Remember when Al Gore received stolen info on George W. Bush? What did he do with it?

What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.
Let's see, HIllary paid for unverified information from a foreign national who got it on her behalf from Russia and you're whining about Trump Jr.? When you're ready to indict Hillary for inviting foreigners to meddle in the election, I'll take you seriously about Trump Jr. Until then, it's just more partisan crying.
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we live in the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.
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What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we. live the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.

It took all of ten minutes for the actual topic to get derailed.

Pogo's Law cashews in again.
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we. live the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.

It took all of ten minutes for the actual topic to get derailed.

Pogo's Law cashews in again.
here is a clue for you pogo.....its a dean thread....
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we. live the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.

It took all of ten minutes for the actual topic to get derailed.

Pogo's Law cashews in again.
here is a clue for you pogo.....its a dean thread....

It starts out as a train wreck. You can't "derail" a deanturd thread.
You almost have to spit out your coffee when the crazy angry left recommends turning over (stolen? how is that possible) information on opposition candidates to the freaking FBI when the allegations directed at Trump were generated by the freaking FBI. Even Orwell couldn't invent a scenario like this.
What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

Where did Al Gore ever find an honest politician and what did he do with him? But I think the GOP DID get it Dean--------- they won THEN and they won NOW.
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we. live the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.

It took all of ten minutes for the actual topic to get derailed.

Pogo's Law cashews in again.
here is a clue for you pogo.....its a dean thread....

It starts out as a train wreck. You can't "derail" a deanturd thread.
dean derails his own threads with his same old type of shit monologues....
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.
Let's see, HIllary paid for unverified information from a foreign national who got it on her behalf from Russia and you're whining about Trump Jr.? When you're ready to indict Hillary for inviting foreigners to meddle in the election, I'll take you seriously about Trump Jr. Until then, it's just more partisan crying.

Hillary didn’t pay anyone. Hillary’s law firm hired an American firm to provide oppositional research. That firm subcontracted the research work to Steele and they’re the ones who paid him.

Hillary had no idea who was doing the research. Neither Hillary nor her lawyers met with Steele and Steele had no idea who was paying for the research.

Last but not least, the Clinton campaign didn’t use the material they were given against Trump. They took one look at it and turned it over to the Republican Party which gave it to the FBI.

Trumpbots keep trying to make the Clinton’s arm’s length purchase of research the moral equivalent to knowingly sitting down with the agents of a hostile foreign government in order to secure their cooperation and help in lying to the American people and subverting the election.

One is obtaining the dirt through legal channels, and then doing the right thing by turning it over to the GOP, and the other is treason.
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we live in the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.
One good thing about it is we know have a better idea of just who the scum are that are anti american trump followers
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.

What the conservative responses to this thread shows is the death of honor and fair play as something to be respected and admired. I guess given that we live in the age of Trump and the death of old time conservative values, this vulgarity is the new norm.

The proper response to this thread should be, this is the code we should live by. This should be the American way.

But sadly it is not. Honor is dead in the age of Trump.
One good thing about it is we know have a better idea of just who the scum are that are anti american trump followers
NOW have,,,, in case spelling mods are here
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.
Let's see, HIllary paid for unverified information from a foreign national who got it on her behalf from Russia and you're whining about Trump Jr.? When you're ready to indict Hillary for inviting foreigners to meddle in the election, I'll take you seriously about Trump Jr. Until then, it's just more partisan crying.

Hillary didn’t pay anyone. Hillary’s law firm hired an American firm to provide oppositional research. That firm subcontracted the research work to Steele and they’re the ones who paid him.

Hillary had no idea who was doing the research. Neither Hillary nor her lawyers met with Steele and Steele had no idea who was paying for the research.

Last but not least, the Clinton campaign didn’t use the material they were given against Trump. They took one look at it and turned it over to the Republican Party which gave it to the FBI.

Trumpbots keep trying to make the Clinton’s arm’s length purchase of research the moral equivalent to knowingly sitting down with the agents of a hostile foreign government in order to secure their cooperation and help in lying to the American people and subverting the election.

One is obtaining the dirt through legal channels, and then doing the right thing by turning it over to the GOP, and the other is treason.

Hmmm...Hillary's law firm hired an American firm that subcontracted to Steele....WTF, who the hell do you feel paid ALL these people?
What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

He turned it over to the FBI.

What happens when you have an honest politician running. Republicans didn't get it then and they don't get it now.
Let's see, HIllary paid for unverified information from a foreign national who got it on her behalf from Russia and you're whining about Trump Jr.? When you're ready to indict Hillary for inviting foreigners to meddle in the election, I'll take you seriously about Trump Jr. Until then, it's just more partisan crying.

Hillary didn’t pay anyone. Hillary’s law firm hired an American firm to provide oppositional research. That firm subcontracted the research work to Steele and they’re the ones who paid him.

Hillary had no idea who was doing the research. Neither Hillary nor her lawyers met with Steele and Steele had no idea who was paying for the research.

Last but not least, the Clinton campaign didn’t use the material they were given against Trump. They took one look at it and turned it over to the Republican Party which gave it to the FBI.

Trumpbots keep trying to make the Clinton’s arm’s length purchase of research the moral equivalent to knowingly sitting down with the agents of a hostile foreign government in order to secure their cooperation and help in lying to the American people and subverting the election.

One is obtaining the dirt through legal channels, and then doing the right thing by turning it over to the GOP, and the other is treason.

Hmmm...Hillary's law firm hired an American firm that subcontracted to Steele....WTF, who the hell do you feel paid ALL these people?
Wait till the Pee tapes come out Lol lol Repubs will say he couldn't find the bathroom?

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