Remember when conservatives accused Obama of being a Marxist?

Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.

You know and I know, all them white mf's would give their left arm to have Obama back...LOLOLOLOL....I'm so glad they got Trump....these bitches spent 8 mf years making Obama's life a living hell....NOW TRUMP WILL SPEND THE NEXT 4 YEARS MAKING THEIR LIVES A LIVING MF HELL AND I'M GONNA LOVE EVERY GOTDAMN SECOND OF IT!!

If there's any verifiable truth about a connection between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence, Trump won't be in office for the next 4 years.

C'mon kid, what dreams did the mediocre negro get from his Daddy?
I'm and anarchist and Barry Obubblehead is a Marxist.

No you're not and no he isn't. Marxism is an anti-government collectivist ideology that seeks the abolition of private property, capital, and the state. Barack Obama (no immature childish name needed) was just a corporate whore.

Damn you're stupid!
He was steeped in Marxism. From father and stepfather, his mother, his political mentor Frank Marshall Davis, his alliance with Marxist terrorist and murderer Bill Ayres. But none of all that rubbed off on him. Nope, not a smidgen.

Damn are you fucking gullible.
Imagine if it had been Obama who had this exchange with Bill O'Reilly. The pseudocons would have had a collective aneurysm.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?
Imagine if it had been Obama who had this exchange with Bill O'Reilly. The pseudocons would have had a collective aneurysm.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?

Say what dumb fuck? Go ahead, defend the CIA. Go ahead. For the record, Trump is only slightly less a shit sandwich than bitchlery.
Imagine if it had been Obama who had this exchange with Bill O'Reilly. The pseudocons would have had a collective aneurysm.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?

Say what dumb fuck? Go ahead, defend the CIA. Go ahead. For the record, Trump is only slightly less a shit sandwich than bitchlery.
Just as I predicted, Donald Trump has you psuedocons sounding just like old time far left liberals.

Blame America First. That's classic commsymp shit.
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.

You know and I know, all them white mf's would give their left arm to have Obama back...LOLOLOLOL....I'm so glad they got Trump....these bitches spent 8 mf years making Obama's life a living hell....NOW TRUMP WILL SPEND THE NEXT 4 YEARS MAKING THEIR LIVES A LIVING MF HELL AND I'M GONNA LOVE EVERY GOTDAMN SECOND OF IT!!

If there's any verifiable truth about a connection between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence, Trump won't be in office for the next 4 years.

You know you come off like one of those birthers that would write day and night how Obama would be impeached over their imagination that Obama was born on Pluto while coming here through Uranus...

The reality is Trump is President and Clinton lost...
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.
No I don't. I remember when I said he a dick sucker.
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.

You lost me at "accused" Obama is the epitome of a social marxist choom gang Muslim. :funnyface:
Imagine if it had been Obama who had this exchange with Bill O'Reilly. The pseudocons would have had a collective aneurysm.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?

Say what dumb fuck? Go ahead, defend the CIA. Go ahead. For the record, Trump is only slightly less a shit sandwich than bitchlery.
Just as I predicted, Donald Trump has you psuedocons sounding just like old time far left liberals.

Blame America First. That's classic commsymp shit.

We both know I ain't your typical internet opponent kid. Let's do it lunger.
You're not even in the same league, punk. But if you like getting your ass handed to you over and over, I"m game.

Kid I'll kick your ass into tomorrow, just as I always have.
It can't be helped you are too stupid to know when you're beaten. And you are about to find yourself on the wrong side of the tax expenditure issue again, libbie. Keep your eyes open for my topic on the Republican tax reform plan.
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.
Speaking of "labeling" your political adversaries....... I'll just put this here.

Republicans are my enemies
Basket of deplorables

Guess who?
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.
Speaking of "labeling" your political adversaries....... I'll just put this here.

Republicans are my enemies
Basket of deplorables

Guess who?

