Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

This happens in every war. If you question the war narrative set by the state, you are called a traitor or Putin lover.

It’s a good example of how effective State run war propaganda is on many feeble minded Americans.
Goes beyond war propaganda. Like just about everything they release. I questioned a poster on how the hell could they take everything that the MSM and WH says as gospel, w/o checking for themselves.

Got real quiet.
No no, not buying the media lies and propaganda. If ukraine was "crushing" russia, they wouldn't be asking for billions every day, fighter planes, munitions, weapons, missiles, tanks, etc. You bought into the propaganda. You just can't see. You're a perfect liberal shill for the govt.
Dummy, even Russia does not refute the territorial control maps.

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Bullshit peddler, LNG export growth doesn't even cover a small fraction of the natural gas production loss.

Russia is litterally burning up their excess natural gas because their LNG conversion capacity is small.

From your link:

Decrease in Gazprom's exports to Europe by 53%​

71 billion cubic meters have already been lost, by the end of December, losses will amount to another 13-14 billion cubic meters in comparison with 2021, i.e. for the year minus 85 billion supplies to Europe. If everything goes as it has been since September, then pipeline deliveries could amount to 30 billion cubic meters in 2023, compared with 150 billion in 2021 and 180-190 billion potential.

From same link:

So Russian gas exports collapsing and getting replaced by American LNG and here is you, total idiot talking about Russians winning something.
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Reuter's is the one that fired a data scientist for questioning the BLM narrative.
What a fucking degenerate.

But within a few months, this would all collapse. A chain of events—beginning with the death of George Floyd and culminating with a statistical analysis of Black Lives Matter’s claims—would turn the 44-year-old data scientist’s life upside-down. By June 2021, Kriegman would be locked out of Reuters’s servers, denounced by his colleagues, and fired by email. Kriegman had committed an unpardonable offense: he directly criticized the Black Lives Matter movement in the company’s internal communications forum, debunked Reuters’s own biased reporting, and violated a corporate taboo. Driven by what he called a “moral obligation” to speak out, Kriegman refused to celebrate unquestioningly the BLM narrative and his company’s “diversity and inclusion” programming; to the contrary, he argued that Reuters was exhibiting significant left-wing bias in the newsroom and that the ongoing BLM protests, riots, and calls to “defund the police” would wreak havoc on minority communities. Week after week, Kriegman felt increasingly disillusioned by the Thomson Reuters line. Finally, on the first Tuesday in May 2021, he posted a long, data-intensive critique of BLM’s and his company’s hypocrisy. He was sent to Human Resources and Diversity & Inclusion for the chance to reform his thoughts.
From your link:
I bet you failed to read the fucking tile of the page, loser.

Gas exports from Russia​

Russia remains the largest gas exporter in the world.

or this


Growth of Russian LNG exports by 8% to 46 billion cubic meters. m, to Europe - by 13.5%​

Russia increased LNG exports in 2022 by 8% - up to 46 billion cubic meters. m, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation reported in January 2023.

Supplies of Russian LNG to Europe in 2022 increased significantly. This became known in mid-January 2023.

According to Kommersant, the main contribution to the increase in supplies was made by Novatek, whose Yamal LNG plant increased supplies to the EU by about 13.5%, to 14.65 million tons, Kommersant calculated based on data from the Kpler analytical system. Also, about 0.7 million tons came from another Novatek project - Cryogas-Vysotsk. Another project that allowed, albeit slightly, to increase LNG exports to Europe was Port LNG, launched by Gazprom in September 2022.

You are retarded, aren't you?
Bullshit peddler, LNG export growth doesn't even cover a small fraction of the natural gas production loss.

What part of this reality can't you get a grip on?

Gas exports from Russia​

Russia remains the largest gas exporter in the world.
Dummy, even Russia does not refute the territorial control maps.


No clue have you, of Ukraine's history or relationship with Russia. That's why you are such an ignorant idiot.

In what are you referencing this particular map? Has Russia ever been in or around Kyiv in the current conflict? No. But it was hit by multiple strikes of key infrastructure and installations
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Is there NOTHING you fucking idiots will not deflect to? scientist tells and proves that his employer, Reuters, is pushing left wing bias, he's sent to the reprogramming dept, then shit canned......
Lol. That was about as lame as you can get Ivan
Fucken Ivan?
Prove to me and everyone on the forum I'm Russian. I bet you can't. You'll come close to the conclusion like you are now to fulfil your deluded fantasies because someone is not aligned with your sad and pathetic paradigm. Come on, bring your 'A' game champ. Bring it. :45:
Fucken Ivan?
Prove to me and everyone on the forum I'm Russian. I bet you can't. You'll come close to the conclusion like you are now to fulfil your deluded fantasies because someone is not aligned with your sad and pathetic paradigm. Come on, bring your 'A' game champ. Bring it. :45:
Touched a nerve huh “fucken Ivan”

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