Remember when Trump said women who have abortions should be "punished"?

That is a blatant lie Trump never said the women should be prosecuted if they had an abortion while it was illegal...he said the doctor's that performed the illegal abortion would have to be punished for breaking the law....but he also said abortion is not illegal so the question was rhetorical...
Stop lying dupes...we have the internet right at our fingertips....he never said women would have to be punished and you know it and so does everyone don't you look stupid as hell?
That is a blatant lie Trump never said the women should be prosecuted if they had an abortion while it was illegal...he said the doctor's that performed the illegal abortion would have to be punished for breaking the law....but he also said abortion is not illegal so the question was rhetorical...
Stop lying dupes...we have the internet right at our fingertips....he never said women would have to be punished and you know it and so does everyone don't you look stupid as hell?
That is a blatant lie Trump never said the women should be prosecuted if they had an abortion while it was illegal...he said the doctor's that performed the illegal abortion would have to be punished for breaking the law....but he also said abortion is not illegal so the question was rhetorical...
Stop lying dupes...we have the internet right at our fingertips....he never said women would have to be punished and you know it and so does everyone don't you look stupid as hell?
That's why I posted video dum dum.
Trump said women who have had an abortion should be punished.

What should the punishment be? If they are to be punished, what is the punishment?
if there's no medical reason for it and it's beyond the first trimester, damned right. They should be fined enough $ to make them pay ATTENTION. Say a months pay.
That's why I posted video dum dum.
Trump said women who have had an abortion should be punished.

What should the punishment be? If they are to be punished, what is the punishment?
He was asked if there should be punishment for people breaking a abortion law that does not exist.....IF abortion was illegal should there be punishment for people that break that law....well of course there should they broke the law...but abortion is legal so the question was stupid but answered correctly...IF abortion were to be made illegal and the law was disobeyed what would president denrd do? let them off?....Trump would have been supporting law breaking if he said no...dupe

Another stupid moronic senseless thread from denard.....and another stupid senseless question from MSNBC....
That's why I posted video dum dum.
Trump said women who have had an abortion should be punished.

What should the punishment be? If they are to be punished, what is the punishment?
He was asked if there should be punishment for people breaking a abortion law that does not exist.....IF abortion was illegal should there be punishment for people that break that law....well of course there should they broke the law...but abortion is legal so the question was stupid but answered correctly...IF abortion were to be made illegal and the law was disobeyed what would president denrd do? let them off?....Trump would have been supporting law breaking if he said no...dupe

Another stupid moronic senseless thread from denard.....and another stupid senseless question from MSNBC....

Trump claims to be anti Abortion. That means he wants abortions to be outlawed. If he wants them outlawed, there has to be some sort of punishment. You can't get past that.
Trump claims to be anti Abortion. That means he wants abortions to be outlawed. If he wants them outlawed, there has to be some sort of punishment. You can't get past that.
He can want it to be illegal but its not his call....but if it was made to be illegal he would have to support the penalty...only libs disregard laws they don't like.....
Trump claims to be anti Abortion. That means he wants abortions to be outlawed. If he wants them outlawed, there has to be some sort of punishment. You can't get past that.
He can want it to be illegal but its not his call....but if it was made to be illegal he would have to support the penalty...only libs disregard laws they don't like.....

He claims to want it illegal, so therefore he wants women punished for having an abortion. You can't have it both ways dumb ass.
He claims to want it illegal, so therefore he wants women punished for having an abortion. You can't have it both ways dumb ass
Abortion laws are not imposed by the POTUS....what do you not understand about that? What he wants in this matter is of no consequence....but if congress and state houses imposed laws banning abortion and people break those laws well of course there needs to be a penalty for breaking the law...only libs disobey and disregard laws they don't agree with....
He claims to want it illegal, so therefore he wants women punished for having an abortion. You can't have it both ways dumb ass
Abortion laws are not imposed by the POTUS....what do you not understand about that? What he wants in this matter is of no consequence....but if congress and state houses imposed laws banning abortion and people break those laws well of course there needs to be a penalty for breaking the law...only libs disobey and disregard laws they don't agree with....

Quit babbeling. Trumps beliefs and goals are what got all the crazies to vote for him. Own up to what the fool said. You own it.
Quit babbeling. Trumps beliefs and goals are what got all the crazies to vote for him. Own up to what the fool said. You own it.
He said he was pro what? Its probably a dumb question to ask the president since he has no say in the matter don't ya think dooffus?
Quit babbeling. Trumps beliefs and goals are what got all the crazies to vote for him. Own up to what the fool said. You own it.
He said he was pro what? Its probably a dumb question to ask the president since he has no say in the matter don't ya think dooffus?

Not sure about the dumb question part, but you certainly get plenty of dumb answers from him.
Not sure about the dumb question part, but you certainly get plenty of dumb answers from him
The point is dummy....that it was a set up question...a waste of valuable interview time since the POTUS has no authority to change the law...why waste everyone's time? just to try and corner Trump? well it didn't work then and its not working give it up....
Not sure about the dumb question part, but you certainly get plenty of dumb answers from him
The point is dummy....that it was a set up question...a waste of valuable interview time since the POTUS has no authority to change the law...why waste everyone's time? just to try and corner Trump? well it didn't work then and its not working give it up....
Yea, but he has the ability to recommend Supreme Court Justices.

Trump said women should be punished for getting an abortion.

So what is the punishment. Simple question. What should the punishment be? If you can't answer or don't want to answer, any comment is pure butthurt.
If people have no regrets for their wrong choices of action, I believe the Lord is who will have the final word.

God bless you always!!!

Donald Trump advocates punishment for abortion

So what do you think? Women who have abortions should be punished?

What should the punishment be? Prison?

What if they were raped? Or their health was compromised?

The same thing should apply to anti American assholes.
Abortion is murder if it isn't murder then why in the hell are charges for TWO LIVES made when someone kills a pregnant woman... duuuuh.

Women who get them well if the truth were told you stupid asses you wouldn't dare do it because the consequences are irreversible.
if there's no medical reason for it and it's beyond the first trimester, damned right. They should be fined enough $ to make them pay ATTENTION. Say a months pay.
Hopefully, if they have kids, it won't hurt them too much. Course, with Republicans and their record of helping children, you might aw well pass out bull's eyes.


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