanistan to them in a peace agreement.
Trump tweeted mean things to many people about many different subjects. The dude was a joke. the telegraph in Britain points out....Trump would have dealt with this....biden is the joke...

To get more candid coverage, it helps to go overseas, as to the Telegraph: “Joe Biden’s asinine handling of Afghanistan could gift Donald Trump the White House.” The article is by the Telegraph’s U.S. editor:

It’s a bit early in his tenure for a political obituary. But for Joe Biden the Afghanistan debacle may be presidency-shattering. HMS Biden is now holed below the water line and slowly sinking.

Donald Trump scents blood in the water and is popping up on the airwaves to put the boot in to his hapless successor.
That’s not to say that, if Mr Trump were still president, the US departure from Afghanistan would have been any less chaotic.
It’s just that American voters – and the Taliban – know the US reaction to the crisis would have been very different under a President Trump.
Mr Biden, shamefully, sought to blame Afghans themselves. His officials meekly pleaded with the Taliban to allow American citizens safe passage to the airport.
And, in Washington, not a single head rolled in response to what one Pentagon official called a “s—show”.
What would Mr Trump have done if confronted with this monumental insult to American pride? Well, for starters he would have fired the head of every US intelligence service that touched any piece of information out of Afghanistan in recent months.

Then, he would probably have called for Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan who fled Kabul on Sunday, to be detained for cowardice, and delivered a tirade down the phone to the leader of any country harbouring him.

And then, he would have publicly threatened to rain down “fire and fury” on the Taliban unless it helped US citizens, their allies and translators get to Kabul airport.

After his press conference Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban spokesman, would have faced the very real possibility of his house being flattened by a MOAB if he didn’t comply.

The Taliban know a bully when they see one. Americans, and Britons, would have found themselves swept to the airport with an armed Taliban escort and an apology.
It is a thought experiment, reminiscent of the time when Iran’s mullahs released their American hostages on Ronald Reagan’s inauguration day.

More at the link, e.g.:

Mr Biden’s attempt to retrieve the situation in a TV interview on Thursday was an unmitigated car crash – despite the interview being conducted by Bill Clinton’s former White House press chief.

Trump's only involvement in the withdrawal was flying the Taliban over to Camp David, calling them fantastic people, and signing over Afghanistan to them in a peace agreement.

No, you dumb shit......he had conditions in place and responded with violence when the taliban broke them........even the British know you are full of shit..........
Keep in mind.....when Trump tweeted mean things? Those mean tweets were directed at the morons who f****d up the Afghanistan withdrawal and left 10s of thousands of Americans, foreign nationals and Afghani helpers at the mercy of the taliban........
Trump should have been tweeting at himself given the way he fucked up the last 4 years.
It’s just that American voters – and the Taliban – know the US reaction to the crisis would have been very different under a President Trump.
As in, he would never have left. The price of ending Trump's peace agreement with the Taliban was more dead American soldiers. A price you have been more than happy to pay this century.
No, you dumb shit......he had conditions in place and responded with violence when the taliban broke them........even the British know you are full of shit..........
"He had conditions in place and responded with violence when the taliban broke them"

Yes, I'm well aware Trump would never have ended the Afghanistan war. That's why he scheduled it for after the election.
As in, he would never have left. The price of ending Trump's peace agreement with the Taliban was more dead American soldiers. A price you have been more than happy to pay this century.

There hadn't been an American death in months, after he made that agreement......he had a plan, biden's controllers ignored it....

You shitheads have the biden stink all over you....
Keep in mind.....when Trump tweeted mean things? Those mean tweets were directed at the morons who f****d up the Afghanistan withdrawal and left 10s of thousands of Americans, foreign nationals and Afghani helpers at the mercy of the taliban........
There are US troops in Afghanistan flying people out doing their best and all you do is belittle them.
"He had conditions in place and responded with violence when the taliban broke them"

Yes, I'm well aware Trump would never have ended the Afghanistan war. That's why he scheduled it for after the election.

The biden stink is on won't come off....
There hadn't been an American death in months, after he made that agreement......he had a plan, biden's controllers ignored it....

You shitheads have the biden stink all over you....
Got a link to this plan that Trump signed?
There are US troops in Afghanistan flying people out doing their best and all you do is belittle them. guys are obviously going to try to hide the biden stink you carry by pulling the your rubber, were glue defense.........we show biden's controllers for the fools they are, and you say we don't like the military....

You are really fucking stupid.
There hadn't been an American death in months, after he made that agreement......he had a plan, biden's controllers ignored it....

You shitheads have the biden stink all over you....
Oh my God; read what you just said: "There hadn't been an American death in months, after he made that agreement."

What the fuck do you think the agreement was? Holy shit. guys are obviously going to try to hide the biden stink you carry by pulling the your rubber, were glue defense.........we show biden's controllers for the fools they are, and you say we don't like the military....

You are really fucking stupid.
Got a new dog whistle from your echo chamber handlers I see, my you are impressive, now do you know anything about the actual subject or just pejoratives and spit? the telegraph in Britain points out....Trump would have dealt with this....biden is the joke...

To get more candid coverage, it helps to go overseas, as to the Telegraph: “Joe Biden’s asinine handling of Afghanistan could gift Donald Trump the White House.” The article is by the Telegraph’s U.S. editor:

It’s a bit early in his tenure for a political obituary. But for Joe Biden the Afghanistan debacle may be presidency-shattering. HMS Biden is now holed below the water line and slowly sinking.

Donald Trump scents blood in the water and is popping up on the airwaves to put the boot in to his hapless successor.
That’s not to say that, if Mr Trump were still president, the US departure from Afghanistan would have been any less chaotic.
It’s just that American voters – and the Taliban – know the US reaction to the crisis would have been very different under a President Trump.
Mr Biden, shamefully, sought to blame Afghans themselves. His officials meekly pleaded with the Taliban to allow American citizens safe passage to the airport.
And, in Washington, not a single head rolled in response to what one Pentagon official called a “s—show”.
What would Mr Trump have done if confronted with this monumental insult to American pride? Well, for starters he would have fired the head of every US intelligence service that touched any piece of information out of Afghanistan in recent months.

Then, he would probably have called for Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan who fled Kabul on Sunday, to be detained for cowardice, and delivered a tirade down the phone to the leader of any country harbouring him.

And then, he would have publicly threatened to rain down “fire and fury” on the Taliban unless it helped US citizens, their allies and translators get to Kabul airport.

After his press conference Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban spokesman, would have faced the very real possibility of his house being flattened by a MOAB if he didn’t comply.

It is a thought experiment, reminiscent of the time when Iran’s mullahs released their American hostages on Ronald Reagan’s inauguration day.

More at the link, e.g.:

haha, Biden is sucking big time at dealing with this... I have no faith that Trump would have done any better.... Would definitely be lying more
Problem was Trump's tweets were honest and shot from the hip, and the left can't handle either of these things.

They want to be babied, Xiden is their guy.
Problem was Trump's tweets were honest and shot from the hip, and the left can't handle either of these things.

They want to be babied, Xiden is their guy.
a large percent of them were provable lies and hyperbole

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