Remember When It Was Acceptable for Government to Allow BLM Block Freeways?



I ain't ready to let this trucker-blockade issue go just yet.
I do feel a sense of annoyance at their decisions and the impacts they are causing.

Look, this vaccine business is getting well worn now. Those who want ' 'em a long time ago. Those who don't.....won't. Or won't until someone close to them is severely sickened or dies.
The sides are the sides.

But what sticks in my craw over this trucker business is the bastardization of 'freedoms".
Their interpretation of freedom is to not be required to get a needle shot.
OK, fine. Don't get the friggin' shot. Go to your local Mayor's office and do a sit in.

But these trucker's misinterpretation of freedom requires that it restricts the freedom of so many many more. It is an exclusionary irresponsible brand of freedom. Freedom for me, but not thee.
Their freedom is worth more than yours.

We are the ones who have to lay off employees, see our shelves empty, stop our production lines, miss meetings, contracts, commitments, obligations, deadlines.
That's not their problem. They are 'free' from those responsibilities.

I try to imagine that I'm a trucker in my rig stuck 50 trucks back. I'm vaccinated. I have a time-deadlined perishable cargo. I have a hard commitment to pick up my next load after I've delivered this one. I have obligations that I must get to ....... for my aged and ailing parent, for my pregnant wife, for my kid's operation, for my hernia repair.

But.........but I'm stuck 50 trucks back because some crybaby snowflakes decided to f**k over me and all the others behind 'em......just so they can go all tantrummy over getting a friggin' shot.

Count me very very unsympathetic to that brand of freedom. A freedom for a few folks' that limits, restricts, prevents so many freedom for so many many other people.

Imagine the utility people in Ottawa, or Detroit, or Minneapolis, or your city, interpreting their "freedom" the same way. There goes your lights, your water, your gas.

The blocking truckers are criminals. And need pay a price.
Yep, remember how the Yellow Press loved it when the crazy racist Democrat Cultists blocked roads for Trump rallies.

You would never, ever see the Progs do what Trump had to. Trump kept the freedoms we had. Biden is a fascist, a communist a totalitarian tool of the elites. Behind the scenes we have lost so many rights. And Repubs helped with their agendas.
The left supports BLM blocking traffic and the right did not.

The right supports truckers blocking traffic and the left does not.

Anyone that is not a mindless partisan drone does not approve it no matter who does it. But you will never understand that
I dont support the right blocking traffic. Thats illegal.
From either side.

The left was cool with it for BLM but now are now.

The right was not for BLM but now support it.

Not sure how any of you manage to look in the mirror
I have no problem with peaceful demonstrations. BLM, the truckers and Antifa can go to Canada and protest, not a problem.
I think it would depend on when and where it was happening. 100 truck airhorns can make a lot of noise. If you are close to where people live and they are trying to sleep or have kids doing so I do not think it should be allowed as they are impinging on the liberty of others
Based on the video I saw it was excessive.
What happened to civil disobedience is the most patriotic thing you can do .....?

Oh that's right only when you wave the hammer an Sickle
Canada will be replacing the Maple Leaf with the Hammer and sickle.

Well you can prove that im the liar by directing us to any post where you chastized BLM, but youre the liar so you will obviously fail to do so.

I was away from this forum from Apr of 2020 till sometime in 2021 (cant recall when I came back) I cannot show you post from when I was not active on this forum

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