Remember When Hillary Clinton Said That Terrorists Were Trump Videos For Recruiting..........

Sit down and listen all you Liberals. The Human Being has contacted his tribal soothsayer and smoke from the peyote pipe and seen the vision given to him by his forefathers. The Human predicts that Liberals will be as scarce as hen's teeth on USMB following the election. The Human Being has spoken It is done.
Sit down and listen all you Liberals. The Human Being has contacted his tribal soothsayer and smoke from the peyote pipe and seen the vision given to him by his forefathers. The Human predicts that Liberals will be as scarce as hen's teeth on USMB following the election. The Human Being has spoken It is done.

What are the lotto numbers for next week's lottery?
An ISIS Trump Video Will Materialize - The Rush Limbaugh ... › Archives (Dec 22, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Dec 22, 2015 - In fact, since you bring this up, you know, when Hillary lied about Trump, about ISIS making a recruitment video out of Trump's comments on the ...

Think I'll just DROP THIS on the liberal idiots that still don't understand that it took TWO WEEKS before Al Qaeda, NOT ISIS, AS the Hildebeast CLAIMED, used Trump in one of their video's....Like me saying it going to rain, and TWO WEEKS LATER IT DOES! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Reagan armed the Taliban?

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Didn't exist til after he left office.

He helped arm their predecessors....

Oops, looks like Hillary AND your leftwing media has made fools out of you Democrat/Hillary slaves supporters again

Media gleefully reporting al-Shabab video with Trump, IGNORES Hillary and ‘Black Lives Matter’ are in it TOO!!
Posted by soopermexican on Jan 2, 2016 at 11:05 AM in Politics |

El Trumpo is finally being used in a terrorist training video and the media couldn’t be more happy.

Here’s TIME magazine:

An al-Qaeda affiliate released arecruitment video Friday that includes an excerpt of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announcing his call to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.


The video, apparently the first to include footage of Trump, juxtaposed clips of the presidential candidate and al-Awlaki saying “the West will eventually turn against its Muslims citizens,” according to the Times, while also including footage of al-Awlaki calling for attacks similar to that of the Fort Hood shooting in 2009, in which Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan killed 13 people and injured more than 30 in Killeen, Texas.

But, as NRO columnist Stephen Miller points out, they’re completely ignoring some details:

all of it here
Read more:
ISIS has been recruiting at record numbers long before Trump entered the presidential race..
Who keeps those records? It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that Trump gives them a bump. Makes you wonder about those who don't realize it.
Why are you so afraid of muslims?
Not afraid of Muslims per se. I'm afraid of terrorists and those who aid them by providing recruitment fodder

Does your fear of "Terrorists" extend to RWNJ who walked into the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Colorado Springs and killed a vet? A Christian Terrorist pure and simple.
In a recent debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that terrorists were using video of Der Trumpenfuhrer for recruiting purposes.

Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Trump’s anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video: report.

The RWNJ who follow Ein Trumpenfuhrer exploded in anger, there was no proof they said.

There was no proof they said.

As usual these dead from the neck up Seig Heil Trumpenfuhrer were wrong.

No surprise there.
The videos were made AFTER Hillary made that claim.

So is hillary the actual recruiter for isis?
Hillary's spouse is an ex-President

Trumps wife is an ex-Hooters girl

Shrillary's "husband" is the impeached and disgraced former President whom SHE now wants to use as a campaign tool.

Trump's wife isn't being used by his campaign hardly at all.

Still not quite making out the analog in your would be analogy, there, leftwhiner.

Bill Clinton was harassed with bogus impeachment charges by a partisan Republican Congress
It was Trump who raised issues with Hillary's spouse. When is he going to discuss the Hooters girl he married?

Wrong on all counts, but leave it to a far left drone to protect worse than Bush!
Trumps wife is a commie Hotters girl......
First Hooker?

Commie Hotters?
In a recent debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that terrorists were using video of Der Trumpenfuhrer for recruiting purposes.

Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Trump’s anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video: report.

The RWNJ who follow Ein Trumpenfuhrer exploded in anger, there was no proof they said.

There was no proof they said.

As usual these dead from the neck up Seig Heil Trumpenfuhrer were wrong.

No surprise there.

The hildabeast said ISIS, not terrorist, stop trying to rewrite history and at the time she said it they didn't exist and at this point there still is no ISIS video.
Trump "owes" who an apology, again?

