Remember when Democrats actually understood Illegal Immigration was a REAL problem?

I represent that mood change. I'm more put off by Trump's attitude concerning immigration than by the immigration problem itself.
Regrettably there are way too many Americans who would cut off their own noses to spite Trump's face. If you could focus on America's best interests you'd shrug at his antics and methods and accept that he really is just an America-Firster fighting an entrenched WashDC swamp that will do or say anything - including resisting that which is in our interest - to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough.

My sincere wish is that y'all GTF up.

When Trump and his crowd speaks of the Mexicans as the Jews spoke of the Samaritans, then I don't really see it as being my best interest to share the attitude of the priest and the Levite who avoided the half-dead man alongside the road.
WTF? There is no insipidness a bitter leftard won't post to explain and/or justify his mindless hatred.

Y'all are such petulant crybabies that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

Whiny, sniveling traitors … every one of ya.
No I will not watch a video on twitter.

They didn't call Obama the deporter and chief for naught.

Whoopsie...inconvenient facts getting in the way again.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.
No I will not watch a video on twitter.

They didn't call Obama the deporter and chief for naught.

Whoopsie...inconvenient facts getting in the way again.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.

That's all they needed to do in the first place.
The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
No I will not watch a video on twitter.

They didn't call Obama the deporter and chief for naught.

Whoopsie...inconvenient facts getting in the way again.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.

That's all they needed to do in the first place.
The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
I agree, but to be fair, I think Homeland Sec was genuinely taken by surprise when asylum seekers' numbers increased even over the Obama years as things just went to shit in central America with Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador
I represent that mood change. I'm more put off by Trump's attitude concerning immigration than by the immigration problem itself.
Regrettably there are way too many Americans who would cut off their own noses to spite Trump's face. If you could focus on America's best interests you'd shrug at his antics and methods and accept that he really is just an America-Firster fighting an entrenched WashDC swamp that will do or say anything - including resisting that which is in our interest - to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough.

My sincere wish is that y'all GTF up.

When Trump and his crowd speaks of the Mexicans as the Jews spoke of the Samaritans, then I don't really see it as being my best interest to share the attitude of the priest and the Levite who avoided the half-dead man alongside the road.
WTF? There is no insipidness a bitter leftard won't post to explain and/or justify his mindless hatred.

Y'all are such petulant crybabies that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

Whiny, sniveling traitors … every one of ya.

You're the one who is crying a river.
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.
Current Democrat Socialist Party defense of ILLEGAL immigrants nothing to do with anything except turning Texas blue. You fool no one.
That's all they needed to do in the first place. The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
Because phony Mexican IDs are so tough to get.
I represent that mood change. I'm more put off by Trump's attitude concerning immigration than by the immigration problem itself.
Regrettably there are way too many Americans who would cut off their own noses to spite Trump's face. If you could focus on America's best interests you'd shrug at his antics and methods and accept that he really is just an America-Firster fighting an entrenched WashDC swamp that will do or say anything - including resisting that which is in our interest - to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough.

My sincere wish is that y'all GTF up.

When Trump and his crowd speaks of the Mexicans as the Jews spoke of the Samaritans, then I don't really see it as being my best interest to share the attitude of the priest and the Levite who avoided the half-dead man alongside the road.
WTF? There is no insipidness a bitter leftard won't post to explain and/or justify his mindless hatred.

Y'all are such petulant crybabies that you would much prefer this country crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

Whiny, sniveling traitors … every one of ya.

You're the one who is crying a river.
I have kids & grannies and someday they will have kids & grannies. I want to leave something solid for them to live and build upon, not the socialist shithole America's bitter leftarded LOSERS would make it.
No I will not watch a video on twitter.

They didn't call Obama the deporter and chief for naught.

Whoopsie...inconvenient facts getting in the way again.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.

That's all they needed to do in the first place.
The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
I agree, but to be fair, I think Homeland Sec was genuinely taken by surprise when asylum seekers' numbers increased even over the Obama years as things just went to shit in central America with Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador
They wanted a show. A show to deter future asylees and a show to rile their corrupt base. They got it.
The Obama admin had an effective policy in place. They could have continued or expanded that rather than separating families and indefinitely detaining these people without having a plan for further processing.
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.

That's all they needed to do in the first place.
The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
I agree, but to be fair, I think Homeland Sec was genuinely taken by surprise when asylum seekers' numbers increased even over the Obama years as things just went to shit in central America with Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador
They wanted a show. A show to deter future asylees and a show to rile their corrupt base. They got it.
The Obama admin had an effective policy in place. They could have continued or expanded that rather than separating families and indefinitely detaining these people without having a plan for further processing.
Well, I do think numbers of families seeking asylum increased. Obama had the surprise of all the unaccompanied minors coming in, and that was one reason why I still oppose citizenship for Dreamers. I just don't think we CAN accept as citizens people who come here illegally. I'm not for putting children in cages or putting adults in faciltites where they have to shit on themselves.

But yeah, Trump separated the children to put them in cages because his base likes seeing it. And now we don't see any republicans opposing it anymore either. And yeah, the gop is the party of racism. Trump wouldn't do that to Germans or Jews.
No I will not watch a video on twitter.

They didn't call Obama the deporter and chief for naught.

And none of you complained about it when he did it

Because he did it without any of the tragic incompetence that is the current state of affairs at the border.
Trump is the only president to have such problems.

There were kids in cages in when Obama did it too. Furthermore, pretty much the entire Democratic Party is screaming over ICE doing raids this weekend looking for people who skipped deportation orders, which is their job.
But as of today, we can summarily kick out anyone trying to apply for asylum if the passed through a country not their own to get here. And personally I think that's a good thing.
Fast-track regulation bars third-country asylum seekers

Our asylum offers were never about a simple open door policy.

That's all they needed to do in the first place.
The current incompetent circus was not necessary.
I agree, but to be fair, I think Homeland Sec was genuinely taken by surprise when asylum seekers' numbers increased even over the Obama years as things just went to shit in central America with Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador
They wanted a show. A show to deter future asylees and a show to rile their corrupt base. They got it.
The Obama admin had an effective policy in place. They could have continued or expanded that rather than separating families and indefinitely detaining these people without having a plan for further processing.
/-----/WOWZA - Obozo sure had a plan in place.

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