Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

Remember when Obama was selling out NATO ? Like all hypocrites you have a selective memory.

Putin wouldn't be invading Ukraine if Trump was still

NFBW “2”wrote: What power did Trump have as President to stop whatever Putin would do that Biden as President does not have. What options did Trump have as President to restrain what Putin would do that Biden as President does not have?

NFBW “2”wrote: What changed after January 20 2021 when there was thrvtransfer of power from Trump to Biden?

Here is a noticeable change as defined by the most notable MILITARY expert in MAGA world and Trump adviser on Russia.

After Biden’s first year, General Mike Flynn says Biden was being too tough on Putin. Biden wouldn’t listen to what Putin wanted the sovereign nation of Ukraine keep Putin happy. And according to Flynn Biden and fake news is lying about Putin’s intention as he masses the Russian Army so the borders of Ukraine.

TRUMP: there is no equivalency of interest here. America has no valid interest in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

BIDEN: Ukraine is in the frontlines of western style democracy pushing back on tyrranucal a tyrannical ruler,

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Biden administration wants us to believe that Russia is seeking to regain its former greatness by overthrowing the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and replacing it with a puppet government that it would control. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The rhetoric about the Ukraine conflict is out of control. President Joe Biden threatens that Russia would “pay a heavy price” for any incursion into Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of “massive consequences” for Russia. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Only then we can demand our government stop beating the drums of. 22MAR02-POST#0528

NFBW “2”wrote: Oh yes, Biden is a neocon warmongering Putin hater who is lying about a strong firm leader worth billions and billions of dollars - a huge Mashmont TRUMPISM success in life.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary. . . . Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it! 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it! 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Russia has explained repeatedly it has one core concern — Ukraine being admitted into the NATO military alliance. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Responding to the buildup, a Russian official explained in a Tass article: “We are alarmed by reports some member-countries of NATO have stepped up the deployment of lethal weapons and military personnel to Ukraine.” 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 And if Ukraine were admitted into NATO, with its strategic location, Russian knows that NATO and the U.S. could place missiles literally on its border, creating an existential threat to Russia.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 While Russia’s concern is obvious, the Biden administration has never even tried to explain the existence of any vital national interest of the United States in Ukraine that could justify hostilities. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 For his part, Blinken has asserted the principle that Ukraine must have the right to join NATO and claimed that principle could never be compromised. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Russians understand that would likely result in nuclear weapons being placed at its doorstep — closer to Russia than Cuba is to the United States. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 It should be obvious that there is no equivalency of interest here. None. NATO was established to preserve the peace, and it would be a tragedy of immense proportions if its threatened Eastern expansion would become the principal cause of a devastating war. 22MAR02-POST#0528

NFBW “2”wrote: Who was right on January 24, 2022 about Putin? Flynn and Trump or Biden and Zelinski?

Trump administration made sure that Putin knew he would get his ass kicked if he tried this shit under Trump---hence why PUtin, and FAT KIM of NK, and others behaved under Trump.

Proof is in the putting hun. They didn't act up under Trump--not for very long anyways

Riiight. You idiots were screaming President Trump was going to start WW3. He was “praising dictators”.

Yet no one dared to cross him

Speculation? He didn’t attack during President Trump. That’s not speculation, it’s fact.

You shouldn’t support a war loving freak like Biden

Well Putin did nothing like this when Trump was the President, he waited for tough talking Joe.

Putin never invaded when Trump was in the WH. you were fooled.

The point is that Putin invaded under obammy and now under xiden, but not under trump. hmmmmmm.
Last edited:
NFBW “2”wrote: What power did Trump have as President to stop whatever Putin would do that Biden as President does not have. What options did Trump have as President to restrain what Putin would do that Biden as President does not have?

NFBW “2”wrote: What changed after January 20 2021 when there was thrvtransfer of power from Trump to Biden?

Here is a noticeable change as defined by the most notable MILITARY expert in MAGA world and Trump adviser on Russia.