For what, exactly?
Aiding and abetting the enemy.

Which, of course, HE has not done.

So much for your clarion call for an apology owed.

By her decisive inaction during the attack on our consular offices in Benghazi, however, Shrillary did provide a morale boost to the IslamoJihadist pindick scum.

So, Shrillary owes America an apology.

I'd like to see Trump sit before a panel of 13 for 11 hours and answer questions on his actions and behavior.

Oh, poor pooh pooh.

Your widdle Shrillary actually had to answer questions concerning her miserable performance as Secretary of State during the Benghazi clusterfuck.

Face it. She had a whole lot to answer for. She lied. She evaded. She failed to provide any hint of accountability.

She is a failure. She cannot point to a fucking thing she has ever actually "accomplished." And interestingly, her supporters can't either.
Too funny. At first, Trump and his followers could not be more indignant and angry at the suggestion that he would be used in terrorist recruitment videos. Now that Trump is being used in at least one terrorist recruitment video the flock is saying, "so what".

Well that's because when Hillary said it, she lied because said recruitment video did not exist. She got called on it, couldn't prove it. Or did you forget that part?

A few weeks later, one pops up, which was likely funded by the DNC.

Even so....good. I like that they fear him, and I have zero doubt I have more experience dealing with that sort than 99% of the people on this board.
The Republicans now have allegedly an establishment candidate, Senator Rubio, who doesn't show up for work. The Republicans have an allegedly anti-Establishment candidate who doesn't work at all. In the Spirit of the Legendary Western Deity Laws of Israel: Trump, and the Republicans, have taken to heart the actual spirit of Civilized Deity. "Multiply, Be Fruitful, Fill All The Earth, Subdue It," is substance of legend, Genesis 1:28. In the Spirit of Pharaoh's Imperialist education of Moses, "Charge no interest in Israel, but do charge all the foreigners," (Deuteronomy 23:19-20), so that they may be subjugated, too(?)! Trump has four bankruptcies. Four times more screwing than is usual is the Trump legacy. They are as lawful in the United States as they are in Western Business dealing. "Screw 'Em," is the subjugating norm of Moses. Even the Moslems follow the "People of The Book." Bank of Dubai even has something far more elaborate than interest rates to offer depositors. Arithmetic is never discussed.

Somehow different from that is "Radical Islam(?)!" It is the subject of new Trump ads and remarks, just today. On the one hand, it could be Al Qaeda. On the Other hand, it could be ISIS. Still further, it could be the Shia of Iran--decimating Saudi consulates and embassies. Or again, it could be the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia, executing Shia clergy.
Whatever it is, The Republicans are against it. Probably these groups have "Weapons of Mass Destruction," which Republicans know a great deal about(?). The lack of specificity, however, puts the Republicans up against 47 nations on the planet where in Moslems are the majority population.

Rich people, anyone notices, do not have to show up for work, or do not work at all: And do not think through too much of what they do.

Before Secretary Clinton make the videotape remarks, alleging that Trump was becoming an ISIS recruiting idol, Others had noticed that terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda were already using the Trump diatribes. It was early on being suggested that he "Be Fired." That is hard to do to someone who doesn't work for a living, of course(?).
"Donald Trump's call for closing America's door to Muslims is opening a window of opportunity for groups like ISIS, counter-terrorism experts and human rights advocates say."

"The Republican presidential candidate's controversial proposal for barring all Muslims from entering the United States is being used by the head-chopping fanatics and other terrorist groups like al Qaeda to attract recruits by painting the land of the free as opposed to Islam, experts told NBC News on Tuesday."

"'They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,' said Rita Katz with the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups." [, 12/8/15.

Secretary Clinton made the remarks attributed to her in the 12/19 Democratic Debate.

Moslems were not an issue in that debate. "Radical Islam" was not an issue in that debate. The advocates of a Secular Caliphate--for Moslems worldwide--intend no Communist China, No Hare Krishna, No other Hindi, no other Eastern Orthodox, No Primitive tribesman, and likely no United Nations, based in City of New York. Those organizations are better described the "Varsity," Al Qaeda, and "The JV Squad," ISIS. Both groups are now having recruiting problems. ISIS is unable to mount a sustained counter-attack, so far, in Ramadi.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Much that is Complex, Is often made to look too simple!)
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