Remember When Hillary Clinton Said That Terrorists Were Trump Videos For Recruiting..........

Trump "owes" who an apology, again?

For what, exactly?
Aiding and abetting the enemy.

Which, of course, HE has not done.

So much for your clarion call for an apology owed.

By her decisive inaction during the attack on our consular offices in Benghazi, however, Shrillary did provide a morale boost to the IslamoJihadist pindick scum.

So, Shrillary owes America an apology.

I'd like to see Trump sit before a panel of 13 for 11 hours and answer questions on his actions and behavior.
No, isis formed under obamas watch. Trump? Lol. Damn, y'all are delusional.

One more time for the Peanut Gallery:

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison
How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

And at Camp Bucca, there was no shortage of sparks.
As news of Baghdadi’s tenure at Bucca emerged, former prison commander James Skylar Gerrond remembered many of them. “Re: Badghadi,” he wrote on Twitter in July, “Many of us at Camp Bucca were concerned that instead of just holding detainees, we had created a pressure cooker for extremism.” He worked at the prison between 2006 and 2007, when it was glutted with tens of thousands of radicals, including Baghdadi.

Many were guilty of attacking American soldiers. But many more were not — “simply being a ‘suspicious looking’ military-aged male in the vicinity of an attack was enough to land one behind bars,” according to the Times opinion piece. Shadid reported as much in 2009, confirming that many viewed it “as an appalling miscarriage of justice where prisoners were not charged or permitted to see evidence against them [and] freed detainees may end up swelling the ranks of a subdued insurgency.”
ISIS has been recruiting at record numbers long before Trump entered the presidential race..
Who keeps those records? It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that Trump gives them a bump. Makes you wonder about those who don't realize it.

Why are you so afraid of muslims?

HAHAHAAHHAHAHA....Good one. I love satire.

I'm not a partial to it're a joke after all and I dont love you.
Hillary's spouse is an ex-President

Trumps wife is an ex-Hooters girl

Shrillary's "husband" is the impeached and disgraced former President whom SHE now wants to use as a campaign tool.

Trump's wife isn't being used by his campaign hardly at all.

Still not quite making out the analog in your would be analogy, there, leftwhiner.

Bill Clinton was harassed with bogus impeachment charges by a partisan Republican Congress
It was Trump who raised issues with Hillary's spouse. When is he going to discuss the Hooters girl he married?
No, isis formed under obamas watch. Trump? Lol. Damn, y'all are delusional.

One more time for the Peanut Gallery:

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison
How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

And at Camp Bucca, there was no shortage of sparks.
As news of Baghdadi’s tenure at Bucca emerged, former prison commander James Skylar Gerrond remembered many of them. “Re: Badghadi,” he wrote on Twitter in July, “Many of us at Camp Bucca were concerned that instead of just holding detainees, we had created a pressure cooker for extremism.” He worked at the prison between 2006 and 2007, when it was glutted with tens of thousands of radicals, including Baghdadi.

Many were guilty of attacking American soldiers. But many more were not — “simply being a ‘suspicious looking’ military-aged male in the vicinity of an attack was enough to land one behind bars,” according to the Times opinion piece. Shadid reported as much in 2009, confirming that many viewed it “as an appalling miscarriage of justice where prisoners were not charged or permitted to see evidence against them [and] freed detainees may end up swelling the ranks of a subdued insurgency.”

Yes a far left drone believing a far left drone blog site, who'd thunk that one!

ISIS starts in 1999 and gains power in the Obama years!
Hillary's spouse is an ex-President

Trumps wife is an ex-Hooters girl

Shrillary's "husband" is the impeached and disgraced former President whom SHE now wants to use as a campaign tool.

Trump's wife isn't being used by his campaign hardly at all.

Still not quite making out the analog in your would be analogy, there, leftwhiner.

Bill Clinton was harassed with bogus impeachment charges by a partisan Republican Congress
It was Trump who raised issues with Hillary's spouse. When is he going to discuss the Hooters girl he married?

Wrong on all counts, but leave it to a far left drone to protect worse than Bush!
Hillary's spouse is an ex-President

Trumps wife is an ex-Hooters girl

Shrillary's "husband" is the impeached and disgraced former President whom SHE now wants to use as a campaign tool.

Trump's wife isn't being used by his campaign hardly at all.

Still not quite making out the analog in your would be analogy, there, leftwhiner.

Bill Clinton was harassed with bogus impeachment charges by a partisan Republican Congress
It was Trump who raised issues with Hillary's spouse. When is he going to discuss the Hooters girl he married?