After Biden’s first year, General Mike Flynn says Biden was being too tough on Putin. Biden wouldn’t listen to what Putin wanted the sovereign nation of Ukraine keep Putin happy. And according to Flynn Biden and fake news is lying about Putin’s intention as he masses the Russian Army so the borders of Ukraine.

TRUMP: there is no equivalency of interest here. America has no valid interest in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

BIDEN: Ukraine is in the frontlines of western style democracy pushing back on tyrranucal a tyrannical ruler,

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Biden administration wants us to believe that Russia is seeking to regain its former greatness by overthrowing the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and replacing it with a puppet government that it would control. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The rhetoric about the Ukraine conflict is out of control. President Joe Biden threatens that Russia would “pay a heavy price” for any incursion into Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of “massive consequences” for Russia. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Only then we can demand our government stop beating the drums of. 22MAR02-POST#0528

NFBW “2”wrote: Oh yes, Biden is a neocon warmongering Putin hater who is lying about a strong firm leader worth billions and billions of dollars - a huge Mashmont TRUMPISM success in life.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary. . . . Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it! 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it! 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Russia has explained repeatedly it has one core concern — Ukraine being admitted into the NATO military alliance. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 Responding to the buildup, a Russian official explained in a Tass article: “We are alarmed by reports some member-countries of NATO have stepped up the deployment of lethal weapons and military personnel to Ukraine.” 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 And if Ukraine were admitted into NATO, with its strategic location, Russian knows that NATO and the U.S. could place missiles literally on its border, creating an existential threat to Russia.

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 While Russia’s concern is obvious, the Biden administration has never even tried to explain the existence of any vital national interest of the United States in Ukraine that could justify hostilities. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 For his part, Blinken has asserted the principle that Ukraine must have the right to join NATO and claimed that principle could never be compromised. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 The Russians understand that would likely result in nuclear weapons being placed at its doorstep — closer to Russia than Cuba is to the United States. 22MAR02-POST#0528

Michael T Flynn January 24, 2022 It should be obvious that there is no equivalency of interest here. None. NATO was established to preserve the peace, and it would be a tragedy of immense proportions if its threatened Eastern expansion would become the principal cause of a devastating war. 22MAR02-POST#0528

NFBW “2”wrote: Who was right on January 24, 2022 about Putin? Flynn and Trump or Biden and Zelinski?

energy independence. It's really simple. And again, you've been fooled again. Post #184
What an idiotic post! Trump demanding that other NATO allies lived up to their commitments to fund their defenses as they'd promised didn't weaken made it stronger! Trump GAVE Stinger missiles and anti tank weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves! Obama gave them blankets. Biden didn't give them anything until now and that's probably too late. The fact of the matter is that Putin was cautious with Trump...he's contemptuous of Biden!
I wish you all would stay in check when responding to such nonsense from a demofk who knows fking nothing.
energy independence. It's really simple. And again, you've been fooled again.
What does energy independence have to do with Putins objection to Ukraine joining NATO and Putin‘s insistence that he’s been forced to de-Nazifiy the Ukrainian government where the president of the alleged Nazi government is Jewish?

you make no sense. I listen to Newsmax yesterday for a bit and they were making that point. It doesn’t make any sense when the Trump propaganda machine pushes that line.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

All Trump wanted was for NATO to pay for their own defense instead of making us do it all and pay for it. They should pay for their own defense instead of using the money they save on their own defense for social programs in their own countries.
All Trump wanted was for NATO to pay for their own defense instead of making us do it all and pay for it. They should pay for their own defense instead of using the money they save on their own defense for social programs in their own countries.
That's not all he wanted, he wanted to demean and belittle the entire alliance, all of which weakens it. Why he wanted to do this is likely between he and Putin. Maybe they discussed that in their private meeting where no notes were taken.
That's not all he wanted, he wanted to demean and belittle the entire alliance, all of which weakens it. Why he wanted to do this is likely between he and Putin. Maybe they discussed that in their private meeting where no notes were taken.
Where are you getting your kool aid from?
iden didn't give them anything until now and that's probably too late. The fact of the matter is that Putin was cautious with Trump...he's contemptuous of Biden!

