Remember When It Was Acceptable for Government to Allow BLM Block Freeways?

it’s rather amazing you can’t see the different between peaceful protest and firebombing cars, and looting businesses

but then again you’re a demafascist

The discussion is blocking roads and traffic, do try and keep up.
You all were cheering when people ran over BLM blocking streets and now you are whining about slashing tires.

How do you live with the stench of your duplicity?
Prog politicians and their ilk supported the urban insurrections neutering the police while doing it. It seems the Prog politicians and the police love screwing with the truckers though.
BLM can march up and down streets blocking traffic and harassing people, can take over entire city blocks, burn, loot, attack people and so on.

But somehow truckers are the bad guy for just blocking roads because they don't want to be controlled by the government.
When was that when BLM and ANTIFA could block freeways with the blessing of government? 50 years ago?

Check out this genius.
Yes. Slash the tires and drain the gas tanks and THEN try to move the 25,000 pound vehicles off a bridge.

I know this reads like a parody account, but this is a Harvard professor, CNN contributor, and Obama admin "national security expert". These people are actually this stupid. This shit right here is why there's a "Death of Expertise", in that most of our self proclaimed expert class are dumber than a bag of hammers.

(Also, don't forget what happens when you "slash" a 100 PSI truck tire. Good luck with that, professor).

BLM can take over six blocks of a major US city for two months with burning, looting and murdering and DHS has no interest at all.
From either side.

The left was cool with it for BLM but now are now.

The right was not for BLM but now support it.

Not sure how any of you manage to look in the mirror
I don't think they should be blocking the road, just like I didn't support blm doing it. The truckers should go to the capital and let them know.
What is wrong with this statement?

“If you riot, loot, harm others, particularly law enforcement, you’re going to jail. We’re not going to end up like Portland,” DeSantis said.

or this one?

HB1 also contains measures to increase the penalties for individuals who “willfully obstruct the free, convenient, and normal use of a public street, highway or road.” Under the new law, the former misdemeanor crime of blocking the highway became a felony, with possible penalties of 15 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.

or this?

The law would also provide civil protection for drivers who strike and injure or kill a highway protester in self-defense.
Oh I didn't say it was bad.
Hypocrisy is never ending
When the BLM crews and sympathizers blocked highways, I always thought of how dangerous it would be to people because emergency responders would be unable to get through.

I now think the same thing about the trucker protests.

I applaud the truckers for making a firm stand on an important issue. But I think the tactic being used is beyond dubious. I’m not convinced that it is the same as the right to peaceably assemble.
When the BLM crews and sympathizers blocked highways, I always thought of how dangerous it would be to people because emergency responders would be unable to get through.

I now think the same thing about the trucker protests.

I applaud the truckers for making a firm stand on an important issue. But I think the tactic being used is beyond dubious. I’m not convinced that it is the same as the right to peaceably assemble.
Indeed, I don't care who it is...blocking traffic for an unpermitted no temporary purpose (parade, approved march, moving truck loading etc etc) is wrong and a public hazard.
No, I want you to show me where you said you were against the tuckers blocking the roads
They aren't blocking the roads in the US? If they do then I will state they should not. This is Canada aka our parasite to the north. Don't care what people do there. They have socialized medicine. I think its stupid but I don't have a thread dedicated to Canadian healthcare. What I do believe is that honking your horn should not be an offense where the cops cuff you.
What I do believe is that honking your horn should not be an offense where the cops cuff you.

I think it would depend on when and where it was happening. 100 truck airhorns can make a lot of noise. If you are close to where people live and they are trying to sleep or have kids doing so I do not think it should be allowed as they are impinging on the liberty of others
I am going to be consistent. Protest but don’t block traffic. When you do that, you are impeding on other people’s rights and it does become a national security and economic concern.

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