Remember when Trump said he wanted more immigrants from Norway?

We even have public transportation in rural areas. Please stop lying.
Not to mention, we also have 800 cars per 1000 people. I believe that is 2nd or 3rd most cars per capita on the planet.
Yes, we dont have universal healthcare. Like I said :rolleyes:
And yet we still the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. They said "especially if you don't have a car".

Trump wants more immigrants from Norway. A university in Norway just spelled out why Trump can't get them...
We have public transportation all over the country. It just isnt centralized so you statists bitch, moan and lie about it.
Why dont you explain to the class the facts you used to conclude we have the worst public transportation on the planet compared to other developed nations.
I'll wait and give you plenty of time to make shit up.

Only one city ever makes it on any worldwide list, NY.

Cities With the Best Public Transportation, Ranked | Far & Wide

Quality of infrastructure: countries with best infrastructure 2019 | Statista.I

We are one of the richest nations in the world. We can and should do better.
I really hate to drop a little reality into things but you do realize that the countries that are ranking highest on those lists are only the size of one of the states in the U.S.? so you can't compare one to the other it is like comparing a watermelon a a grape and complaining that fewer watermelons fit in the same area as a grape.
Come on. We CAN do better. We used to be on top. Now we need to catch up.
Yes we paid out massive amounts to help rebuild a large number of countries after the Second World War. We paid out massive amounts to create such things as our interstate system.
Then we began to worry about pollution, the wetlands, impacts on lands. We pushed more and more industry out of the country with regulations and high wages. Those same industries that allowed us to pay high wages and large taxes. Now we have service instusries like McDonalds and Walmart.
The service industry does not pay the same high wages. That means less taxes as a whole.

Again you want infrasturucture tell us what programs to cut.
We even have public transportation in rural areas. Please stop lying.
Not to mention, we also have 800 cars per 1000 people. I believe that is 2nd or 3rd most cars per capita on the planet.
Yes, we dont have universal healthcare. Like I said :rolleyes:
And yet we still the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. They said "especially if you don't have a car".

Trump wants more immigrants from Norway. A university in Norway just spelled out why Trump can't get them...
We have public transportation all over the country. It just isnt centralized so you statists bitch, moan and lie about it.
Why dont you explain to the class the facts you used to conclude we have the worst public transportation on the planet compared to other developed nations.
I'll wait and give you plenty of time to make shit up.

Only one city ever makes it on any worldwide list, NY.

Cities With the Best Public Transportation, Ranked | Far & Wide

Quality of infrastructure: countries with best infrastructure 2019 | Statista.I

We are one of the richest nations in the world. We can and should do better.
Lol so you were just making shit up. I figured.
Mods, kill this thread. The premise just suicided itself.

I gave you the links. We are 13th in infrastructure. Our country can not be found on any top 10 list for public transportation. Only one US city can ever be found, New York.

The "premise" remains the same. Trump wanted Norwegians. Norwegian people don't want to come here
You said we have the worst publiv transportation in the developed world. You provided zero links to back that up.
Well, they think the United States is a shithole country...


Lol a university? Lol poor socialist just mad America will be one
OMG we arent statist enough for the statists.
Im sure that digs deep :rolleyes:
Were they wrong? It's "statist" to have good public transportation and healthcare?
They were onky referring to non universal healthcare and you know ut. We have great healthcare and plenty of publiv transportation.
Lets be real

Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.

This is true but getting access to the national program in Norway depends on how long the student is studying in Norway and also depends on which country you are coming from. A US student studying in Norway would have to be in Norway for at least a full semester or longer to be able to apply for the national plan. A Norwegian citizen studying abroad in the US can have their medical expenses that they may have received in the US reimbursed once completed but there are organizations that Norway partners with in the US and in other countries to help with expenses. It can be a little complicated but just sharing my experiences. So that you will know where i'm coming from I'm Norwegian by birth, an American citizen by nationality, and attended a university both in the US and in Norway.
Well, they think the United States is a shithole country...


