Remember When It Was Acceptable for Government to Allow BLM Block Freeways?

When truckers who you relate to trump voters do it you and the twin are very outspoken

but when your side does it - not so much

Do you not think that Libertarian would find blocking traffic for any reason to be unacceptable?
you drones are so damn cute when you pull your "yeah but it is different when we do it".....
And you’re just ugly when you ignore the differences and support the violence of BLM and Antifa. No comparison. The truckers aren’t violent animals like you people are.
Again, libs tolerated it when Black LIES Matter were the offenders

Yes, and Cons did not. Now Cons do when it is Truckers and Libs do not.

You all are all the same....lib and con...two sides of the same coin
I honestly think most here have no clue what's going on or what the stakes really are.

A very small number of extremely wealthy people (Maybe 100ish total?) are working to complete the takeover of the US government.
They already own it for the most part. They control the CIA, the FBI and all alphabet departments.

These "Freedom" convoys and Freedom "Protests" are only being allowed temporarily while they get their plans in order.
Ultimately, they are not going to allow these protests in any way shape or form.
They control the economies, they control the politicians, they control the banks....everyone else is a pawn and peasant.
They also control the Internet and cellular system. When they shut these down, it's begun.
Mark my words, this will eventually come to violence and they will use whatever force, including excessive force to get their way.
That, or you and everyone else will lay down your protests and comply.

As we get closer to their use of brute force against the masses, the demands for the elimination of gun ownership will increase.
At some point they are simply going to outlaw your rights to own firearms and take them. THAT simple.
It's exactly why they have a database of nearly every gun owner in the US (illegal by the way, but who's against it?)

We are nearing the end of the tolerance for We The People and all free peoples.

I will offer to you one more thing for consideration......
That Ukraine / Russian imminent conflict?
Trust me, that has been precisely planned to bring about changes that will make you helpless to their agenda.
Covid was a first step. I don't yet know exactly how they will use that..but they will use it for disarming the way or the other.

We are getting VERY close to governments (especially in the USA) turning their military and other Law enforcement agencies against We The People.

I have RARELY ever been wrong. Just far ahead of most. Really scary violence against The masses is just around the corner now.
If you think any of this is funny, a joke or not possible, you're simply an uninformed imbecile.
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From either side.

The left was cool with it for BLM but now are now.

The right was not for BLM but now support it.

Not sure how any of you manage to look in the mirror
That’s a good point. However let’s remember BLM was violent and attacking random vehicles and the people inside (well not so random, usually white drivers).

These people are perfectly non-violent, and their grievance is real, not imagined or gaslit by the media. Their rights have been trampled on, not imagined.
That’s a good point. However let’s remember BLM was violent and attacking random vehicles and the people inside (well not so random, usually white drivers).

These people are perfectly non-violent, and their grievance is real, not imagined or gaslit by the media. Their rights have been trampled on, not imagined.

So, you are saying that had BLM not done that you would have been 100% fine with them blocking roads and stopping traffic?
You all were cheering when people ran over BLM blocking streets and now you are whining about slashing tires.

How do you live with the stench of your duplicity?
I have no problem with drivers that feel threatened by rioting BLM /ANTIFA thugs attacking and pulling people from cars to beat them in the streets getting their asses ran over.
That’s a good point. However let’s remember BLM was violent and attacking random vehicles and the people inside (well not so random, usually white drivers).

These people are perfectly non-violent, and their grievance is real, not imagined or gaslit by the media. Their rights have been trampled on, not imagined.
Yep. Big difference between a violent mob dragging people from cars and beating them


Canadian truckers sitting in their own trucks parking and honking.
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…slashing the tires and emptying the gas tanks isn’t going to get the trucks moved any faster.

Just saying.
When truckers who you relate to trump voters do it you and the twin are very outspoken

but when your side does it - not so much
Weird. I’m pretty sure I remember you celebrating the death of a BLM person blocking traffic.

Would you be ok with some of these truckers getting killed?
"Mark my words, this will eventually come to violence and they will use whatever force, including excessive force to get their way."

Got an ETA set for your imagined End Days?

Please share.
Some of us have a life.......and need to plan.

When was that when BLM and ANTIFA could block freeways with the blessing of government? 50 years ago?

Check out this genius.
Yes. Slash the tires and drain the gas tanks and THEN try to move the 25,000 pound vehicles off a bridge.

I know this reads like a parody account, but this is a Harvard professor, CNN contributor, and Obama admin "national security expert". These people are actually this stupid. This shit right here is why there's a "Death of Expertise", in that most of our self proclaimed expert class are dumber than a bag of hammers.

(Also, don't forget what happens when you "slash" a 100 PSI truck tire. Good luck with that, professor).

I also notice we don’t see BLM riots anymore.

MIght it be that the riots were instigated and paid for by the Democratic Party in order to make Trump look bad so Biden could win the election.

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