Vladimir Putin sent his army into Ukraine for two primary reasons. One: two black Ukraine’s entry into NATO. Two; to deNAZIfy The Jewish presidency of the government in Ukraine.

those two goals were present during trumps four years in office and they were present during Obama‘s first year in office.

when Biden took over on January 20, 2021 there was essentially absolutely no change in the United States defensive readinessTo block any attempt by Vladimir Putin to achieve those two goals by Brut and lethal force against the civilian population of Ukraine.

So assuming that Vladimir Putin only respects force and military might what does it matter if Vladimir Putin went from being cautious on January 19 to being contemptuous of Biden on January 21, 2022.

Your argument appears to be Oldstyle the Ukrainian civilians are suffering under the oppression of Vladimir Putin because he liked Donald Trump and hates Joe Biden.

That argument is absurd when you actually think about it. As we know however MAGA Warriors are not put on the battlefield to think. Even though we know it has been two goals with respect to Ukraine I have not changed.
What does energy independence have to do with Putins objection to Ukraine joining NATO and Putin‘s insistence that he’s been forced to de-Nazifiy the Ukrainian government where the president of the alleged Nazi government is Jewish?

you make no sense. I listen to Newsmax yesterday for a bit and they were making that point. It doesn’t make any sense when the Trump propaganda machine pushes that line.
since you are so fooled by the demofks, there's really no point in explaining it to you, you wouldn't understand how the world works. You have your head smeared on a solar panel.
That's not all he wanted, he wanted to demean and belittle the entire alliance, all of which weakens it. Why he wanted to do this is likely between he and Putin. Maybe they discussed that in their private meeting where no notes were taken.
And yet after he called them out on not spending what they promised they would...they increased spending! How does that "weaken" NATO, Odanny? Why would NATO spending more on defense make Putin happy? Your post makes no sense at all.
Vladimir Putin sent his army into Ukraine for two primary reasons. One: two black Ukraine’s entry into NATO. Two; to deNAZIfy The Jewish presidency of the government in Ukraine.

those two goals were present during trumps four years in office and they were present during Obama‘s first year in office.

when Biden took over on January 20, 2021 there was essentially absolutely no change in the United States defensive readinessTo block any attempt by Vladimir Putin to achieve those two goals by Brut and lethal force against the civilian population of Ukraine.

So assuming that Vladimir Putin only respects force and military might what does it matter if Vladimir Putin went from being cautious on January 19 to being contemptuous of Biden on January 21, 2022.

Your argument appears to be Oldstyle the Ukrainian civilians are suffering under the oppression of Vladimir Putin because he liked Donald Trump and hates Joe Biden.

That argument is absurd when you actually think about it. As we know however MAGA Warriors are not put on the battlefield to think. Even though we know it has been two goals with respect to Ukraine I have not changed.
My argument is that Putin is cautious unless he perceives weakness and he views Joe Biden as pathetically weak! How could he not after the Afghanistan debacle? It's not that Putin "likes" Trump and "hates" Joe's that he doesn't respect Biden. Most of the world doesn't respect Biden because he's a sputtering old fool who's controlled by clueless ideologues.
My argument is that Putin is cautious unless he perceives weakness and he views Joe Biden as pathetically weak! How could he not after the Afghanistan debacle? It's not that Putin "likes" Trump and "hates" Joe's that he doesn't respect Biden. Most of the world doesn't respect Biden because he's a sputtering old fool who's controlled by clueless ideologues.
LOL. .... he worked to get him elected, you moron.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

Pardon me but my understanding is that Trump did not attack or weaken NATO in any way. What Trump did in regards to NATO nations was to make them pony up the monies they owed. No more free ride. Enlighten me if you will.
Pardon me but my understanding is that Trump did not attack or weaken NATO in any way. What Trump did in regards to NATO nations was to make them pony up the monies they owed. No more free ride. Enlighten me if you will.
that dude is doing the demofk laundry in here, wash, rinse, repeat.

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