Another country that owes its independence and wealth to the US. Otherwise they’d be speaking Russian and living in a shithole.
They were onky referring to non universal healthcare and you know ut. We have great healthcare and plenty of publiv transportation.
Lets be real

Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.
US student from Norway gets great healthcare from the University? What do you mean? Our healthcare system is responsible for over half of new drugs and cures and inventions in the world. What sucks is all the administrative costs and inefficiencies. Those I agree need to be fixed but UH won’t work until you fix the high price of becoming a doctor. Those persons don’t want to work for one payor IMO.
A US citizen in Norway will get excellent treatment, free of cost in Norway. Is that true of a Norwegian student in the United States?
American students dont even get free healthcare. Wtf are you trying to prove?
Your incompetence?
Adults don't get free healthcare, they are taxed for it. Then they have to pay a deductible to use it.

I've mentioned this before in my own topic. There is a misconception about the Norwegian healthcare program that it's "free" and a handout. It's not free for adults, as you said, there is a yearly deductible plus the taxes that you invest into the system before that point.
Well, they think the United States is a shithole country...



How weird...a bunch of decent Caucasian folks think a place inhabited by a bunch of dark folks is a shithole. WOW...that never happens.
Everywhere predominantly OTW is a disgusting shithole.
Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.

We sure do!

Especially California!

The only people I now from Norway are dual citizens.

And while they rave about Norway's healthcare system they also rail against the taxes they have to pay to get it.
And yet we still the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. They said "especially if you don't have a car".

Trump wants more immigrants from Norway. A university in Norway just spelled out why Trump can't get them...
We have public transportation all over the country. It just isnt centralized so you statists bitch, moan and lie about it.
Why dont you explain to the class the facts you used to conclude we have the worst public transportation on the planet compared to other developed nations.
I'll wait and give you plenty of time to make shit up.

Only one city ever makes it on any worldwide list, NY.

Cities With the Best Public Transportation, Ranked | Far & Wide

Quality of infrastructure: countries with best infrastructure 2019 | Statista.I

We are one of the richest nations in the world. We can and should do better.
Lol so you were just making shit up. I figured.
Mods, kill this thread. The premise just suicided itself.

I gave you the links. We are 13th in infrastructure. Our country can not be found on any top 10 list for public transportation. Only one US city can ever be found, New York.

The "premise" remains the same. Trump wanted Norwegians. Norwegian people don't want to come here
You said we have the worst publiv transportation in the developed world. You provided zero links to back that up.
We have the most violent public transportation outside of South Africa. We might be worse.
Well, they think the United States is a shithole country...


If you look at Norway below, the right column says that they are doing poorly based on their population.
Not calling them a shithole country, but they have no reason or justification to throw stones at the US.

Stop posting that stupid, meaningless chart. It's about as useless as Trump himself.
What's the matter, don't you understand it?
They were onky referring to non universal healthcare and you know ut. We have great healthcare and plenty of publiv transportation.
Lets be real

Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.
US student from Norway gets great healthcare from the University? What do you mean? Our healthcare system is responsible for over half of new drugs and cures and inventions in the world. What sucks is all the administrative costs and inefficiencies. Those I agree need to be fixed but UH won’t work until you fix the high price of becoming a doctor. Those persons don’t want to work for one payor IMO.
A US citizen in Norway will get excellent treatment, free of cost in Norway. Is that true of a Norwegian student in the United States?

100%. I am on a board of a major university in Boston. "Excellent"? We have better doctors here than there.
Did you miss the "free of charge" part? I think you must have. ..

Nothing is free. What are the tax rates in Norway? How strong are the universities there compared to here? For top level students my school covers the insurance. So yes some get it "Free".
Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.
US student from Norway gets great healthcare from the University? What do you mean? Our healthcare system is responsible for over half of new drugs and cures and inventions in the world. What sucks is all the administrative costs and inefficiencies. Those I agree need to be fixed but UH won’t work until you fix the high price of becoming a doctor. Those persons don’t want to work for one payor IMO.
A US citizen in Norway will get excellent treatment, free of cost in Norway. Is that true of a Norwegian student in the United States?

100%. I am on a board of a major university in Boston. "Excellent"? We have better doctors here than there.
Did you miss the "free of charge" part? I think you must have. ..

Nothing is free. What are the tax rates in Norway? How strong are the universities there compared to here? For top level students my school covers the insurance. So yes some get it "Free".