Forget all that.

Take a look what's right in front of all of us:

The hair: It's not natural.

The facial skin tone; That's not natural either.

Should we as citizens trust a man who can't even feel good enough about how he feels about himself as a person without so much camouflage? The man's insecurities just scream out to be noticed!
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.

Did you really miss the part where Russia gave up communism? It was in all the papers.
So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump
I guess the news hasn't reached you, but decades ago the Russian Communists were defeated. Russia is no longer part of the Communist menace.
Republicans will be using the communist thing for some time yet. I don't think t hey can come up with a replacement. For a time I thought Hillary's health was in the running but that's gone now.
Still extant is a very dangerous Communist tyranny. The CCP is a very real threat.
He is still a Marxist. Saul Alinksi and Ayers and nearly all of his mentors were radical Marxists and Communists.

And now we can see how treacherous, seditious and treasonous his former governmental structure was now that Obama Jr. lost the election.

The rats are clinging to a sinking ship. Hopefully we can cleanse the government of these Marxist Plants.
So the label communist is not dead, and will probably be around as long as Social Security, one of first programs Republicans swore would lead to communism. Wonder how many Americans refuse to cash those communist Social Security checks?
So the label communist is not dead, and will probably be around as long as Social Security, one of first programs Republicans swore would lead to communism. Wonder how many Americans refuse to cash those communist Social Security checks?

Communism as an idea is not dead. Noting the ideological background of an incoming President is just common sense.

Discussing whether such an ideology is good for the nation is just being a responsible citizen.

That any of that bothers you, is very odd.
Thread has been cleaned up. Stop insulting each other, please
Just as I predicted, Donald Trump has you psuedocons sounding just like old time far left liberals.

Blame America First. That's classic commsymp shit.
That's some classic Limbaugh/Hannity neocon talking point slinging there.

Blaming the despotic and murderous politicians and MIC elements operating under the auspices of the government is not blaming Murica, it's blaming despotic and murderous politicians and MIC, who need to be called to account for their tyranny.
Yeah, conservatives simply LOVE to affix labels on their opponents, probably because their followers are not open to a more accurate and intellectual analysis of the pros and cons of any opponent.

Yeah, it was a rallying cry, right? No, Obama didn't really LOVE America, right?

So, what did the Republicans foist on America as a replacement to President Obama? They gave us a Russian-loving Putin poodle named Trump who also just so happened to have a cadre of aides who had close personal and economic ties to both Russia in general, Putin in particular, and the Ukraine as well. And this was happening even as Russia was working hard to help his campaign? Am I (or is anyone) supposed to believe that's just some kind of astral coincidence? Guess again! Even Republicans in congress don't buy that story.

If someone would have written all of this in a political thriller fiver years ago, it would have seemed as nonsensical as The Manchurian Candidate once did despite the fact that that particular story dates from the old cold war days of the 1950s and 1960s when the Red Scare was a representation of the very real palpable fear during the nuclear arms race between the US and the USSR and Soviet era space program successes even as America's space program suffered several major well-publicized setbacks.

Let's be serious here. We as Americans had let down our guard. But America is now awake and paying close attention again. Yes, we ARE vigilant again. And Trump is going to find that his days of BS stories and his constant lies are going to catch up with him BIG TIME.

You know and I know, all them white mf's would give their left arm to have Obama back...LOLOLOLOL....I'm so glad they got Trump....these bitches spent 8 mf years making Obama's life a living hell....NOW TRUMP WILL SPEND THE NEXT 4 YEARS MAKING THEIR LIVES A LIVING MF HELL AND I'M GONNA LOVE EVERY GOTDAMN SECOND OF IT!!

Spoken like a true white hating bigoted ant-American Obama supporter....

Here's a clue... Trump ain't gonna top Obama's $9 trillion debt addition, but he is likely to fire the "government workers" like you who showed up on cue to race bait in Ferguson...

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