Remember when they said Trump “mishandled the pandemic”? Could you imagine if Biden was POTUS in Feb 2020.


You do some research on age groups and deaths, and you will see why the maths stated more deaths will result from vaccinated people. As more are vaccinated and as more die, the percentage increases from the vaccinated group.

The vaccination is not there to save you from the unvaccinated, it's to save you from a virus. So if you've had your shots, no one else is of any relevance to you and you can go on your merry way.
Show us the link.
Bullshit. Dems at the beginning were telling us that racism and xenophobia were more dangerous than the virus.

It turns out our “health and science officials” were lying their asses off from the beginning. They lied about the origins of it, they lied about gain of function, they lied about early treatments like Ivermectin and HQC, and they still continue to lie about it all.
They did not lie about gain of function. You are pedaling lies; Fauci and Paul, Round 2 -

You are the goddamn liar.
How so, Otis Mayfield

Biden has killed more people than Trump, and he had all 3 of the Trump vaccines the entire time.

Get a clue, Moron.
The idiots on the Right who are not vaccinated, have yet to understand, that the virus has had several years to spread everywhere, where in the beginning it wasn't everywhere.

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Your problem is, you aren't intelligent. Millions of people spreading a virus today, versus very few from the beginning doesn't take a lot of intelligence to reason out.
I know Biden would NOT have done what Trump did:
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not

Joe Biden...I will shut down the virus...

You guys are fucked. This year’s deaths have been 425,000 unvaxed and 28,000 vaxed. Heavily skewed in red areas on antivaxers. Biden is brilliantly altering voter rolls just by telling righties to get vaxed knowing they won’t.
But they are too stupid to get that.
"The unvaccinated are getting what they deserve."

Wow, that is some sick shit right there. Get some help dude.
How is it sick? What's sick, is the fact that the unvaccinated don't give a shit about anyone else. These ass holes fill up hospitals, where those beds could be used for others who need them more for illnesses that couldn't be avoided. Getting vaccinated gives one a better chance not to end up in the hospital.
How so? Isn't accurate health information critical? What intelligent argument can you produce that makes it an irrelevant matter?

What you utter idiots completely fail to comprehend, is it wouldn't have mattered who was president, what they said, or what their policies regarding the pandemic were.

What if Biden had been president at the start of this Chinese horror show, what do you think he would or could have done that would have made any difference whatsoever?

He would have told us that this was a serious health crisis that we all needed to take extreme precautions. Then what? He had no vaccine, and Fauci was busy early on telling Americans to NOT wear masks.

What would Joe have done, ordered all Americans to quarantine indoors for weeks at a time like they did in China?

What you guys on this board cannot get through your thick heads, is Americans would have NEVER sat back and allowed the government to force them to stay home and shut down this economy.

Americans are unique to the world where as we do not step and fetch to the whims of the government. It would not have mattered who was president and what they tried to do to control this, we simply would have made some personal decisions to protect ourselves as best we could, and we would have went about our business.

You guys are utter idiots if you truly believe it would have made any significant difference if Trump had not been the president at the time. This virus would have burned it's way through the American population one way or another, because Americans simply would never have been willing to significantly change their day to day routines. PERIOD!
I can't begin to imagine Biden hiding the fact that Covid was five times worse than the flu, that he would tell told Bob Woodward, just like what Trump did.
How do you explain the numbers….why are Biden’s numbers worse than Trumps with 200 million vaccinated, without all the shortcomings that Trump dealt with, without hospital and bed shortages, PPE shortages, ventilator shortages….without vaccines, drug treatments, a real methodology for treatment, a larger population of elderly….etc etc
Pull your lips from Bidens shaft and explain it to us.
The idiots on the Right who are not vaccinated, have yet to understand, that the virus has had several years to spread everywhere, where in the beginning it wasn't everywhere.

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Your problem is, you aren't intelligent. Millions of people spreading a virus today, versus very few from the beginning doesn't take a lot of intelligence to reason out.
You do realize, we shutdown the economy under Trump to get over the curve. Well it didn't work and Biden's death numbers are horrible and counting. Biden has always been a failure.
He's right. Once natural selection takes out Trump's Right-wing redneck anti-vaxxers, he will have effectively shut it down.
Is that how he said he would shut down the virus? Killing all the people who didn't vote for him?

Gotta link BWK

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