Remember when they said Trump “mishandled the pandemic”? Could you imagine if Biden was POTUS in Feb 2020.

As i said.. He cant accept people call him out more than others because he thinks he is so goddamn smart when that obviously isnt the case.
Truthmatters used to get this kind of attention, too. She had an ego, just not near as big.
HAHA Mac is the new truthmatters :rofl:
You guys are fucked. This year’s deaths have been 425,000 unvaxed and 28,000 vaxed. Heavily skewed in red areas on antivaxers. Biden is brilliantly altering voter rolls just by telling righties to get vaxed knowing they won’t.
There was nothing about Operation Warp Speed that was hugely smart. Anyone would have done the same thing.
Because you said so? Because you’re privy to insider intel? Because vaccines for viruses are always formulated and available to the public in an 18 month period?
The dufus Trump did not order enough of the vaccine which led to shortages of the vaccine
Why didn’t he? Do you have insider intel that you’re privy to?
Biden bought all of the doses that was available.
Weird….Democrats always spend like it’s somebody else's money.
Also Biden has taken this seriously and has done everything in his power to get people vaccinated but has had to fight fascist Republican governors and judges.
How has Biden “taking it seriously” worked out for us?
They would be alive if they had gotten vaccinated.

Stop pushing Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't get covid. You're killing people with that lie.

You guys are fucked. This year’s deaths have been 425,000 unvaxed and 28,000 vaxed. Heavily skewed in red areas on antivaxers. Biden is brilliantly altering voter rolls just by telling righties to get vaxed knowing they won’t.
How many of that 425k were dark Democrats?
Imagine if this administration had to deal with hospital and bed shortages, PPE shortages, ventilator shortages, no vaccines, no drug treatments, no real methodology for treatment, a larger population of elderly….etc etc
Could Biden have made Operation Warp Speed happen in the time that it did?
What would the first year and overall numbers look like today?
Biden would not have called it a hoax.

Biden would have taken it seriously. Biden would have rapidly expanded testing to track down Covid and isolate it instead of discouraging testing like Trump did. Biden would not be saying magical thinking stupid shit like "It will go away all by itself, like a miracle."

Biden would not have held super-spreader events like Trump did.

We would not have had the highest death count on the planet if Biden was in charge in February 2020.
Biden would not have called it a hoax.

Biden would have taken it seriously. Biden would have rapidly expanded testing to track down Covid and isolate it instead of discouraging testing like Trump did.

Biden would not have held super-spreader events like Trump did.

We would not have had the highest death count on the planet if Biden was in charge in February 2020.

More have died under Biden than Trump. A lot more.

And Trump didn't tell lies that kill thousands, like this one:

Biden would not have called it a hoax.

Biden would have taken it seriously. Biden would have rapidly expanded testing to track down Covid and isolate it instead of discouraging testing like Trump did.

Biden would not have held super-spreader events like Trump did.

We would not have had the highest death count on the planet if Biden was in charge in February 2020.
Fuck your FEELZ….how do you explain the massive number of deaths on Bidens watch?
He hasn’t had to deal with the shortcomings that Trump did…..the hospital and bed shortages, PPE shortages, ventilator shortages, no vaccines, no drug treatments, no real methodology for treatment, a larger population of elderly….etc etc
Pull your lips from Bidens shaft and explain it to us.
About 400,000 more people would be alive than now.

Why? Biden hasn't even been able to roll out Anti-bodies and other treatments that work. he's had more than a year to do so, as these things were already in use by some states. He also was completely caught by supprise by a new variant from South Africa? after we had already seen the Delta Variant... Biden was way behind the curve on everything, he's lucky Trump already had a vaccine in place.
Fuck your FEELZ….how do you explain the massive number of deaths on Bidens watch?
The people dying are tards who refused to get vaxxed. What do you want Biden to do about those idiots, impose a vaccine mandate?
Joe Biden is STILL telling the lie that vaccinated people can't get Covid. And retards like AOC are running around infecting people because they're too stupid to see they got conned.

If a vaccinated person gets covid the effects are much less severe. The overwhwlming number of people getting coronavirus and being hospitalized are unvaccinated. AOC apparently got the coronavirus in Florida which is run by Republicans.
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Imagine if this administration had to deal with hospital and bed shortages, PPE shortages, ventilator shortages, no vaccines, no drug treatments, no real methodology for treatment, a larger population of elderly….etc etc
Could Biden have made Operation Warp Speed happen in the time that it did?
What would the first year and overall numbers look like today?
Apparently, Biden et. al. had all the solutions, all the answers and they knew where Trump went wrong.

So Biden gets into office.........and........kills hundreds of thousands of Americans with his no solutions, no answers and an empty skull. And the retards that love Biden, claim he's brilliant.

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