Remember When Biden Was 10 To 15 Points Ahead Of Trump? Oops !!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
and all liberals in general actually believed those polls!
oh, and, its the republicans that are stupid?
Today Biden can not even beat a socialist.

I still have not met one Biden supporter. Where are they?
Democrats who sold us out via focusing on foreign money with high office, and are now running for office so they can sue the POTUS. There should be no "Get Out Of Jail Free" cards for politicians who use their political office for kickbacks from the government given foreign aid. Soros, Biden, Yovanovich, others:
hey,,,wasnt Hillary about 50 points ahead this time 2016?
Yes before the Russian email hack and the mountain of garbage controversy. 60% of political coverage was about emails what's turn out to mean absolutely nothing but an incredible amount of innuendo and conspiracy theories from the right it turned out to mean absolutely nothing excepting GOP propaganda world.
hey,,,wasnt Hillary about 50 points ahead this time 2016?
Yes before the Russian email hack and the mountain of garbage controversy. 60% of political coverage was about emails what's turn out to mean absolutely nothing but an incredible amount of innuendo and conspiracy theories from the right it turned out to mean absolutely nothing excepting GOP propaganda world.

You know Franco, have you ever written Mr Obama and asked him how his DHS and CIA allowed that to happen? He promised us all he had that under control, and look what happened right under his nose, flanked by his big ears.

Even you have to admit, that dude was really incompetent!
and all liberals in general actually believed those polls!
oh, and, its the republicans that are stupid?

Truth-----------> Joe Biden will keep his campaign going until South Carolina. If he does not win BIGGLY there, his campaign will end and Doomberg will step in.

How this will be perceived by the Bernie Bro's has yet to be determined!

Stay tuned.
how can anyone in SC vote for Biden knowing his past? his insults to black people and stuff

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