Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

Our whole system depends on who is getting paid off better in employment with a constant rising tax base. We have many people who have visionary views. Not government visionaries. But most are neutered or are stopped before they can begin. There has been no pendulum for many decades. It is left. Even with Repubs in power. It just slows down a bit. Remove the Fiat Currency printing resources and we are in deep shit.
Maybe you should give up and move to the country of your liking.
And yet again she proved that she is smarter than you and the rest of the dems.
I'm a lifelong Republican. Palin's problem was that people like me were offended McCain chose such a dummy just because he liked her looks.

What IS it with VPs? And now Biden chose a real no-hoper with no political experience who cannot keep staff more than a few months, just because she was black.

At least Trump chose Pence. A little colorless, but a good man.
Palin is an expert on US/Russian relations

Her being able to see Russia is like me claiming to be an astronaut because I can see the Moon from my house
I'm sure I'll see in the remaining pages that this has already been covered but you are aware, aren't you, that Palen never said that. That was a Saturday Night Live skit. I'm not wasting time looking up the name of the actress who played Palin.
I'm a lifelong Republican. Palin's problem was that people like me were offended McCain chose such a dummy just because he liked her looks.

What IS it with VPs? And now Biden chose a real no-hoper with no political experience who cannot keep staff more than a few months, just because she was black.

At least Trump chose Pence. A little colorless, but a good man.

As a lifelong Republican, I know that Palin's problem was that she picked a RINO, Democrat in Disguise, McCain to be on the top of her ticket. The RNC wanted Obama to be president for 8 years. There's absolutely no other reason that would have led them to pu t up McCain followed by Romney. Maybe had Palin been at the top of the ticket and McCain as VP they would have won.
Maybe you should give up and move to the country of your liking.
This is not the same nation even with its flaws that depends on achievement through hard work anymore. It is now of theory through social justice. And it makes those who actually do the work reduced in numbers. I only warn. And know that you are vengeance. To many groups getting privileges while tens of millions of others who have been screwed with in many ways from both private and public concerns get nothing. And that is the Achilles heel on the Achilles heel that is our endgame.

As a lifelong Republican, I know that Palin's problem was that she picked a RINO, Democrat in Disguise, McCain to be on the top of her ticket. The RNC wanted Obama to be president for 8 years. There's absolutely no other reason that would have led them to pu t up McCain followed by Romney. Maybe had Palin been at the top of the ticket and McCain as VP they would have won.
You have that backwards, she didn't pick McCain, the RINO needed a conservative on the ticket to keep 1/3 of the party from sitting it out.
This is not the same nation even with its flaws that depends on achievement through hard work anymore. It is now of theory through social justice. And it makes those who actually do the work reduced in numbers. I only warn. And know that you are vengeance. To many groups getting privileges while tens of millions of others who have been screwed with in many ways from both private and public concerns get nothing. And that is the Achilles heel on the Achilles heel that is our endgame.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns

There was no prognostication necessary at all.
The US already was actively taking over the Ukraine by 2000,
Palin was not predicting but simply realized Russia would eventually have to react to our take over of the Ukraine.
Palin was right about Rusia

Romney was right about Russia...

Have any democrats running for office been right about Russia?

There is nothing to be right about Russia.
We simply made it happen.
If we had installed a puppet who said he wanted the Ukraine to join NATO back then, Russia would have had to invade the Ukraine back then.
Russia has nothing to do with the timeline since it is all dependent upon acts by the US.
Maybe you should give up and move to the country of your liking.

No, it is safer and more productive to fix things when you live "in the belly of the beast".
The US is the one invading countries all over the globe and committing massacre atrocities.

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