The taxes are high but you know where the money is going at least and everybody is involved. As for the universities in comparison I personally think they are just as good but there are differences of course. The US has thousands of colleges and universities whereas Norway does not. Some universities have bigger curriculums and choices than others just like in the US. I attended a private university here in the US and a public university in Norway and I enjoyed both experiences personally. Obviously one was much more expensive than the other.
Norway forces you to pay an almost 40 percent tax rate for your labor.
Good gawd. Glad i dont live there
Norway forces you to pay an almost 40 percent tax rate for your labor.
Good gawd. Glad i dont live there

You also get a large variety of social programs for a very reasonable out of pocket cost in return. The amount of out of pocket money that millions of Americans pay for the multiple programs and necessities is very very high compared to other countries. From pre-k to college to healthcare to all the services provided for children the taxes in Norway help cover a lot. It's just different but in the end even Americans pay a lot of money out of pocket for the services they get here, much more than Norwegians do. So it's all about perspective in many ways. A big difference is that Norwegians in general have more trust in their government than Americans do in theirs.
Norway forces you to pay an almost 40 percent tax rate for your labor.
Good gawd. Glad i dont live there

You also get a large variety of social programs for a very reasonable out of pocket cost in return. The amount of out of pocket money that millions of Americans pay for the multiple programs and necessities is very very high compared to other countries. From pre-k to college to healthcare to all the services provided for children the taxes in Norway help cover a lot. It's just different but in the end even Americans pay a lot of money out of pocket for the services they get here, much more than Norwegians do. So it's all about perspective in many ways. A big difference is that Norwegians in general have more trust in their government than Americans do in theirs.
Yes, our govt is a corrupt, two faced pile of malarkey.
They out drugs in the street, kill innocent people, lie constantly, waste our money, give it to dictators etc etc.
Blows my mind how americans want to give them more power that they shouldnt have in the first place.
Our voting block, just like our govt, is a complete failure. So i understand why they trust their govt more than ours.
However, i also dont want my govt controlling my life. If I want those "social services" I should have a choice. And i shouldnt pay for someone elses.
Even if its a non corrupt govt.
I believe in individual freedom. You know, actual freedom. So i may be biased.
OMG we arent statist enough for the statists.
Im sure that digs deep :rolleyes:
Were they wrong? It's "statist" to have good public transportation and healthcare?
They were onky referring to non universal healthcare and you know ut. We have great healthcare and plenty of publiv transportation.
Lets be real

Oh stop. We have one of the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. Sure, if you have insurance we have great healthcare. Students from Norway dont have US insurance. A US student in Norway has excellent healthcare. A Norway student in the US does not.
We even have public transportation in rural areas. Please stop lying.
Not to mention, we also have 800 cars per 1000 people. I believe that is 2nd or 3rd most cars per capita on the planet.
Yes, we dont have universal healthcare. Like I said :rolleyes:
And yet we still the worst public transportation systems in the developed world. They said "especially if you don't have a car".

Trump wants more immigrants from Norway. A university in Norway just spelled out why Trump can't get them...
So why are you living in America and not Norway?
Norway forces you to pay an almost 40 percent tax rate for your labor.
Good gawd. Glad i dont live there

You also get a large variety of social programs for a very reasonable out of pocket cost in return. The amount of out of pocket money that millions of Americans pay for the multiple programs and necessities is very very high compared to other countries. From pre-k to college to healthcare to all the services provided for children the taxes in Norway help cover a lot. It's just different but in the end even Americans pay a lot of money out of pocket for the services they get here, much more than Norwegians do. So it's all about perspective in many ways. A big difference is that Norwegians in general have more trust in their government than Americans do in theirs.
Yes, our govt is a corrupt, two faced pile of malarkey.
They out drugs in the street, kill innocent people, lie constantly, waste our money, give it to dictators etc etc.
Blows my mind how americans want to give them more power that they shouldnt have in the first place.
Our voting block, just like our govt, is a complete failure. So i understand why they trust their govt more than ours.
However, i also dont want my govt controlling my life. If I want those "social services" I should have a choice. And i shouldnt pay for someone elses.
Even if its a non corrupt govt.
I believe in individual freedom. You know, actual freedom. So i may be biased.
The reason why middle class Americans don't use public transportation because they don't want to risk being mugged by a Troglocrat

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