Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

I'd say calling him a 'genius' qualifies. Of course, believing him over U.S. intelligence agencies speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Only if you're a retard.

Hello retard....
Hey stupid, the whole russia collusion thing has been proven to be a scam perpetrated by the Demoncrats. It's Biden that welcomed payoffs from Russia. And Biden that decided to let them overrun the Ukraine just like Obummer let them overrun Crimea. Trump is the only president that they feared. THEY DIDN'T OVER RUN ANY OTHER COUNTRY WHILE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE.
Asking NATO to do their fair share was a good thing. Stop being a stupid American. We have way too many of those...
Can you fucking read

The Trump Campaign manager passed information to a Russian Spy.. That is the Trump Campaign...

The Russians helped Trump Campaign by spreading harmful information about there opponent....

And we have a video of Trump asking the Russians to find more information...
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And Biden that decided to let them overrun the Ukraine just like Obummer let them overrun Crimea. Trump is the only president that they feared.

Hello retard....

Actually Putin didn’t overrun Crimea. The government in Kiev had fallen at that time. The Ukrainian constitution was forsaken.

The Russian speaking residents of Crimea wanted to have an election that they had been petitioning for years. The Crimeans begged Putin to come in and let them have a vote, they had a vote and they voted to join Russia when the Ukrainian government basically was nonexistent. We can argue whether Putin should’ve recognized the election etc. but the annexation of Crimea was bloodless except for I think one Ukrainian officer got a little testy and ended up dead. We should not compare Crimea to what Putin did in the Donbass region and certainly was absolutely nothing like what Putin is doing by laying siege to Kiev right now.
Trump is the only president that they feared.
Bull Shit

Summarizing Bolton’s Newsmax appearance, Levin writes, “For those of you who prefer CliffsNotes,

the takeaways here are that: (1) Any sanctions that were placed on Russians during Trump’s time in office were in spite of Trump, who thought they were too mean. (2) Russia didn’t not invade Ukraine while Trump was in office because it was scared of him, but because it wasn’t ready — meaning it might very well have done so in Trump’s second term. (3) Trump is a village idiot who couldn‘t find Ukraine on a map…. (4) Trump — and here, we’re just going to quote Bolton because it bears repeating — once asked if Finland were a part of Russia.’”
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.
More like they woke up when Trump told them America was tired of paying for their protection tab.
After a lot of whining and crying, they started to ante up, which is the way it was intended from the beginning, and not the totally on the Americans pocket book.
You pointed out how well the EU has stepped up and responded to their own defense, with help from, not total reliance on the it was supposed to be from the start of Nato. It is the failures of all presidents before Trump, who stopped the EU's free ride, that you should be pointing out.
More like they woke up when Trump told them America was tired of paying for their protection tab.
After a lot of whining and crying, they started to ante up, which is the way it was intended from the beginning, and not the totally on the Americans pocket book.
You pointed out how well the EU has stepped up and responded to their own defense, with help from, not total reliance on the it was supposed to be from the start of Nato. It is the failures of all presidents before Trump, who stopped the EU's free ride, that you should be pointing out.
mandating a vaccine isn't attacking, but asking someone to pay their fair share is. only in doublespeak demofk language.
LOL. .... he worked to get him elected, you moron.
Actually he didn't, Odanny! The Russians mess with our elections all the time. They've done it for years. They simply messed with Hillary more than Trump because Hillary provided so much opportunity to expose just how crooked she was. Anything that sows division in America Putin sees as an advantage to Russia. He certainly didn't work to get Trump elected in this last election...did he? Why do you think that was, Odanny? Why do you think Putin was happy to see Joe Biden in the Oval Office instead of Donald Trump? The truth is...Trump stood up to Putin. Biden hasn't. He didn't when he was part of the Obama Administration and he's only belatedly doing it now! Biden was EXACTLY who Putin wanted in the Oval Office.
Actually he didn't, Odanny! The Russians mess with our elections all the time. They've done it for years. They simply messed with Hillary more than Trump because Hillary provided so much opportunity to expose just how crooked she was. Anything that sows division in America Putin sees as an advantage to Russia. He certainly didn't work to get Trump elected in this last election...did he? Why do you think that was, Odanny? Why do you think Putin was happy to see Joe Biden in the Oval Office instead of Donald Trump? The truth is...Trump stood up to Putin. Biden hasn't. He didn't when he was part of the Obama Administration and he's only belatedly doing it now! Biden was EXACTLY who Putin wanted in the Oval Office.
it all boils down to the 33k of email comment made by trump. It's fking hilarious. Trump asks on a debate stage, hey russia, if you have those emails, share them with us. So the magic there, is that demofks didn't want the 33k emails exposed. Not sure why they felt like those were irrelevant for a future president, not to be bought.
The issue is why no one else went in the room with Trump when these conversations were being held. Ruthless murderous dictator. Our president should never be alone in a room with something like that.
why aren't we going into rooms with xiden? you seem to think we have no security to avoid. You're demonstrating for the class how ignorant you actually are, and are again fooled. where are the 33k of emails from Hitlery? post them

you going into wash rooms listening to others as part of your routine?
they woke up when Trump told them America was tired of paying for their protection tab.

they woke up when they saw Trump standing up there with Putin and Trump said he believed Putin and he didn’t believe his own intelligence agency.
Actually he didn't, Odanny! The Russians mess with our elections all the time. They've done it for years. They simply messed with Hillary more than Trump because Hillary provided so much opportunity to expose just how crooked she was.

Oh sweet Jebus..... :rolleyes:
they woke up when they saw Trump standing up there with Putin and Trump said he believed Putin and he didn’t believe his own intelligence agency.

That wouldn't be the same intelligence agency that was leaking His conversations in an effort to undermine His presidency, was it?
Thank our lucky stars he got them to do their agreed to fair share and contribute. That and that alone is why they are an effective force right now
The issue is why no one else went in the room with Trump when these conversations were being held. Ruthless murderous dictator. Our president should never be alone in a room with something like that.
Gee not fooled...did Trump ever get caught on tape promising to play ball with Putin as soon as the elections were over? Oh, that's right...that was Barry! Telling the Russians on a hot mic not to pay attention to his rhetoric because it was just bullshit designed to fool the American people but that once he was reelected it would be business as usual?

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