Wrong on all counts, but leave it to a far left drone to protect worse than Bush!
Trumps wife is a commie Hotters girl......
First Hooker?
You guys do of course realize that when Hillary made that claim there was no evidence to support they were using video of Trump for recruiting purposes nor did the media find at the time of Hillarys claim any videos showing Trump. So basically what your bragging about is the fact a terrorist group is now doing something they weren't doing before Hillary claimed they were.
In a recent debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that terrorists were using video of Der Trumpenfuhrer for recruiting purposes.

Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Trump’s anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video: report.

The RWNJ who follow Ein Trumpenfuhrer exploded in anger, there was no proof they said.

There was no proof they said.

As usual these dead from the neck up Seig Heil Trumpenfuhrer were wrong.

No surprise there.

Yes.....the muslim terrorists are fans of hilary clinton and so made a video to support her campaign...I don't think anyone doubted that muslim terrorist murderers, rapists and torturerers would prefer hilary as President.

Do they have to report the money used to make this pro hilary campaign add with the FEC?
You guys do of course realize that when Hillary made that claim there was no evidence to support they were using video of Trump for recruiting purposes nor did the media find at the time of Hillarys claim any videos showing Trump. So basically what your bragging about is the fact a terrorist group is now doing something they weren't doing before Hillary claimed they were.
Clinton did not say a terrorist group had made a video. Intelligence experts were talking about Trumps's comments showing up on social network sites and being used as recruiting tools. They were using the same news clips we were seeing here. That is exactly what she said. It was true, Trump lied by distorting what she said and much of the media fell for the lie. The video of her making the comment has been posted numerous time. It proves she did not say what Trump claimed she said. The terrorist group is now showing a video which Trump lied about.
Terrorists don't have large standing armies or navies or fighter jets..They lack the manpower and weaponry to project force beyond isolated attacks.

Meaning: ISIS needs help to destroy superpowers. They need to get someone in their targeted country to unwittingly act in their behalf - someone to destroy our freedom on their behalf.

Meaning: ISIS needs a man like Trump who will broadcast fear for them. This is why they've increased activity as the election approaches. They need the Republican Party to win because they saw what happened with Bush and FOX, who never stopped talking about the power and danger of terrorism.

This is what ISIS wants, to have their power advertised and inflated, so it is easier to intimidate people in their region. This is what ISIS wants, to have a U.S. administration who will broadcast so much fear that it creates the political conditions for creating a surveillance state and destroying American Freedom.

ISIS wants to pull the USA into their swamp of instability so that it can bankrupt us as we pour American blood and money into a black hole, all the while dropping bombs on Muslim communities and thus creating the needed anti-American sentiment to swell their ranks and prevent a stable political solution.

ISIS needs Trump. They need a president who will make the American people live in fear. They need a president who will turn the world's last bastion of freedom and progress into a police state where big brother tracks all human activity. They need a president who will trap the world's last superpower in the quicksand of a failed state.

Without ISIS, Trump can't win. Without Trump (or the Republican Party), ISIS can't win.

They don't have an army. They can't bring a caliphate to Cleveland or Paris. The only weapon they have is to make Americans live in perpetual fear, which is key to destroying our freedom and bankrupting us. For this they need Trump.

God help us.
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In a recent debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that terrorists were using video of Der Trumpenfuhrer for recruiting purposes.

Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Trump’s anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video: report.

The RWNJ who follow Ein Trumpenfuhrer exploded in anger, there was no proof they said.

There was no proof they said.

As usual these dead from the neck up Seig Heil Trumpenfuhrer were wrong.

No surprise there.
In a recent debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that terrorists were using video of Der Trumpenfuhrer for recruiting purposes.

Al-Qaeda affiliate group uses Trump’s anti-Muslim rant in recruitment video: report.

The RWNJ who follow Ein Trumpenfuhrer exploded in anger, there was no proof they said.

There was no proof they said.

As usual these dead from the neck up Seig Heil Trumpenfuhrer were wrong.

No surprise there.

No surprise that the 'deep state' gave the boyz at Langley a holiday project.

Trump Makes First Cameo in Terror Recruitment Vid

Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has made his first appearance in a recruiting video for a major al Qaeda-affiliated terror group.

al-Shabab, al-Qaeda's Somalia-based affiliate, has released a 51 minute propaganda video which weaves together video of Trump and Anwar al-Awlaki, the one-time top al Qaeda recruiter and US citizen who was killed in a US drone strike in Yemen in 2011.

Terrorist getting their ideas from Hillary...go figure.

They'd rather face her as president than Trump.

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